Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >PHP Binary Tree (2): Balanced Binary Tree (AVL)
There are quite a lot of resources on the Internet about the principle of balanced binary trees, and the situation is a bit complicated, so I won’t explain it here. Let’s go directly to the code:
<!--?php /** * author:zhongjin * time:2016/10/20 11:53 * description: 平衡二叉树 */ //结点 class Node { public $key; public $parent; public $left; public $right; public $bf; //平衡因子 public function __construct($key) { $this--->key = $key; $this->parent = NULL; $this->left = NULL; $this->right = NULL; $this->bf = 0; } } //平衡二叉树 class Avl { public $root; const LH = +1; //左高 const EH = 0; //等高 const RH = -1; //右高 /** * 初始化树结构 * @param $arr 初始化树结构的数组 * @return null */ public function init($arr) { $this->root = new Node($arr[0]); for ($i = 1; $i < count($arr); $i++) { $this->Insert($arr[$i]); } } /** * (对内)中序遍历 * @param $root (树或子树的)根节点 * @return null */ private function mid_order($root) { if ($root != NULL) { $this->mid_order($root->left); echo $root->key . "-" . $root->bf . " "; $this->mid_order($root->right); } } /** * (对外)中序遍历 * @param null * @return null */ public function MidOrder() { $this->mid_order($this->root); } /** * 将以$root为根节点的最小不平衡二叉树做右旋处理 * @param $root(树或子树)根节点 * @return null */ private function R_Rotate($root) { $L = $root->left; if (!is_NULL($root->parent)) { $P = $root->parent; if ($root == $P->left) { $P->left = $L; } else { $P->right = $L; } $L->parent = $P; } else { $L->parent = NULL; } $root->parent = $L; $root->left = $L->right; $L->right = $root; //这句必须啊! if ($L->parent == NULL) { $this->root = $L; } } /** * 将以$root为根节点的最小不平衡二叉树做左旋处理 * @param $root(树或子树)根节点 * @return null */ private function L_Rotate($root) { $R = $root->right; if (!is_NULL($root->parent)) { $P = $root->parent; if ($root == $P->left) { $P->left = $R; } else { $P->right = $R; } $R->parent = $P; } else { $R->parent = NULL; } $root->parent = $R; $root->right = $R->left; $R->left = $root; //这句必须啊! if ($R->parent == NULL) { $this->root = $R; } } /** * 对以$root所指结点为根节点的二叉树作左平衡处理 * @param $root(树或子树)根节点 * @return null */ public function LeftBalance($root) { $L = $root->left; $L_bf = $L->bf; switch ($L_bf) { //检查root的左子树的平衡度,并作相应的平衡处理 case self::LH: //新结点插入在root的左孩子的左子树上,要做单右旋处理 $root->bf = $L->bf = self::EH; $this->R_Rotate($root); break; case self::RH: //新节点插入在root的左孩子的右子树上,要做双旋处理 $L_r = $L->right; //root左孩子的右子树根 $L_r_bf = $L_r->bf; //修改root及其左孩子的平衡因子 switch ($L_r_bf) { case self::LH: $root->bf = self::RH; $L->bf = self::EH; break; case self::EH: $root->bf = $L->bf = self::EH; break; case self::RH: $root->bf = self::EH; $L->bf = self::LH; break; } $L_r->bf = self::EH; //对root的左子树作左平衡处理 $this->L_Rotate($L); //对root作右平衡处理 $this->R_Rotate($root); } } /** * 对以$root所指结点为根节点的二叉树作右平衡处理 * @param $root(树或子树)根节点 * @return null */ public function RightBalance($root) { $R = $root->right; $R_bf = $R->bf; switch ($R_bf) { //检查root的右子树的平衡度,并作相应的平衡处理 case self::RH: //新结点插入在root的右孩子的右子树上,要做单左旋处理 $root->bf = $R->bf = self::EH; $this->L_Rotate($root); break; case self::LH: //新节点插入在root的右孩子的左子树上,要做双旋处理 $R_l = $R->left; //root右孩子的左子树根 $R_l_bf = $R_l->bf; //修改root及其右孩子的平衡因子 switch ($R_l_bf) { case self::RH: $root->bf = self::LH; $R->bf = self::EH; break; case self::EH: $root->bf = $R->bf = self::EH; break; case self::LH: $root->bf = self::EH; $R->bf = self::RH; break; } $R_l->bf = self::EH; //对root的右子树作右平衡处理 $this->R_Rotate($R); //对root作左平衡处理 $this->L_Rotate($root); } } /** * 查找树中是否存在$key对应的节点 * @param $key 待搜索数字 * @return $key对应的节点 */ public function search($key) { $current = $this->root; while ($current != NULL) { if ($current->key == $key) { return $current; } elseif ($current->key > $key) { $current = $current->left; } else { $current = $current->right; } } return $current; } /** * 查找树中的最小关键字 * @param $root 根节点 * @return 最小关键字对应的节点 */ function search_min($root) { $current = $root; while ($current->left != NULL) { $current = $current->left; } return $current; } /** * 查找树中的最大关键字 * @param $root 根节点 * @return 最大关键字对应的节点 */ function search_max($root) { $current = $root; while ($current->right != NULL) { $current = $current->right; } return $current; } /** * 查找某个$key在中序遍历时的直接前驱节点 * @param $x 待查找前驱节点的节点引用 * @return 前驱节点引用 */ private function predecessor($x) { //左子节点存在,直接返回左子节点的最右子节点 if ($x->left != NULL) { return $this->search_max($x->left); } //否则查找其父节点,直到当前结点位于父节点的右边 $p = $x->parent; //如果x是p的左孩子,说明p是x的后继,我们需要找的是p是x的前驱 while ($p != NULL && $x == $p->left) { $x = $p; $p = $p->parent; } return $p; } /** * 查找某个$key在中序遍历时的直接后继节点 * @param $x 待查找后继节点的节点引用 * @return 后继节点引用 */ private function successor($x) { if ($x->left != NULL) { return $this->search_min($x->right); } $p = $x->parent; while ($p != NULL && $x == $p->right) { $x = $p; $p = $p->parent; } return $p; } /** * (对内)插入结点,如果结点不存在则插入,失去平衡要做平衡处理 * @param $root 根节点 $key 待插入树的数字 * @return null */ private function insert_node(&$root, $key) { //找到了插入的位置,插入新节点 if (is_null($root)) { $root = new Node($key); //插入结点成功 return TRUE; } else { //在树中已经存在和$key相等的结点 if ($key == $root->key) { //插入节点失败 return FALSE; } //在root的左子树中继续搜索 elseif ($key < $root->key) { //插入左子树失败 if (!($this->insert_node($root->left, $key))) { //树未长高 return FALSE; } //成功插入,修改平衡因子 if (is_null($root->left->parent)) { $root->left->parent = $root; } switch ($root->bf) { //原来左右子树等高,现在左子树增高而树增高 case self::EH: $root->bf = self::LH; //树长高 return TRUE; break; //原来左子树比右子树高,需要做左平衡处理 case self::LH: $this->LeftBalance($root); //平衡后,树并未长高 return FALSE; break; //原来右子树比左子树高,现在左右子树等高 case self::RH: $root->bf = self::EH; //树并未长高 return FALSE; break; } } //在root的右子树中继续搜索 else { //插入右子树失败 if (!$this->insert_node($root->right, $key)) { //树未长高 return FALSE; } //成功插入,修改平衡因子 if (is_null($root->right->parent)) { $root->right->parent = $root; } switch ($root->bf) { //原来左右子树等高,现在右子树增高而树增高 case self::EH: $root->bf = self::RH; //树长高 return TRUE; break; //原来左子树比右子树高,现在左右子树等高 case self::LH: $root->bf = self::EH; return FALSE; break; //原来右子树比左子树高,要做右平衡处理 case self::RH: $this->RightBalance($root); //树并未长高 return FALSE; break; } } } } /** * (对外)将$key插入树中 * @param $key 待插入树的数字 * @return null */ public function Insert($key) { $this->insert_node($this->root, $key); } /** * 获取待删除的节点(删除的最终节点) * @param $key 待删除的数字 * @return 最终被删除的节点 */ private function get_del_node($key) { $dnode = $this->search($key); if ($dnode == NULL) { throw new Exception("结点不存在!"); return; } if ($dnode->left == NULL || $dnode->right == NULL) { #如果待删除结点无子节点或只有一个子节点,则c = dnode $c = $dnode; } else { #如果待删除结点有两个子节点,c置为dnode的直接后继,以待最后将待删除结点的值换为其后继的值 $c = $this->successor($dnode); } $dnode->key = $c->key; return $c; } /** * (对内)删除指定节点,处理该结点往上结点的平衡因子 * @param $node 最终该被删除的节点 * @return null */ private function del_node($node) { if ($node == $this->root) { $this->root = NULL; return; } $current = $node; //现在的node只有两种情况,要么只有一个子节点,要么没有子节点 $P = $current->parent; //删除一个结点,第一个父节点的平衡都肯定会发生变化 $lower = TRUE; while ($lower == TRUE && !is_null($P)) { //待删除结点是左节点 if ($current == $P->left) { if($current == $node){ if (!is_null($current->left)) { $P->left = $current->left; } else { $P->left = $current->left; } } $P_bf = $P->bf; switch ($P_bf) { case self::LH: $P->bf = self::EH; $lower = TRUE; $current = $P; $P = $current->parent; break; case self::EH: $P->bf = self::RH; $lower = FALSE; break; case self::RH: $this->RightBalance($P); $lower = TRUE; $current = $P->parent; $P = $current->parent; break; } } //右结点 else { if($current == $node){ if (!is_null($current->left)) { $P->right = $current->left; } else { $P->right = $current->left; } } $P_bf = $P->bf; switch ($P_bf) { case self::LH: $this->LeftBalance($P); $lower = TRUE; $current = $P->parent; $P = $current->parent; break; case self::EH: $P->bf = self::LH; $lower = FALSE; break; case self::RH: $P->bf = self::LH; $lower = TRUE; $current = $P; $P = $current->parent; break; } } } } /** * (对外)删除指定节点 * @param $key 删除节点的key值 * @return null */ public function Delete($key) { $del_node = $this->get_del_node($key); $this->del_node($del_node); } /** * (对内)获取树的深度 * @param $root 根节点 * @return 树的深度 */ private function getdepth($root) { if ($root == NULL) { return 0; } $dl = $this->getdepth($root->left); $dr = $this->getdepth($root->right); return ($dl > $dr ? $dl : $dr) + 1; } /** * (对外)获取树的深度 * @param null * @return null */ public function Depth() { return $this->getdepth($this->root); } }
You can call it when debugging In-order traversal is done. In my last blog, I provided a binary tree graphical implementation in PHP. With visual help, it can better help us debug. For details, you can visit my last blog: " Using PHP to realize the graphical display of binary trees》
The above is the content of PHP Binary Tree (2): Balanced Binary Tree (AVL). For more related content, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website (www.php.cn)!