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An in-depth analysis of the Class Loader class loader in Java

2017-01-13 09:33:351755browse

The process of class loading
The main job of the class loader is to load class files into the JVM. As shown in the figure below, the process is divided into three steps:

1. Loading: locate the class file to be loaded, and load its byte stream into the JVM;
2. Link: give the class file to be loaded A class allocates the most basic memory structure to hold its information, such as properties, methods, and referenced classes. At this stage, the class is still unavailable;
(1) Verification: Verify the loaded byte stream, such as format and security;
(2) Memory allocation: For this class Prepare memory space to represent its properties, methods and referenced classes;
(3) Analysis: Load other classes referenced by this class, such as parent classes, implemented interfaces, etc.
3. Initialization: Assign values ​​to class variables.

深入解析Java中的Class Loader类加载器

Levels of class loaders
Above the dotted line in the figure below are several important class loaders provided by the JDK. The detailed description is as follows:

( 1) Bootstrap Class Loader: When starting the class containing the main function, load the jar package in the JAVA_HOME/lib directory or the directory specified by -Xbootclasspath;
(2) Extention Class Loader: Load the JAVA_HOME/lib/ext directory or The jar package in the directory specified by -Djava.ext.dirs.
(3) System Class Loader: Load classes or jar packages in the directory specified by classpath or -Djava.class.path.

深入解析Java中的Class Loader类加载器

What you need to know is:

1. Except for Bootstrap Class Loader, other class loaders are java.lang.ClassLoader Subclass of class;
2.Bootstrap Class Loader is not implemented in Java. If you do not use a personalized class loader, then java.lang.String.class.getClassLoader() will be null, and the parent of Extension Class Loader is loaded. The device is also null;
3. Several ways to obtain the class loader:
(1) Obtain the Bootstrap Class Loader: If you try to obtain the Bootstrap Class Loader, you must get null. You can verify it in the following way: use the getClassLoader method of the class object in the rt.jar package, such as java.lang.String.class.getClassLoader() to get or obtain the Extention Class Loader, and then call the getParent method to obtain it;
( 2) Obtain Extention Class Loader: Use the getClassLoader method of the class object in the jar package in the JAVA_HOME/lib/ext directory or obtain the System Class Loader first, and then obtain it through its getParent method;
(3) Obtain the System Class Loader: Call the getClassLoader method of the class object containing the main function or call Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() or call ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader() within the main function;
(4) Obtain the User-Defined Class Loader: Call the class object getClassLoader method or call Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();

##Operation principles of class loader

1. Proxy principle
2. Visibility principle
3. Uniqueness principle
4. Proxy principle
The proxy principle means that a class loader will request its parent to load a class. The parent loader will also request its parent loader agent to load, as shown in the figure below.

深入解析Java中的Class Loader类加载器

Why use proxy mode? First of all, this can reduce repeated loading of a class. (Are there other reasons?)

Easily misunderstood:

Generally, it is thought that the proxy order of the class loader is Parent First, that is :

1. When loading a class, the class loader first checks whether it has loaded the class. If it has been loaded, return; otherwise, ask the parent loader to proxy;
2. The parent loader repeats the operation of 1. Go to Bootstrap Class Loader;
3. If Bootstrap Class Loader does not load the class, it will try to load it, and return if the loading is successful; if it fails, a ClassNotFoundException will be thrown, and the child loader will load it;
4. Child The class loader catches the exception and tries to load it. If it succeeds, it returns. If it fails, it throws ClassNotFoundException until the subclass loader that initiates the loading.
This understanding is correct for Bootstrap Class Loader, Extention Class Loader, System Class Loader, but some personalized loaders are not. For example, some class loaders implemented by IBM Web Sphere Portal Server are Parent Last, the child loader tries to load first. If the loading fails, the parent loader will be called. The reason for this is: if you expect a certain version of log4j to be used by all applications, put it in the WAS_HOME library, WAS It is loaded on startup. If an application wants to use another version of log4j, this cannot be achieved if Parent First is used, because the classes in log4j have already been loaded in the parent loader. But if you use Parent Last, the class loader responsible for loading the application will load another version of log4j first.

Visibility Principle
The visibility of each class to the class loader is different, as shown in the figure below.

Expand knowledge, OSGi takes advantage of this feature. Each bundle is loaded by a separate class loader, so each class loader can load a version of a certain class, so the entire system can use one Multiple versions of a class.

深入解析Java中的Class Loader类加载器


Uniqueness principle
Each class can be loaded at most once in a loader.

Extended knowledge 1: To be precise, the singleton referred to by the Singleton pattern refers to only one copy of an object of a certain class in a group of class loaders.

Extended knowledge 2: A class can be loaded by multiple class loaders. Each class object is in its own namespace. When comparing class objects or performing type conversion on instances, their respective names will be compared at the same time. Space, for example:

The Klass class is loaded by ClassLoaderA, assuming the class object is KlassA; it is also loaded by ClassLoaderB, assuming the class object is KlassB, then KlassA is not equal to KlassB. At the same time, ClassCastException will be thrown when an instance of ClassA is cast to KlassB.
Why personalized class loader
Personalized class loader adds a lot of flexibility to the Java language. Its main uses are:

1. Classes can be loaded from multiple places, such as the network on the database, or even compile the source file immediately to obtain the class file;
2. The personalized class loader can load a certain version of the class file in principle at runtime;
3. The personalized class The loader can dynamically unload some classes;
4. After personalization, the class loader can decrypt and decompress the class before loading the class.

Implicit and explicit loading of classes
Implicit loading: When a class is referenced, inherited or instantiated, it will be loaded implicitly. If the loading fails, it will be thrown NoClassDefFoundError.

Explicit loading: Use the following method. If the loading fails, a ClassNotFoundException will be thrown.

cl.loadClass(), cl is an instance of the class loader;
Class.forName(), uses the class loader of the current class to load.
Execution of static blocks of classes
Suppose there is the following class:

package cn.fengd; 
public class Dummy { 
 static { 

Create another test class:

package cn.fengd; 
public class ClassLoaderTest { 
 public static void main(String[] args) throws InstantiationException, Exception { 
 try { 
  * Different ways of loading. 
  Class c = ClassLoaderTest.class.getClassLoader().loadClass("cn.fengd.Dummy"); 
 } catch (Exception e) { 
  // TODO Auto-generated catch block 

What is the effect after running?

Hi will not be output. It can be seen that the Class object is not initialized after using loadClass;

If c.newInstance(); is added after the Load statement, there will be Hi output, and the class object is initialized only when the class is instantiated.

If you change the loading statement Class c = Class.forName("cn.fengd.Dummy", false, ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader());

Hi will not be output. Because the parameter false means that there is no need to initialize the object of this class;

If you add c.newInstance(); after the Load statement, there will be Hi output, and the class object will be initialized only when the class is instantiated.

What if you change it to Class.forName("cn.fengd.Dummy"); or new Dummy()?

will output Hi.

Analysis of common problems:

在Java中,一个类用其完全匹配类名(fully qualified class name)作为标识,这里指的完全匹配类名包括包名和类名。但在JVM中一个类用其全名和一个加载类ClassLoader的实例作为唯一标识,不同类加载器加载的类将被置于不同的命名空间.我们可以用两个自定义类加载器去加载某自定义类型(注意,不要将自定义类型的字节码放置到系统路径或者扩展路径中,否则会被系统类加载器或扩展类加载器抢先加载),然后用获取到的两个Class实例进行java.lang.Object.equals(…)判断,将会得到不相等的结果。这个大家可以写两个自定义的类加载器去加载相同的自定义类型,然后做个判断;同时,可以测试加载java.*类型,然后再对比测试一下测试结果。

2.在代码中直接调用Class.forName(String name)方法,到底会触发那个类加载器进行类加载行为?
Class.forName(String name)默认会使用调用类的类加载器来进行类加载。我们直接来分析一下对应的jdk的代码:

 publicstatic Class<?> forName(String className)throws ClassNotFoundException {
return forName0(className, true, ClassLoader.getCallerClassLoader());
// Returns the invoker&#39;s class loader, or null if none.
static ClassLoader getCallerClassLoader() {
  // 获取调用类(caller)的类型
 Class caller = Reflection.getCallerClass(3);
  // This can be null if the VM is requesting it
 if (caller == null) {
 // 调用java.lang.Class中本地方法获取加载该调用类(caller)的ClassLoader
 return caller.getClassLoader0();
native ClassLoader getClassLoader0();


protected ClassLoader() {
  SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager();
  if (security != null) {
  this.parent = getSystemClassLoader();
  initialized = true;


privatestaticsynchronizedvoid initSystemClassLoader() {
  sun.misc.Launcher l = sun.misc.Launcher.getLauncher();
  scl = l.getClassLoader();











一般在JDK 1.2之前的版本才这样做,而且事实证明,这样做极有可能引起系统默认的类加载器不能正常工作。在JVM规范和JDK文档中(1.2或者以后版本中),都没有建议用户覆写loadClass(…)方法,相比而言,明确提示开发者在开发自定义的类加载器时覆写findClass(…)逻辑。举一个例子来验证该问题:

publicclassWrongClassLoaderextends ClassLoader {
 public Class<?> loadClass(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException {
 protected Class<?> findClass(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException {






publicclass WrongClassLoaderTest {
 publicstaticvoid main(String[] args) {
  try {
  WrongClassLoader loader = new WrongClassLoader();
  Class classLoaded = loader.loadClass("beans.Account");
  } catch (Exception e) {



java.io.FileNotFoundException: D:"classes"java"lang"Object.class (系统找不到指定的路径。)
 at java.io.FileInputStream.open(Native Method)
 at java.io.FileInputStream.<init>(FileInputStream.java:106)
 at WrongClassLoader.findClass(WrongClassLoader.java:40)
 at WrongClassLoader.loadClass(WrongClassLoader.java:29)
 at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(ClassLoader.java:319)
 at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
 at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:620)
 at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:400)
 at WrongClassLoader.findClass(WrongClassLoader.java:43)
 at WrongClassLoader.loadClass(WrongClassLoader.java:29)
 at WrongClassLoaderTest.main(WrongClassLoaderTest.java:27)
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: java/lang/Object
 at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
 at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:620)
 at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:400)
 at WrongClassLoader.findClass(WrongClassLoader.java:43)
 at WrongClassLoader.loadClass(WrongClassLoader.java:29)
 at WrongClassLoaderTest.main(WrongClassLoaderTest.java:27)



publicclassWrongClassLoaderextends ClassLoader {
 protected Class<?> findClass(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException {





(3)保证findClass(String )方法的逻辑正确性


二是可以直接通过获取系统属性java.class.path 来查看当前类路径上的条目信息 , System.getProperty("java.class.path")


try {
  URL[] extURLs = ((URLClassLoader)ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().getParent()).getURLs();
  for (int i = 0; i < extURLs.length; i++) {
 } catch (Exception e) {//…}



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