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Javascript implements full-screen scrolling example code

2017-01-11 09:29:401032browse

JS Full-screen scrolling

Refer to the effect of fullPage.js and use your own ideas to achieve it.

Achieved effects: 1. Full screen scrolling, scrolling the gear once will scroll the full screen.

2. Adaptive scaling, no matter how the window size is changed, one element will be used to fill the entire screen.

Next step plan:

1. Change to react component

2. Achieve more effects

The comments are very clear, basically you know Just use the function however you want. It's easy to have an idea.

I am lazy to use a motion framework I wrote before (actually it is a function), which can be used here with slight modifications. Framework related: Click here

The comments are very detailed, so I won’t say anything else. Directly upload the code:



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For more Javascript implementation of full-screen scrolling example code related articles, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website!

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