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JS component Bootstrap Table table row drag effect implementation code

2017-03-20 14:02:161669browse

1. Business requirements and implementation effects

The project involves the order module. I suddenly received a requirement that day, saying that it was necessary to insert orders between two orders with different statuses. The effect is presented on the page as follows: two tables on the left and right. The left table contains orders with status 1, and the right table contains orders with status 2. Drag the row data in the left table to the position of the specified row in the right table. After the operation is completed, the table on the left will be reduced by one row, and the table on the right will be added by one row. In addition, you also need to undo the operation (equivalent to the Ctrl + Z operation) to return to the previous step. Maybe the description will make you think twice about simulating it. Anyway, it has been implemented. Let’s take a look at the renderings first.

1. First look at the effect before dragging

2. This is the effect of dragging the row data in the left table

JS组件Bootstrap Table表格行拖拽效果实现代码

3 , The effect of table data after dragging a row

JS组件Bootstrap Table表格行拖拽效果实现代码

4. The effect after the second and third dragging

JS组件Bootstrap Table表格行拖拽效果实现代码

5. The effect of clicking on the undo operation on the right table

JS组件Bootstrap Table表格行拖拽效果实现代码

6. Click the undo multiple times and the table will return to the initial state

JS组件Bootstrap Table表格行拖拽效果实现代码

2. Code Examples
The first impression after receiving the request is that we should search in the Bootstrap table api. After all, the power of open source is powerful, and there may be related examples. After some searching, unfortunately, Bootstrap Table does not have such an operation between two tables. If you think about it, you can actually understand that Bootstrap Table is designed for data binding of a certain dynamic table. Its focus is on the internal functions of the table. For example, there is a good solution for drag-and-drop sorting (Reorder Rows) of the internal rows of the table. It seems that special needs like bloggers should be realized by themselves.
1. Requirements Analysis
Now that I have decided to write it myself, I started to analyze the requirements. It seems that the more difficult part of this operation is the drag and drop effect. When it comes to the drag and drop effect, it turns out that it is used too much when using JsPlumb, so I think of draggable.js and droppable.js in our magical JQuery UI. Now that the drag and drop problem is solved, there is still another difficulty, which is what to do if you undo the operation? We know that Ctrl+z means restore. What is restore? It is to return to the operation of the previous step, so the premise is to be able to save the state of the previous step. When it comes to saving the state of a certain step, the blogger knows how to do it. It requires a global variable Json, which must have three key-value pairs, respectively. It is the index of the current step, the data of the table on the left, and the data of the table on the right. It doesn't seem too difficult, so let's get started.
2. Code example
2.1 cshtml page code

 <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
 @RenderSection("Scripts", false)
 ViewBag.Title = "订单插单";
 Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";
<script src="~/Content/jquery-ui-1.11.4.custom/jquery-ui.min.js"></script>
<p class="panel-body" style="padding-bottom:0px;">
 <p class="panel panel-default" style="margin-bottom:0px;">
 <p class="panel-heading">查询条件</p>
 <p class="panel-body container-fluid">
 <p class="row">
  <p class="col-md-3">
  <label for="txt_search_ordernumber" class="col-sm-4 control-label" style="margin-top:6px;">订单号</label>
  <span class="col-sm-8">
  <input type="text" class="form-control" id="txt_search_ordernumber">
  <p class="col-md-3">
  <label for="txt_search_bodynumber" class="col-sm-3 control-label" style="margin-top:6px;">车身号</label>
  <span class="col-sm-8">
  <input type="text" class="form-control" id="txt_search_bodynumber">
  <p class="col-md-3">
  <label for="txt_search_vinnumber" class="col-sm-4 control-label" style="margin-top:6px;">VIN码</label>
  <span class="col-sm-8">
  <input type="text" class="form-control" id="txt_search_vinnumber">
  <p class="col-md-3">
  <label for="txt_search_engin_code" class="col-sm-4 control-label" style="margin-top:6px;">发动机号</label>
  <span class="col-sm-8">
  <input type="text" class="form-control" id="txt_search_engin_code">
 <p class="collapse" id="p_more_search">
  <p class="row" style="margin-top:15px;">
  <p class="col-md-3">
  <label for="txt_search_import_startdate" class="col-sm-4 control-label" style="margin-top:6px;">导入时间</label>
  <span class="col-sm-8">
  <input type="text" class="form-control datetimepicker" readonly id="txt_search_import_startdate">
  <p class="col-md-3">
  <label for="txt_search_import_enddate" class="col-sm-3 control-label" style="margin-top:6px;">至</label>
  <span class="col-sm-8">
  <input type="text" class="form-control datetimepicker" readonly id="txt_search_import_enddate">
  <p class="col-md-3">
  <label for="txt_search_send_startdate" class="col-sm-4 control-label" style="margin-top:6px;">下发时间</label>
  <span class="col-sm-8">
  <input type="text" class="form-control datetimepicker" readonly id="txt_search_send_startdate">
  <p class="col-md-3">
  <label for="txt_search_send_enddate" class="col-sm-4 control-label" style="margin-top:6px;">至</label>
  <span class="col-sm-8">
  <input type="text" class="form-control datetimepicker" readonly id="txt_search_send_enddate">
  <p class="row" style="margin-top:15px;">
  <p class="col-md-3">
  <label for="txt_search_carcode" class="col-sm-4 control-label" style="margin-top:6px;">整车编码</label>
  <span class="col-sm-8">
  <input type="text" class="form-control" id="txt_search_carcode">
  <p class="col-md-3">
  <label for="txt_search_vms" class="col-sm-3 control-label" style="margin-top:6px;">VMS号</label>
  <span class="col-sm-8">
  <input type="text" class="form-control" id="txt_search_vms">
  <p class="col-md-3">
  <label for="txt_search_trans_code" class="col-sm-4 control-label" style="margin-top:6px;">变速箱号</label>
  <span class="col-sm-8">
  <input type="text" class="form-control" id="txt_search_trans_code">
  <p class="row" style="float:right;margin-right:50px;margin-top:13px;">
  <button type="button" id="btn_query" class="btn btn-primary" style="margin-right:20px;width:100px;">查询</button>
  <button type="submit" id="btn_reset" class="btn btn-default" style="margin-right:20px;width:100px;">重置</button>
 <p class="collapse_p_outside">
 <p class="collapse_p_inside"></p>
 <span id="span_collapse" href="#p_more_search" class="collapse_p_inside_ele">展开<label class="glyphicon glyphicon-menu-down"></label></span>
@*<p id="toolbar_left" class="btn-group">
<p id="toolbar_right" class="btn-group">
 <button id="btn_cancel" type="button" class="btn btn-default">
 <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-backward aria-hidden="true"></span>撤销
 <button id="btn_insertorder" type="button" class="btn btn-default">
 <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus" aria-hidden="true"></span>插单
<p class="panel-body" style="padding-top:0px;">
 <p id="p_tableleft" class="col-md-6">
 <table id="tb_order_left"></table>
 <p id="p_tableright" class="col-md-6">
 <table id="tb_order_right"></table>

2.2 js code

var i_statuindex = 0;
var arrdata = [];
var m_oTable = null;
$(function () {
 m_oTable = new TableInit();
 var oButtonInit = new ButtonInit();
 format: &#39;yyyy-mm-dd hh:ii&#39;,
 autoclose: true,
 todayBtn: true,
var TableInit = function () {
 var oTableInit = new Object();
 oTableInit.Init = function () {
 url: &#39;/api/OrderApi/get&#39;,
 method: &#39;get&#39;,
 striped: true,
 cache: false,
 striped: true,
 pagination: true,
 height: 600,
 queryParams: oTableInit.queryParams,
 queryParamsType: "limit",
 sidePagination: "server",
 pageSize: 10,
 pageList: [10, 25, 50, 100],
 search: true,
 strictSearch: true,
 showColumns: true,
 showRefresh: true,
 minimumCountColumns: 2,
 clickToSelect: true,
 columns: [{
 checkbox: true
 field: &#39;ORDER_NO&#39;,
 title: &#39;订单号&#39;
 field: &#39;BODY_NO&#39;,
 title: &#39;车身号&#39;
 }, {
 field: &#39;VIN&#39;,
 title: &#39;VIN码&#39;
 }, {
 field: &#39;TM_MODEL_MATERIAL_ID&#39;,
 title: &#39;整车编码&#39;
 field: &#39;ORDER_TYPE&#39;,
 title: &#39;订单类型&#39;
 field: &#39;ORDER_STATUS&#39;,
 title: &#39;订单状态&#39;
 field: &#39;CREATE_DATE&#39;,
 title: &#39;订单导入时间&#39;
 field: &#39;PLAN_DATE&#39;,
 title: &#39;订单计划上线日期&#39;
 field: &#39;VMS_NO&#39;,
 title: &#39;VMS号&#39;
 field: &#39;ENGIN_CODE&#39;,
 title: &#39;发动机号&#39;
 field: &#39;TRANS_CODE&#39;,
 title: &#39;变速箱号&#39;
 field: &#39;OFFLINE_DATE_ACT&#39;,
 title: &#39;实际下线日期&#39;
 field: &#39;HOLD_RES&#39;,
 title: &#39;hold理由&#39;
 field: &#39;SPC_FLAG&#39;,
 title: &#39;特殊标记&#39;
 onLoadSuccess: function (data) {
 url: &#39;/api/OrderApi/get&#39;,
 method: &#39;get&#39;,
 toolbar: &#39;#toolbar_right&#39;,
 striped: true,
 cache: false,
 striped: true,
 pagination: true,
 height: 600,
 queryParams: oTableInit.queryParamsRight,
 queryParamsType: "limit",
 //ajaxOptions: { departmentname: "", statu: "" },
 sidePagination: "server",
 pageSize: 10,
 pageList: [10, 25, 50, 100],
 search: true,
 strictSearch: true,
 showRefresh: true,
 minimumCountColumns: 2,
 columns: [
 field: &#39;ORDER_NO&#39;,
 title: &#39;订单号&#39;
 field: &#39;BODY_NO&#39;,
 title: &#39;车身号&#39;
 }, {
 field: &#39;VIN&#39;,
 title: &#39;VIN码&#39;
 }, {
 field: &#39;TM_MODEL_MATERIAL_ID&#39;,
 title: &#39;整车编码&#39;
 field: &#39;ORDER_TYPE&#39;,
 title: &#39;订单类型&#39;
 field: &#39;ORDER_STATUS&#39;,
 title: &#39;订单状态&#39;
 field: &#39;CREATE_DATE&#39;,
 title: &#39;订单导入时间&#39;
 field: &#39;PLAN_DATE&#39;,
 title: &#39;订单计划上线日期&#39;
 field: &#39;VMS_NO&#39;,
 title: &#39;VMS号&#39;
 field: &#39;ENGIN_CODE&#39;,
 title: &#39;发动机号&#39;
 field: &#39;TRANS_CODE&#39;,
 title: &#39;变速箱号&#39;
 field: &#39;OFFLINE_DATE_ACT&#39;,
 title: &#39;实际下线日期&#39;
 field: &#39;HOLD_RES&#39;,
 title: &#39;hold理由&#39;
 field: &#39;SPC_FLAG&#39;,
 title: &#39;特殊标记&#39;
 onLoadSuccess: function (data) {
 oTableInit.InitDrag = function () {
 $(&#39;#tb_order_left tr&#39;).draggable({
 helper: "clone",
 start: function (event, ui) {
 var old_left_data = JSON.stringify($(&#39;#tb_order_left&#39;).bootstrapTable("getData"));
 var old_right_data = JSON.stringify($(&#39;#tb_order_right&#39;).bootstrapTable("getData"));
 var odata = { index: ++i_statuindex, left_data: old_left_data, right_data: old_right_data };
 stop: function (event, ui) {
 oTableInit.InitDrop = function () {
 drop: function (event, ui) {
 var arrtd = $(ui.helper[0]).find("td");
 var rowdata = {
  ORDER_NO: $(arrtd[1]).text(),
  BODY_NO: $(arrtd[2]).text(),
  VIN: $(arrtd[3]).text(),
  TM_MODEL_MATERIAL_ID: $(arrtd[4]).text(),
  ORDER_TYPE: $(arrtd[5]).text(),
  ORDER_STATUS: $(arrtd[6]).text(),
  CREATE_DATE: $(arrtd[7]).text() == "-" ? null : $(arrtd[7]).text(),
  PLAN_DATE: $(arrtd[8]).text() == "-" ? null : $(arrtd[8]).text(),
  VMS_NO: $(arrtd[9]).text(),
  ENGIN_CODE: $(arrtd[10]).text(),
  TRANS_CODE: $(arrtd[11]).text(),
  OFFLINE_DATE_ACT: $(arrtd[12]).text() == "-" ? null : $(arrtd[12]).text(),
  HOLD_RES: $(arrtd[13]).text(),
  SPC_FLAG: $(arrtd[14]).text(),
  TO_ORDER_ID: $(ui.helper[0]).attr("data-uniqueid")
 var oTop = ui.helper[0].offsetTop;
 var iRowHeadHeight = 40;
 var iRowHeight = 37;
 var rowIndex = 0;
 if (oTop <= iRowHeadHeight + iRowHeight / 2) {
  rowIndex = 0;
 else {
  rowIndex = Math.ceil((oTop - iRowHeadHeight) / iRowHeight);
 $("#tb_order_right").bootstrapTable("insertRow", { index: rowIndex, row: rowdata });
 $(&#39;#tb_order_left&#39;).bootstrapTable("removeByUniqueId", $(ui.helper[0]).attr("data-uniqueid"));
 oTableInit.queryParams = function (params) { //配置参数
 var temp = { //这里的键的名字和控制器的变量名必须一直,这边改动,控制器也需要改成一样的
 limit: params.limit, //页面大小
 offset: params.offset, //页码
 strBodyno: $("#txt_search_bodynumber").val(),
 strVin: $("#txt_search_vinnumber").val(),
 strOrderno: $("#txt_search_ordernumber").val(),
 strEngincode: $("#txt_search_engin_code").val(),
 strOrderstatus: 0,
 strTranscode: $("#txt_search_trans_code").val(),
 strVms: $("#txt_search_vms").val(),
 strCarcode: $("#txt_search_carcode").val(),
 strImportStartdate: $("#txt_search_import_startdate").val(),
 strImportEnddate: $("#txt_search_import_enddate").val(),
 strSendStartdate: $("#txt_search_send_startdate").val(),
 strSendEnddate: $("#txt_search_send_enddate").val(),
 return temp;
 oTableInit.queryParamsRight = function (params) { //配置参数
 var temp = { //这里的键的名字和控制器的变量名必须一直,这边改动,控制器也需要改成一样的
 limit: params.limit, //页面大小
 offset: params.offset, //页码
 strBodyno: "",
 strVin: "",
 strOrderno: "",
 strEngincode: "",
 strOrderstatus: 5,
 strTranscode: "",
 strVms: "",
 strCarcode: "",
 strImportStartdate: "",
 strImportEnddate: "",
 strSendStartdate: "",
 strSendEnddate: "",
 return temp;
 return oTableInit;
var ButtonInit = function () {
 var oInit = new Object();
 var postdata = {};
 oInit.Init = function () {
 $("#btn_query").click(function () {
 $("#btn_reset").click(function () {
 $("#btn_cancel").click(function () {
 if (i_statuindex <= 0) {
 for (var i = 0; i < arrdata.length; i++) {
 if (arrdata[i].index != i_statuindex) {
 var arr_left_data = eval(arrdata[i].left_data);
 var arr_right_data = eval(arrdata[i].right_data);
 $(&#39;#tb_order_left&#39;).bootstrapTable(&#39;append&#39;, arr_left_data);
 for (var x = 0; x < arr_right_data.length; x++) {
  $("#tb_order_right").bootstrapTable("insertRow", { index: x, row: arr_right_data[x] });
 //$(&#39;#tb_order_right&#39;).bootstrapTable(&#39;append&#39;, arr_right_data);//append之后不能drop
 $("#span_collapse").click(function () {
 if ($(this).text() == "收起") {
 $(this).html(&#39;展开<label class="glyphicon glyphicon-menu-down"></label>&#39;);
 else {
 $(this).html(&#39;收起<label class="glyphicon glyphicon-menu-up"></label>&#39;);
 return oInit;

Let’s focus on the code in several places:
2.2.1 Loading the table on the left After success, the table rows can be dragged and dropped.

$(&#39;#tb_order_left tr&#39;).draggable({
 helper: "clone",
 start: function (event, ui) {
 var old_left_data = JSON.stringify($(&#39;#tb_order_left&#39;).bootstrapTable("getData"));
 var old_right_data = JSON.stringify($(&#39;#tb_order_right&#39;).bootstrapTable("getData"));
 var odata = { index: ++i_statuindex, left_data: old_left_data, right_data: old_right_data };
 stop: function (event, ui) {

In the start event of draggable, we save all the data in the left and right tables before dragging to the arrdata variable. The global variable i_statuindex is used to record the index of the current step and is used to undo the operation.
2.2.2 After the right table is loaded successfully, register the droppable event of the table

 drop: function (event, ui) {
 var arrtd = $(ui.helper[0]).find("td");
 var rowdata = {
 ORDER_NO: $(arrtd[1]).text(),
 BODY_NO: $(arrtd[2]).text(),
 VIN: $(arrtd[3]).text(),
 TM_MODEL_MATERIAL_ID: $(arrtd[4]).text(),
 ORDER_TYPE: $(arrtd[5]).text(),
 ORDER_STATUS: $(arrtd[6]).text(),
 CREATE_DATE: $(arrtd[7]).text() == "-" ? null : $(arrtd[7]).text(),
 PLAN_DATE: $(arrtd[8]).text() == "-" ? null : $(arrtd[8]).text(),
 VMS_NO: $(arrtd[9]).text(),
 ENGIN_CODE: $(arrtd[10]).text(),
 TRANS_CODE: $(arrtd[11]).text(),
 OFFLINE_DATE_ACT: $(arrtd[12]).text() == "-" ? null : $(arrtd[12]).text(),
 HOLD_RES: $(arrtd[13]).text(),
 SPC_FLAG: $(arrtd[14]).text(),
 TO_ORDER_ID: $(ui.helper[0]).attr("data-uniqueid")
 var oTop = ui.helper[0].offsetTop;
 var iRowHeadHeight = 40;
 var iRowHeight = 37;
 var rowIndex = 0;
 if (oTop <= iRowHeadHeight + iRowHeight / 2) {
 rowIndex = 0;
 else {
 rowIndex = Math.ceil((oTop - iRowHeadHeight) / iRowHeight);
 $("#tb_order_right").bootstrapTable("insertRow", { index: rowIndex, row: rowdata });
 $(&#39;#tb_order_left&#39;).bootstrapTable("removeByUniqueId", $(ui.helper[0]).attr("data-uniqueid"));

In the drop event, get the currently dragged row data, calculate the current mouse position, and specify the position in the right table Insert the dragged row data. Then delete the row data dragged over from the left table.
2.2.3 Undo operation code

 $("#btn_cancel").click(function () {
 if (i_statuindex <= 0) {
 for (var i = 0; i < arrdata.length; i++) {
 if (arrdata[i].index != i_statuindex) {
 var arr_left_data = eval(arrdata[i].left_data);
 var arr_right_data = eval(arrdata[i].right_data);
 $(&#39;#tb_order_left&#39;).bootstrapTable(&#39;append&#39;, arr_left_data);
 for (var x = 0; x < arr_right_data.length; x++) {
 $("#tb_order_right").bootstrapTable("insertRow", { index: x, row: arr_right_data[x] });
 //$(&#39;#tb_order_right&#39;).bootstrapTable(&#39;append&#39;, arr_right_data);//append之后不能drop

The undo operation mainly determines which step to undo through the index in the global variable arrdata, and then takes out the left and right table data of the current step according to the index, and inserts data into the two tables in turn. , and then i_statuindex decreases in sequence until it is equal to zero. Since all the row data in the left table have been rewritten and loaded, the draggable event needs to be re-registered. It’s just such a simple three steps to achieve the desired effect. Isn’t it very simple~~

The above is the entire content of this article. I hope it will be helpful to everyone’s study.

For more JS component Bootstrap Table table row drag effect implementation code related articles, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website!

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