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Simple example of treegrid usage in jquery easyui

2016-12-29 15:05:111343browse

The project requirements are as shown below. In the json data returned by the server, it must be processed by JS and check boxes must be added, and the check boxes must respond to JS operations.

jquery easyui中treegrid用法的简单实例

In easyui's treegrid, no ready-made plug-in was found. I need to modify it. The code is as follows

<table class="easyui-treegrid" style="width:700px;height:250px"  url=&#39;control_node_json?group_id=$info[id]&access_node=$_REQUEST[access_node]"&#39; idField="id" treeField="title" fit="true" toolbar="#control_node_toolbar_{$info[id]}">
            <th field="title" width="200px" data-options="formatter:title_formatter">名称</th>
            <th field="name" width="200px">节点</th>
            <th field="status" width="50px">状态</th>
            <th field="remark">备注</th>
        <div id="control_node_toolbar_{$info[id]}">
            <a href="javascript:alert(&#39;test&#39;);" class="easyui-linkbutton" iconCls="icon-add" plain="true">控制</a>

The above is the entire HTML code, which is in easyui The advantage is that various attributes called by JS can be written directly in the attributes of the table, which is intuitive and easy to understand. Next, add the checkbox.

var access_node=&#39;{$_REQUEST[access_node]}&#39;.split(&#39;,&#39;);
function title_formatter(value,node){ 
 var content=&#39;<input name="set_power" id="set_power_&#39;+node.id+&#39;" onclick="set_power_status(&#39;+node.id+&#39;)" class="set_power_status" type="checkbox" value="&#39;+node.id+&#39;" />&#39;+value;
 return content;
function set_power_status(menu_id){

The checkbox method using $(set_power_1") cannot respond. It is probably because easyui has processed it.

More jquery easyui For simple examples of treegrid usage, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website!

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