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Detailed explanation of ASP.NET MVC filters

2016-12-24 13:32:581059browse

In the execution process of Action by ActionInvoker, in addition to the execution of Action method by using ActionDescriptor, as well as the previous Model binding and verification, there is also an important task, that is, the execution of related filters (Filter) . The filter of ASP.NET MVC is a design based on AOP (aspect-oriented programming). We implement some non-business logic in the corresponding filter, and then apply it to the corresponding filter in a crosscutting way. Action method. These filters are automatically executed before and after the Action method is executed. ASP.NET MVC provides four types of filters (AuthorizationFilter, ActionFilter, ResultFilter and ExceptionFilter), which correspond to the corresponding filter interfaces (IAuthorizationFilter, IActionFilter, IResultFilter and IExceptionFilter). [This article has been synchronized to "How ASP.NET MVC Works?"]

Table of Contents

1, Filter

2, FilterProvider

3, FilterAttribute and FilterAttributeFilterProvider

4, Controller and ControllerInstanceFilterProvider

5, GlobalFilterCollection

6. Example demonstration: Verify the filter provision mechanism and execution sequence

1. Filter

Although the four types of filters provided by ASP.NET MVC have their own implemented interfaces, for the filter provision system all Filters are represented by the Filter type with the following definition. The core of Filter is the Instance attribute, because it represents the object that actually implements the filtering function. This object implements one or more interfaces based on the above four filter types.

public class Filter
  public const int DefaultOrder = -1; 
  public Filter(object instance, FilterScope scope, int? order);
  public object Instance { get; protected set; }
  public int Order { get; protected set; }
  public FilterScope Scope { get; protected set; }
public enum FilterScope
  Action    = 30,
  Controller  = 20,
  First     = 0,
  Global    = 10,
  Last     = 100

Note: Since System.Web.Mvc.Filter and the types that implement IAuthorizationFilter, IActionFilter, IResultFilter and IExceptionFilter can all be called "filters", in order not to cause confusion, they are not made clear In the case of explanation, we use the English "Filter" and the Chinese "filter" to represent them respectively.

Filter’s Order and Scope properties ultimately determine the execution order of the filter. The smaller the corresponding value of the Order attribute, the higher the execution priority. The default value of this attribute is -1 (corresponding to the constant DefaultOrder defined in Filter). If two Filters have the same Order property value, the Scope property ultimately determines which one is executed first. The Scope property type of Filter is an enumeration of type FilterScope. This enumeration represents the scope of applying Filter. Action and Controller represent the Action method and Controller class level; First and Last mean that it is expected to be executed as the first and last Filter; Global represents a global Filter.

Through the above code snippet, we can see that each of the 5 enumeration options of FilterScope is set to a value. This value determines the execution order of Filter. Smaller enumeration values ​​will be executed first. From the definition of FilterScope, we can draw the conclusion that for multiple Filters with the same Order attribute value, the Filter applied to the Controller has a higher execution priority than the Filter applied to the Action method, and the execution of a global Filter The priority is higher than Action-based Filter.

2. FilterProvider

Filter’s provisioning mechanism is similar to the provisioning mechanism based on ModelBinder and ModelValidator we introduced before, and is provided through the corresponding Provider. The FilterProvider that provides filters implements the interface IFilterProvider, as shown in the following code snippet, which defines the only method GetFilters to obtain a collection of Filter objects based on the specified Controller context and the ActionDescriptor object used to describe the target Action.

public interface IFilterProvider
  IEnumerable<Filter> GetFilters(ControllerContext controllerContext, ActionDescriptor actionDescriptor);

We can register or get the FilterProvider used by the current application through static type FilterProviders. As shown in the following code snippet, FilterProviders has a read-only attribute Providers of type FilterProviderCollection, which represents a list of FilterProviders used within the entire Web application. FilterProviderCollection is a collection whose element type is IFilterProvider. The GetFilters method is used for the Filter objects provided by or all FilterProvider objects in the collection.

public static class FilterProviders
  public static FilterProviderCollection Providers { get; }
public class FilterProviderCollection : Collection<IFilterProvider>
  public IEnumerable<Filter> GetFilters(ControllerContext controllerContext, ActionDescriptor actionDescriptor); 

ASP.NET MVC provides three native FilterProviders, namely FilterAttributeFilterProvider, ControllerInstanceFilterProvider and GlobalFilterCollection. Next, we will introduce them separately.

3. FilterAttribute and FilterAttributeFilterProvider

We usually define filters as attributes that are applied to Controller types or Action methods in a declarative manner, and the abstract type FilterAttribute is the base class of all filters. As shown in the code snippet below, the FilterAttribute attribute implements the IMvcFilter interface, which defines two read-only attributes, Order and AllowMultiple, which are used to control the execution order of filters and allow multiple filters of the same type to be applied to the same filter at the same time. Target element (class or method).

[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method | AttributeTargets.Class, Inherited=true, AllowMultiple=false)]
public abstract class FilterAttribute : Attribute, IMvcFilter
  protected FilterAttribute();
  public bool AllowMultiple { get; }
  public int Order { get; set; }
public interface IMvcFilter
  bool AllowMultiple { get; }
  int Order { get; }



public abstract class ControllerDescriptor : ICustomAttributeProvider, IUniquelyIdentifiable
  public virtual IEnumerable<FilterAttribute> GetFilterAttributes(bool useCache);
public abstract class ActionDescriptor : ICustomAttributeProvider, IUniquelyIdentifiable
  public virtual IEnumerable<FilterAttribute> GetFilterAttributes(bool useCache); 



public class FilterAttributeFilterProvider : IFilterProvider
  public FilterAttributeFilterProvider();
  public FilterAttributeFilterProvider(bool cacheAttributeInstances);
  protected virtual IEnumerable<FilterAttribute> GetActionAttributes(ControllerContext controllerContext, ActionDescriptor actionDescriptor);
  protected virtual IEnumerable<FilterAttribute> GetControllerAttributes(ControllerContext controllerContext, ActionDescriptor actionDescriptor);
  public virtual IEnumerable<Filter> GetFilters(ControllerContext controllerContext, ActionDescriptor actionDescriptor);




提到ASP.NET MVC的筛选器,大部分的都只会想到通过FilterAttribute特性,实际上Controller本身(继承自抽象类Controller)就是一个筛选器。如下面的代码片断所示,抽象类Controller实现了IActionFilter、IAuthorizationFilter、IExceptionFilter和IResultFilter这四个对应着不同筛选器类型的接口。

public abstract class Controller : ControllerBase,



public class ControllerInstanceFilterProvider : IFilterProvider
  public IEnumerable<Filter> GetFilters(ControllerContext controllerContext, ActionDescriptor actionDescriptor); 




public sealed class GlobalFilterCollection : IEnumerable<Filter>, IEnumerable, IFilterProvider
  public GlobalFilterCollection();
  public void Add(object filter);
  public void Add(object filter, int order);
  private void AddInternal(object filter, int? order);
  public void Clear();
  public bool Contains(object filter);
  public IEnumerator<Filter> GetEnumerator();
  public void Remove(object filter);
  IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator();
  IEnumerable<Filter> IFilterProvider.GetFilters(ControllerContext controllerContext, ActionDescriptor actionDescriptor);
  public int Count { get; }




public static class GlobalFilters
  public static GlobalFilterCollection Filters { get; }


到目前为止,我们已经介绍了ASP.NET MVC默认提供的三种FilterProvider,以及各自采用得Filter提供机制。当用于注册FilterProvider的静态类型在加载的时候,会默认创建这三种类型的对象并将其作为表示全局FilterProvider集合的Providers属性值,具体的逻辑体现在如下的代码片断中。也就是说,在默认的情况下ASP.NET MVC会采用这三种FilterProvider来提供所有的Filter对象。

public static class FilterProviders
  static FilterProviders()
    Providers = new FilterProviderCollection();
    Providers.Add(new FilterAttributeFilterProvider());
    Providers.Add(new ControllerInstanceFilterProvider());
  public static FilterProviderCollection Providers{get;private set;}



为了让读者对上面介绍的Filter提供机制具有一个更加深刻的映像,我们来做一个简单的实例演示。在一个通过Visual Studio的ASP.NET MVC项目模板创建的空Web项目中,我们定义了如下一个几个FilterAttribute。FilterBaseAttribute是一个实现了IActionFilter接口的抽象类型,三个具体的FilterAttribute(FooAttribute、BarAttribute和BazAttribute)是它的继承者。

public abstract class FilterBaseAttribute:FilterAttribute, IActionFilter
  public void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext filterContext)
  public void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
public class FooAttribute : FilterBaseAttribute
public class BarAttribute : FilterBaseAttribute
public class BazAttribute : FilterBaseAttribute



public class MvcApplication : System.Web.HttpApplication
  protected void Application_Start()
    GlobalFilters.Filters.Add(new BazAttribute());



public class HomeController : Controller
  public void Index()
    ReflectedControllerDescriptor controllerDescriptor = new ReflectedControllerDescriptor(typeof(HomeController));
    ActionDescriptor actionDescriptor = controllerDescriptor.FindAction(ControllerContext, "Data");
    foreach (var filter in FilterProviders.Providers.GetFilters(ControllerContext, actionDescriptor))
      Response.Write(string.Format("    {0}: {1}<br/>", "Order",filter.Order));
      Response.Write(string.Format("    {0}: {1}<br/><br/>", "Scope",filter.Scope));
  public void Data()
  { }




public abstract class FilterBaseAttribute:FilterAttribute, IActionFilter
  public void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext filterContext)
  public void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
    filterContext.HttpContext.Response.Write(string.Format("{0}.OnActionExecuting()<br/>", this.GetType()));



public class HomeController : Controller
  protected override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
  public void Data()
  { }





[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = false)]
public class FooAttribute : FilterAttribute, IActionFilter
  public void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext filterContext)
  { }
  public void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
  { }



public class HomeController : Controller
  public void Data()
  { }
public class MvcApplication : System.Web.HttpApplication
  protected void Application_Start()
    GlobalFilters.Filters.Add(new FooAttribute());


现在我们直接运行我们的程序,开启的浏览器中会呈现出如图7-7所示的结果。可以清楚地看到虽然我们 在三个地方注册了FooAttribute,但是由于该特性的AllowMultiple属性为False,所以只有其中一个FooAttribute最终是有效的。


For the FilterAttribute whose AllowMultiple attribute is False, if we register multiple ones with different Scopes, which one will be effective in the end? As can be seen from the above figure, the FooAttribute applied to the Action method (Scope is Action) is valid. In fact, the specific logic is this: all created Filters are sorted according to Order+Scope (that is, the order in which Filters are executed), and the last one is selected. For our example, the three provided Filters have the same Order attribute value (-1), and all will eventually be sorted according to Scope (Scope, Controller and Action). The last one is naturally the Filter whose Scope is Action. .

The above is the entire content of this article. I hope that the content of this article can bring some help to everyone's study or work. If you have any questions, you can leave a message to communicate. I also hope to support the PHP Chinese website!

For more detailed articles on ASP.NET MVC filters, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website!

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