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A simple example of converting JS numbers to uppercase amounts

2017-01-09 14:54:091501browse

JS 数字转换为大写金额的简单实例

function DX(n) {
    if (!/^(0|[1-9]\d*)(\.\d+)?$/.test(n))
      return "数据非法";
    var unit = "千百拾亿千百拾万千百拾元角分", str = "";
      n += "00";
    var p = n.indexOf('.');
    if (p >= 0)
      n = n.substring(0, p) + n.substr(p+1, 2);
      unit = unit.substr(unit.length - n.length);
    for (var i=0; i < n.length; i++)
      str += &#39;零壹贰叁肆伍陆柒捌玖&#39;.charAt(n.charAt(i)) + unit.charAt(i);
    return str.replace(/零(千|百|拾|角)/g, "零").replace(/(零)+/g, "零").replace(/零(万|亿|元)/g, "$1").replace(/(亿)万|壹(拾)/g, "$1$2").replace(/^元零?|零分/g, "").replace(/元$/g, "元整");


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