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1、javascript 正则对象替换创建 和用法: /pattern/flags 先简单案例学习认识下replace能干什么
正则表达式构造函数: new RegExp("pattern"[,"flags"]);
正则表达式替换变量函数:stringObj.replace(RegExp,replace Text);
pattern -- 一个正则表达式文本
flags -- 如果存在,将是以下值:
g: 全局匹配
i: 忽略大小写
gi: 以上组合
//下面的例子用来获取url的两个参数,并返回urlRewrite之前的真实Url var reg=new RegExp("(http://www.qidian.com/BookReader/)(\\d+),(\\d+).aspx","gmi"); var url="http://www.qidian.com/BookReader/1017141,20361055.aspx"; //方式一,最简单常用的方式 var rep=url.replace(reg,"$1ShowBook.aspx?bookId=$2&chapterId=$3"); alert(rep); //方式二 ,采用固定参数的回调函数 var rep2=url.replace(reg,function(m,p1,p2,p3){return p1+"ShowBook.aspx?bookId="+p3+"&chapterId="+p3}); alert(rep2); //方式三,采用非固定参数的回调函数 var rep3=url.replace(reg,function(){var args=arguments; return args[1]+"ShowBook.aspx?bookId="+args[2]+"&chapterId="+args[3];}); alert(rep3); //方法四 //方式四和方法三很类似, 除了返回替换后的字符串外,还可以单独获取参数 var bookId; var chapterId; function capText() { var args=arguments; bookId=args[2]; chapterId=args[3]; return args[1]+"ShowBook.aspx?bookId="+args[2]+"&chapterId="+args[3]; } var rep4=url.replace(reg,capText); alert(rep4); alert(bookId); alert(chapterId); //使用test方法获取分组 var reg3=new RegExp("(http://www.qidian.com/BookReader/)(\\d+),(\\d+).aspx","gmi"); reg3.test("http://www.qidian.com/BookReader/1017141,20361055.aspx"); //获取三个分组 alert(RegExp.$1); alert(RegExp.$2); alert(RegExp.$3);
2、 学习最常用的 test exec match search replace split 6个方法
1) test 检查指定的字符串是否存在
var data = “123123″;
var reCat = /123/gi;
alert(reCat.test(data)); //true
//检查字符是否存在 g 继续往下走 i 不区分大小写
2) exec 返回查询值
var data = “123123,213,12312,312,3,Cat,cat,dsfsdfs,”;
var reCat = /cat/i;
alert(reCat.exec(data)); //Cat
3)match 得到查询数组
var data = “123123,213,12312,312,3,Cat,cat,dsfsdfs,”;
var reCat = /cat/gi;
var arrMactches = data.match(reCat)
for (var i=0;i < arrMactches.length ; i++)
alert(arrMactches[i]); //Cat cat
4) search 返回搜索位置 类似于indexof
var data = “123123,213,12312,312,3,Cat,cat,dsfsdfs,”;
var reCat = /cat/gi;
alert(data.search(reCat)); //23
5) replace 替换字符 利用正则替换
var data = “123123,213,12312,312,3,Cat,cat,dsfsdfs,”;
var reCat = /cat/gi;
6)split 利用正则分割数组
var data = “123123,213,12312,312,3,Cat,cat,dsfsdfs,”;
var reCat = /\,/;
var arrdata = data.split(reCat);
for (var i = 0; i < arrdata.length; i++)
"^\\d+$" //非负整数(正整数 + 0)
"^[0-9]*[1-9][0-9]*$" //正整数
"^((-\\d+)|(0+))$" //非正整数(负整数 + 0)
"^-[0-9]*[1-9][0-9]*$" //负整数
"^-?\\d+$" //整数
"^\\d+(\\.\\d+)?$" //非负浮点数(正浮点数 + 0)
"^((-\\d+(\\.\\d+)?)|(0+(\\.0+)?))$" //非正浮点数(负浮点数 + 0)
"^(-?\\d+)(\\.\\d+)?$" //浮点数
"^[A-Za-z]+$" //由26个英文字母组成的字符串
"^[A-Z]+$" //由26个英文字母的大写组成的字符串
"^[a-z]+$" //由26个英文字母的小写组成的字符串
"^[A-Za-z0-9]+$" //由数字和26个英文字母组成的字符串
"^\\w+$" //由数字、26个英文字母或者下划线组成的字符串
"^[\\w-]+(\\.[\\w-]+)*@[\\w-]+(\\.[\\w-]+)+$" //email地址
"^[a-zA-z]+://(\\w+(-\\w+)*)(\\.(\\w+(-\\w+)*))*(\\?\\S*)?$" //url
^ Matches an input or the beginning of a line, /^a/ matches "an A", but does not match "An a"
$ Matches an input or the end of a line, /a$/ matches "An a" , without matching "an A"
* Matches the preceding metacharacter 0 or more times, /ba*/ will match b, ba, baa, baaa
+ Matches the preceding metacharacter 1 or more times, / ba+/ will match ba, baa, baaa
? Match the preceding metacharacter 0 or 1 times, /ba?/ will match b, ba
(x) Match x and save x in a file named $1...$9 In the variable
x|y matches x or y
{n} matches exactly n times
{n,} matches n or more times
{n,m} matches n-m times
[xyz ] Character set, matches any character (or metacharacter) in this set
[^xyz] does not match any character in this set
[\b] matches a backspace Symbol
\b matches the boundary of a word
\B matches the non-boundary of a word
\cX Here, X is a control character, /\cM/ matches Ctrl-M
\d matches a Alphanumeric characters, /\d/ = /[0-9]/
\D matches a non-alphanumeric character, /\D/ = /[^0-9]/
\n matches a newline character
\r matches a carriage return character
\s matches a whitespace character, including \n,\r,\f,\t,\v, etc.
\S matches a non-whitespace character, equal to /[^\ n\f\r\t\v]/
\t Matches a tab character
\v Matches a double tab character
\w Matches a character that can form a word (alphanumeric, this is My free translation, including numbers), including underscores, such as [\w] matches the 5 in "$5.98", which is equal to [a-zA-Z0-9]
\W matches a character that cannot form a word, such as [ \W] matches the $ in "$5.98", which is equal to [^a-zA-Z0-9].
For more articles related to the js regular expression replace variable method, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website!