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VBS string and date operation related functions

2017-01-16 10:15:462482browse

1. Asc(x),Chr(x): Convert characters, character codes
2. Filter: Search for specific strings in the string array
Format: v=filter(x,s[, include[,compare]])
Dim x()={"kjwang","wangkj","peter"}
Dim v
v=filter(x,"kj" ) 'Result v(0)="kjwang",v(1)="wangkj"
v=filter(x,"kj",false) 'Result v(0)="peter"
v= filter(x,"kj",true,vbTextCompare) 'Search regardless of case
3. InStr: Find the string position (InstrRev: Find the string in reverse)
v=instr( x,y) 'Find the position of the y string starting from the first character of the x string
v=instr(n,x,y) 'Find the y string starting from the nth character of the x string Appearance position
4. Join: Connect strings
Format: v=join(x[, d]) 'd is the delimiting character
5. Len(x): Calculate the length of string x
Format: v=len(x)
6. Left(x,n): Return a string n characters to the left of x (corresponding to Right(x,n))
7. Mid: Read the characters in the middle of the string x
Format: v=mid(x,n,m)
8. LTrim (x), RTim(x), Trim(x) to remove blank characters
9. Replace: string replacement
Format: v=Replace(x,s,r)
Example: x="i saw a saw a saw"
v=replace(x,"saw","so") 'v="i so a so a so"
10. Split: String splitting
Format: v =split(s[,d])
Example: v=split("vb.net,iis6.0,asp.net",",")
'Result v(0)="vb.net ",v(1)="iis6.0",v(2)="asp.net"
11. StrReverse: Reverse a string
Example: v=strreverse("kjwang") 'v= "gnawjk"
12. UCase(x), LCase(x): Convert the upper and lower case of English letters
Example: x="hello, VB Chinese!"
v=UCase(x) 'v= "HELLO, VB Chinese! "
'Date related:
1. Take out the date and time
1) DateValue(x), TimeValue(x)
Format: v=DateValue(x): The "date" part taken out
  v=timevalue(x) 'Class
2) Year(x),Month(x),Day(x)
Format: v=Year(x)
Hour(x), Minute(x), Second(x): Take out hours, minutes, seconds
3) DateSerial(Y,M,D): Combine year and month , day becomes date
Example: Dim v
v=DateSerial(1996,10,5) 'v=1996/10/5
TimeSerial(H,M,S): merge hours, minutes, seconds Become time
2. Now: Read the system date and time
Format: v=now
3. Timer: The number of seconds that have passed since 12:00:00AM
Format: v=timer
4. DatePart(p,x): Take out the values ​​of the year, month, day and other parts
Example: Dim X=#2/10/1996 16:45:30
#v=DatePart( "yyyy",X) 'v=1996
v=DatePart("m",X) 'v=2 months
v=DatePart("d",X) 'v=10th
v=DatePart("h",X) 'v=16 hours
v=DatePart("n",X) 'v=45 minutes
v=DatePart("s",X) 'v=30 Seconds
v=DatePart("q",X) 'v=1 quarter (first quarter, spring)
v=DatePart("y",X) 'v=41 days (the 41st day of 1996 days)
v=DatePart("ww",X) 'v=6 weeks (the 6th week of 1996)
v=DatePart("w",X) 'v=7 (the 6th week of 1996) The 7th day, that is, Saturday)
5. DateAdd(p,n,x): the new date and time after adding or subtracting a certain amount of time
Format: v=DateAdd(p,n,x) 'p value is the same as above : "yyyy", "m", etc.
Example: Dim x=#1/31/1996 16:45:30
#v=dateadd("yyyy",-3,x) 'Subtract 3 years, v=1993/1/31 16:45:30
6. DateDiff(p,x1,x2): Calculate the difference between two dates and times 'p value is the same as above
Example: dim x1=#12/31/ 1996 16:45:30
#x2=#2/10/1997 9:30:50
#v=datediff("yyyy",x1,x2) 'v=1 year
7. FormatDateTime :Formatting of date and time
Format: v=formatdateyime(x[, date format])
Date format values: DateFormat.GeneralDate, DateFormat.LongDate,
DateFotmat.ShortDate, DateFormat.LongTime, DateFormat. ShortTime
8. MonthName: Returns the name of the month
Example: v=monthname(5) 'v="May"
9. WeekDayName: Returns the name of the week' Usage is the same as 8.

For more articles related to VBS string and date operation related functions, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website!

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