The example in this article describes the usage of Zend Framework action controller. Share it with everyone for your reference, as follows:
Introduction to Action Controller
In order to use the Zend_Controller_Action class, you need to subclass it in the actual controller class.
<?php class FooController extends Zend_Controller_Action{ public function barAction(){ //do something } public function bazAction(){ //do something } }
Description: The above FooController class defines two actions, bar and baz.
Object initialization
Initialization A more appropriate way to customize instantiation is to use the init() method. This method is the last call task in __construct().
<?php class FooController extends Zend_Controller_Action{ public function init(){ $this->db = Zend_Db::factory('Pdo_Mysql',array( 'host'=>'myhost', 'username'=>'user', 'password'=>'xxxx', 'dbname'=>'website' )); } }
Description: The above code realizes the connection to the database while initializing the object.
Action controllers can include many contents, such as request objects, response objects, call parameters, and request parameters. These contents can be accessed through the corresponding accessor methods.
The request object can be obtained through the getRequest() method. Executing this method will return a Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract instance.
$module = $this->getRequest()->getModuleName();//获取模块名称 $controller = $this->getRequest()->getControllerName();//获取控制器名称 $action = $this->getRequest()->getActionName();//获取动作名称
The response object can be obtained through the getResponse() method. Executing this method will return a Zend_Controller_Response_Abstract instance.
The request parameters of the request object include any GET or GET or _POST parameters. In order to read these parameters, you can use the _getParam($key) or _getAllParams() method.
View integration method
View initialization
Executing the initView() method will initialize the view object.
Parsing the view
render() method is used to parse the view
<?php class MyController extends Zend_Controller_Action{ public function fooAction(){ //Renders my/foo.phtml $this->render(); //Renders my/bar.phtml $this->render('bar'); //Renders baz.phtml $this->render('baz',null,true);//第三个参数,指定是否使用控制器目录作为子目录,true表示不使用 //Renders my/login.phtml to the 'form' segment of the response object $this->render('login','form'); } }
Others Method
_forword(), this method performs another action
_redirect(), this method redirects to another place
I hope that this article will help everyone use PHP based on the Zend Framework framework Programming helps.
For more Zend Framework action controller usage examples and related articles, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website!