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PHP introductory tutorial: Analysis of object-oriented features (inheritance, polymorphism, interfaces, abstract classes, abstract methods, etc.)

2016-12-22 11:52:381025browse

The examples in this article describe the object-oriented features of PHP. Share it with everyone for your reference, the details are as follows:


  header(&#39;Content-Type:text/html; charset=utf-8;&#39;);
  class Computer {
    //public 是对字段的公有化,这个字段类外即可访问,赋值和取值
    public $_name = &#39;联想&#39;;
  $computer = new Computer();
  $computer -> _name = &#39;Dell&#39;;
  echo $computer->_name;


  header(&#39;Content-Type:text/html; charset=utf-8;&#39;);
  class Computer {
    //private 是私有化,即对字段进行封装的操作,类外无法访问,取值和赋值都不能操作
    private $_name = &#39;联想&#39;;
  $computer = new Computer();
  echo $computer->_name;


  header(&#39;Content-Type:text/html; charset=utf-8;&#39;);
  class Computer {
    private $_name = &#39;联想&#39;;
    public function _run(){
      //字段在类内调用的时候必须是类 -> 字段,而$_name只是一个普通变量而已。
      //字段在类外调用的方法是对象 -> 字段,而类内就必须使用 Computer -> _name
      //但是在本类中,可以使用一个关键字来代替字来代替 Computer ,那就是 $this
      echo $this ->_name;
  $computer = new Computer();
  $computer -> _run();


  header ( &#39;Content-Type:text/html; charset=utf-8;&#39; );
  class Computer {
    private $name;
    private $model;
    private $cpu;
    private $keyboard;
    private $show;
    private $zb;
    public function getName() {
      return $this->name;
    public function setName($name) {
      //这里的 $name 只是一个变量而已,参数而已
      //$this->name 才是类的字段
      $this->name = $name;
  $computer = new Computer ();
  echo $computer->getName();
  echo $computer->getName();


  header ( &#39;Content-Type:text/html; charset=utf-8;&#39; );
  class Computer {
    private $_name;
    private $_model;
    private $_cpu;
    //如果直接对 $_name 进行赋值,那么__set 方法就会拦截住,就不会报错了。
    private function __set($_key,$_value){
      //采用$_key = &#39;_name&#39;,那么 $_value = &#39;联想&#39;;
      //$this ->_name = &#39;联想&#39;;
      $this ->$_key = $_value;
    private function __get($_key){
      return $this -> $_key;
      //如果 $_key = &#39;_name&#39; 那么 $this -> _name;
      //如果 $_key = &#39;_cpu&#39; 那么 $this -> _cpu;
      //如果 $_key = &#39;_model&#39; 那么 $this -> _model;
  $computer = new Computer ();
  $computer->_name = &#39;联想&#39;;
  $computer->_cpu = &#39;四核&#39;;
  $computer->_model = &#39;i7&#39;;
  echo $computer->_name;
  echo $computer->_cpu;
  echo $computer->_model;


  header ( &#39;Content-Type:text/html; charset=utf-8;&#39; );
  class Computer {
    private $_name;
    private $_model;
    private $_cpu;
    //__set 和 __get 方法私有了,还是可以执行,是因为
    //说白了,__set() 和 __get() 是 PHP 内置的方法,具有一定的特殊性
    private function __set($_key, $_value) {
      $this->$_key = $_value;
    private function __get($_key) {
      return $this->$_key;
  $computer = new Computer ();
  $computer->_name = &#39;联想&#39;;
  $computer->_cpu = &#39;四核&#39;;
  $computer->_model = &#39;i7&#39;;
  echo $computer->_name;
  echo $computer->_cpu;
  echo $computer->_model;


  header ( &#39;Content-Type:text/html; charset=utf-8;&#39; );
  class Computer {
    const NAME = &#39;DELL&#39;;
  //常量的输出方法 类::常量
  echo Computer::NAME;    //DELL


  header ( &#39;Content-Type:text/html; charset=utf-8;&#39; );
  class Computer {
    public $_count = 0;
    public function _add(){
      $this -> _count++;  //$_count = $_count+1 $_count++
  $computer1 = new Computer();
  $computer1 ->_add();
  $computer1 ->_add();
  $computer1 ->_add();
  echo $computer1 -> _count;
  echo &#39;<br />&#39;;
  $computer2 = new Computer();
  $computer2 ->_add();
  $computer2 ->_add();
  $computer2 ->_add();
  echo $computer2 -> _count;


  header ( &#39;Content-Type:text/html; charset=utf-8;&#39; );
  class Computer {
    public static $_count = 0;
    public function _add(){
      //如果是静态成员字段,那么就应该用 self 来调用,而不是 $this
  $computer1 = new Computer();
  $computer1 ->_add();
  echo Computer::$_count;
  $computer1 ->_add();
  echo Computer::$_count;
  $computer1 ->_add();
  echo Computer::$_count;
  echo &#39;<br />&#39;;
  $computer2 = new Computer();
  $computer2 ->_add();
  echo Computer::$_count;
  $computer2 ->_add();
  echo Computer::$_count;
  $computer2 ->_add();
  echo Computer::$_count;


  header ( &#39;Content-Type:text/html; charset=utf-8;&#39; );
  class Computer {
    public static $_count = 0;
    public static function _add(){
  echo Computer::$_count;


  header ( &#39;Content-Type:text/html; charset=utf-8;&#39; );
  class Computer {
  $computer = new Computer();
  echo $computer instanceof Computer;


  header ( &#39;Content-Type:text/html; charset=utf-8;&#39; );
  class Computer {
    public $_name = &#39;联想&#39;;
    public function _run(){
      echo &#39;联想在运行!&#39;;
  class NoteComputer extends Computer {
  $noteComputer = new NoteComputer();
  echo $noteComputer -> _name;
  $noteComputer -> _run();


  header ( &#39;Content-Type:text/html; charset=utf-8;&#39; );
  class Computer {
    public $_name = &#39;联想&#39;;
    public function _run(){
      echo &#39;联想在运行!&#39;;
  class NoteComputer extends Computer {
    public $_name = &#39;Dell&#39;;
    public function _run(){
      echo &#39;Dell在运行!&#39;;
  $noteComputer = new NoteComputer();
  echo $noteComputer -> _name;
  $noteComputer -> _run();


  header ( &#39;Content-Type:text/html; charset=utf-8;&#39; );
  class Computer {
    protected $_name = &#39;联想&#39;;
    protected function _run(){
      return &#39;联想在运行!&#39;;
  class NoteComputer extends Computer {
    public function getTop() {
      echo $this->_name;
      echo $this->_run();
  $noteComputer = new NoteComputer();
  $noteComputer -> getTop();


  header ( &#39;Content-Type:text/html; charset=utf-8;&#39; );
  class Computer {
    public $_name = &#39;联想&#39;;
    public function _run(){
      return &#39;联想在运行!&#39;;
  class NoteComputer extends Computer {
    public $_name = &#39;Dell&#39;;
    public function _run(){
      echo &#39;Dell在运行!&#39;;
      echo parent :: _run();
  $noteComputer = new NoteComputer();
  echo $noteComputer -> _name;
  $noteComputer -> _run();


  header ( &#39;Content-Type:text/html; charset=utf-8;&#39; );
  //final 如果加在类前面,表示这个类不能被继承
// final class Computer {
// }
  class Computer {
    //final 如果加在方法前面,表示不能够重写些方法
    final public function _run(){
  class NoteComputer extends Computer {
    public function _run(){
  $noteComputer = new NoteComputer();


  header ( &#39;Content-Type:text/html; charset=utf-8;&#39; );
  //创建一个抽象类,只要在 class 前面加上 abstract 就是抽象类了
  //只在类里面有一个抽象方法,那么这个类必须是抽象类,类前面必须加上 abstract
  abstract class Computer {
    public $_name = &#39;联想&#39;;
    abstract public function _run();
    public function _run2(){
      echo &#39;我是父类的普通方法&#39;;
  class NoteComputer extends Computer {
    public function _run(){
      echo &#39;我是子类的方法&#39;;
  $noteComputer = new NoteComputer();
  $noteComputer -> _run();
  $noteComputer -> _run2();
  echo $noteComputer -> _name;


   * 到底应该用抽象类还是接口呢
   * 如果你要继承多个接口的方法规范,那么就用接口好了。
   * 如果你要共享一个方法体内容,那么就用抽象类。
   * */
  header ( &#39;Content-Type:text/html; charset=utf-8;&#39; );
  interface Computer {
    const NAME = &#39;成员 &#39;;
    //并且接口的抽象方法不需要写 abstract
    public function _run();
    public function _run2();
  interface Computer2 {
    public function _run3();
  class NoteComputer implements Computer,Computer2 {
    public function _run() {
      echo &#39;我重写了run&#39;;
    public function _run3() {
      echo &#39;我重写了run3&#39;;
    public function _run2() {
      echo &#39;我重写了run2&#39;;
  $noteComputer = new NoteComputer();
  $noteComputer -> _run();
  $noteComputer -> _run2();
  $noteComputer -> _run3();
  echo NoteComputer::NAME;
  //接口 :: 常量
  //echo Computer::NAME;


  header ( &#39;Content-Type:text/html; charset=utf-8;&#39; );
  //园丁    剪    修理花草
  //理发师  剪    理发
  //总裁    剪    裁员
  //人   笔记本   运行 win7开机了
  //人   台式机   运行 xp开机了
  interface Computer {
    public function version(); //这个方法表示采用什么电脑
    public function work();   //这台电脑是怎么运行的
  class NoteComputer implements Computer {
    public function version() {
      echo &#39;笔记本&#39;;
    public function work() {
      echo &#39;可以便携式运行 win7&#39;;
  class DesktopComputer implements Computer {
    public function version() {
      echo &#39;台式机&#39;;
    public function work() {
      echo &#39;在工作站运行 XP&#39;;
  class Person {
    //怎么接受,将他们的对象传进来就 OK 啦。
    public function _run($type) {
      echo &#39;这个人的&#39;;
      $type -> version();
      $type ->work();
  $noteComputer = new NoteComputer();
  $desktopComputer = new DesktopComputer();
  $person = new Person();
  $person -> _run($noteComputer); //这种传递,叫做对象引用的传递

I hope this article will be helpful to everyone in PHP programming.

For more PHP introductory tutorials on object-oriented feature analysis (inheritance, polymorphism, interfaces, abstract classes, abstract methods, etc.), please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website!

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