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C# 2.0 Specification (anonymous method) (1)

2017-01-03 11:55:441219browse

21Anonymous method

21.1. Anonymous method expression

The anonymous method expression (anonymous-method-expression) defines an anonymous method (anonymous method), which will be evaluated as referencing the A specific value for the method.
l primary-no-array-creation-expression (basic non-array creation expression:)

anonymous-method-expression (anonymous method expression)
l anonymous-method-expression:
delegate anonymous-method-signature opt block (anonymous method expression: delegate anonymous method signature optional block)
l anonymous-method-signature:
( anonymous-method-parameter-list opt ​​) (anonymous Method signature: anonymous method parameter list optional)
l anonymous-method-parameter-list:
anonymous-method-parameter-list, anonymous-method-parameter (anonymous method parameter List: anonymous method parameter anonymous method parameter list)
l anonymous-method-parameter:
parameter-modifieropt type identifier (anonymous method parameter: parameter modifier optional type identifier)
The anonymous method expression is Values ​​classified as having specific conversion rules (§21.3).
Anonymous method expressions define a new declaration space for parameters, local variables, and constants, and a new declaration space for labels (§3.3).

21.2 Anonymous method signature

The optional anonymous method signature (anonymous-method-signature) defines the name and type of the formal parameters for the anonymous method. The parameter scope of anonymous methods is block. Matching the name of a local variable, local constant, or parameter whose scope contains an anonymous-method-expression is a compile-time error for the name of an anonymous method parameter.
If an anonymous method expression has an anonymous method signature, then the delegate types that are compatible with it will be limited to those sets of delegate types that have the same parameter types and modifiers in the same order (§21.3). If an anonymous method expression does not have an anonymous method signature, then the delegate types that are compatible with it are limited to the set of delegate types that have no output parameters.

Please note that anonymous method signatures cannot contain attributes or parameter arrays. However, anonymous method signatures are compatible with delegate types whose parameter lists contain parameter arrays.

21.3 Anonymous method conversion

Anonymous method expression is classified as an untyped value. Anonymous method expressions can be used in delegate creation expressions (§21.3.1). All other legal uses of anonymous method expressions depend on the implicit conversions defined here.
Implicit conversions exist from anonymous method expressions that are compatible with any delegate. If D is a delegate type and A is an anonymous method expression, then D is compatible with A if the following conditions are met:
l First, the parameter type of D is compatible with A:
n If A Without an anonymous method signature, D can have zero or more parameters of any type, provided that none of D's parameters have an output parameter modifier.
n If A has an anonymous method signature, then D must have the same number of parameters, each parameter of A must be of the same type as the corresponding parameter of D, and the ref or out modifier of each parameter on A The presence or absence of must match the corresponding parameters of D. Whether the last parameter of D is a parameter array has nothing to do with D's compatibility with A.
l Secondly, the return type of D must be compatible with A. For these rules, the case where A contains any other anonymous method blocks is not considered.
n If D declares a return type of void, then any return statement contained in A should not specify an expression.
n If D declares a return type of type R, then any return statement contained in A must specify an expression that can be implicitly converted (§6.1) to R. Also, the end point of A's block must be unreachable.
In addition to any implicit conversion to a compatible delegate type, there is no other conversion of anonymous methods, even for object types.
The following example illustrates these rules:

delegate void D(int x);
D d1 = delegate { }; // Ok
D d2 = delegate() { }; // 错误,签名不匹配
D d3 = delegate(long x) { }; //错误,签名不匹配
D d4 = delegate(int x) { }; // Ok
D d5 = delegate(int x) { return; }; // Ok
D d6 = delegate(int x) { return x; }; // 错误,返回类型不匹配
delegate void E(out int x);
E e1 = delegate { }; // 错误e具有输出参数
E e2 = delegate(out int x) { x = 1; }; // Ok
E e3 = delegate(ref int x) { x = 1; }; //错误,签名不匹配
delegate int P(params int[] a);
P p1 = delegate { }; // 错误,块的结束点可达
P p2 = delegate { return; }; // 错误,返回类型不匹配
P p3 = delegate { return 1; }; // Ok
P p4 = delegate { return "Hello"; }; //错误,返回类型不匹配
P p5 = delegate(int[] a) { // Ok
return a[0];
P p6 = delegate(params int[] a) { // 错误, 具有params 修饰符
return a[0];
P p7 = delegate(int[] a) { //错误,返回类型不匹配
if (a.Length > 0) return a[0];
return "Hello";
delegate object Q(params int[] a);
Q q1 = delegate(int[] a) { // Ok
if (a.Length > 0) return a[0];
return "Hello";

21.3.1 Delegate creation expression

Delegate creation expression [delegate-creation-expression (§ ] can be used as an alternative syntax for converting an anonymous method to a delegate type. If the expression used as an argument to the delegate creation expression is an anonymous method expression, the anonymous method is converted to the given delegate type using the implicit conversion rules defined above. For example, if D is a delegate type, then the expression

new D(delegate { Console.WriteLine("hello"); })

is equivalent to

(D) delegate { Console.WriteLine("hello"); }

21.4 Anonymous method block

l 如果匿名方法包含签名,那么在签名中指定的参数在块内是有效的。如果匿名方法不具有签名,它可以被转换为具有参数的委托类型(§21.3),但参数在块内不可访问。
l 除了在最接近的封闭匿名方法签名中指定的ref和out参数(如果有的话)以外,对于块来说访问ref或者out参数将导致编译时错误。
l 当this的类型是一个结构类型时,对于块来说,访问this将导致编译时错误。无论该访问是显式的(像this.x)或者隐式的(像对于在结构实例的成员中的x),情况都是如此。该规则只是禁止此类访问方式,但并不影响在结构中成员查找的结果。
l 块可以访问匿名方法的外部变量(§21.5)。当匿名方法表达式被计算(§21.6)的时候,对于外部变量的访问,将会引用激活的(active)变量的实例。
l 对于块来说,包含一个其目标在块之外,或一个内嵌的匿名方法的块之内的goto语句、break语句或continue语句,将导致编译时错误。
l 在块内的return 语句,将从最接近的封闭匿名方法调用中返回控制权,而不是从封闭函数成员中返回。在return 语句中指定的表达式必须与某个委托类型兼容,而最接近的匿名方法表达式将被转换到该委托类型(§21.3)。

执行一个匿名方法的程序块,除了通过匿名方法表达式的计算和调用(evaluation and invocation)之外,是否还有其他方法,并没有明确地详细说明。特别的是,编译器可以通过合成一个或多个命名方法或类型来实现匿名方法,任何此类合成的元素的名字,必须为编译器的使用而保留在一个地方:名字必须保留两个连续下划字符。





using System;
delegate int D();
class Test
static D F() {
int x = 0;
D result = delegate { return ++x; }
return result;
static void Main() {
D d = F();






static void F() {
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
int x = i * 2 + 1;


static void F() {
int x;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
x = i * 2 + 1;


using System;
delegate void D();
class Test
static D[] F() {
D[] result = new D[3];
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
int x = i * 2 + 1;
result[i] = delegate { Console.WriteLine(x); };
return result;
static void Main() {
foreach (D d in F()) d();




static D[] F() {
D[] result = new D[3];
int x;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
x = i * 2 + 1;
result[i] = delegate { Console.WriteLine(x); };
return result;




static D[] F() {
D[] result = new D[3];
int x = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
int y = 0;
result[i] = delegate { Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", ++x, ++y); };
return result;


1 1
2 1
3 1


using System;
delegate void Setter(int value);
delegate int Getter();
class Test
static void Main() {
int x = 0;
Setter s = delegate(int value) { x = value; };
Getter g = delegate { return x; };




匿名方法表达试的运行时计算产生一个引用匿名方法的委托实例,并且被捕获的外部变量的集合(可能为空)在计算时(the time of the evaluation)是活跃的(active)。当由匿名方法表达式所产生的委托被调用时,匿名方法体就会执行。方法体内的代码将使用由该委托引用而被捕获的外部变量执行。

delegate double Function(double x);
class Test
static double[] Apply(double[] a, Function f) {
double[] result = new double[a.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < a.Length; i++) result[i] = f(a[i]);
return result;
static void F(double[] a, double[] b) {
a = Apply(a, delegate(double x) { return Math.Sin(x); });
b = Apply(b, delegate(double y) { return Math.Sin(y); });

(to be continued)

以上就是C# 2.0 Specification(匿名方法)(一)的内容,更多相关内容请关注PHP中文网(www.php.cn)!

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