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Complete example of mysqli class encapsulated by php

2016-12-21 17:07:301592browse

The example in this article describes the mysqli class encapsulated in php. Share it with everyone for your reference, as follows:


class ConnectMysqli{
  private static $dbcon=false;
  private $host;
  private $port;
  private $user;
  private $pass;
  private $db;
  private $charset;
  private $link;
  private function __construct($config=array()){
    $this->host = $config[&#39;host&#39;] ? $config[&#39;host&#39;] : &#39;localhost&#39;;
    $this->port = $config[&#39;port&#39;] ? $config[&#39;port&#39;] : &#39;3306&#39;;
    $this->user = $config[&#39;user&#39;] ? $config[&#39;user&#39;] : &#39;root&#39;;
    $this->pass = $config[&#39;pass&#39;] ? $config[&#39;pass&#39;] : &#39;root&#39;;
    $this->db = $config[&#39;db&#39;] ? $config[&#39;db&#39;] : &#39;small2&#39;;
    $this->charset=isset($arr[&#39;charset&#39;]) ? $arr[&#39;charset&#39;] : &#39;utf8&#39;;
   private function db_connect(){
      echo "数据库连接失败<br>";
      echo "错误编码".mysqli_errno($this->link)."<br>";
      echo "错误信息".mysqli_error($this->link)."<br>";
    private function db_charset(){
     mysqli_query($this->link,"set names {$this->charset}");
   private function db_usedb(){
     mysqli_query($this->link,"use {$this->db}");
   private function __clone(){
     die(&#39;clone is not allowed&#39;);
   public static function getIntance(){
      self::$dbcon=new self;
     return self::$dbcon;
    public function query($sql){
      echo "sql语句执行失败<br>";
      echo "错误编码是".mysqli_errno($this->link)."<br>";
      echo "错误信息是".mysqli_error($this->link)."<br>";
     return $res;
    public function p($arr){
      echo "<pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">";
      echo "
"; } public function v($arr){ echo "
      echo "
"; } //获得最后一条记录id public function getInsertid(){ return mysqli_insert_id($this->link); } /** * 查询某个字段 * @param * @return string or int */ public function getOne($sql){ $query=$this->query($sql); return mysqli_free_result($query); } //获取一行记录,return array 一维数组 public function getRow($sql,$type="assoc"){ $query=$this->query($sql); if(!in_array($type,array("assoc",'array',"row"))){ die("mysqli_query error"); } $funcname="mysqli_fetch_".$type; return $funcname($query); } //获取一条记录,前置条件通过资源获取一条记录 public function getFormSource($query,$type="assoc"){ if(!in_array($type,array("assoc","array","row"))) { die("mysqli_query error"); } $funcname="mysqli_fetch_".$type; return $funcname($query); } //获取多条数据,二维数组 public function getAll($sql){ $query=$this->query($sql); $list=array(); while ($r=$this->getFormSource($query)) { $list[]=$r; } return $list; } /** * 定义添加数据的方法 * @param string $table 表名 * @param string orarray $data [数据] * @return int 最新添加的id */ public function insert($table,$data){ //遍历数组,得到每一个字段和字段的值 $key_str=''; $v_str=''; foreach($data as $key=>$v){ if(empty($v)){ die("error"); } //$key的值是每一个字段s一个字段所对应的值 $key_str.=$key.','; $v_str.="'$v',"; } $key_str=trim($key_str,','); $v_str=trim($v_str,','); //判断数据是否为空 $sql="insert into $table ($key_str) values ($v_str)"; $this->query($sql); //返回上一次增加操做产生ID值 return $this->getInsertid(); } /* * 删除一条数据方法 * @param1 $table, $where=array('id'=>'1') 表名 条件 * @return 受影响的行数 */ public function deleteOne($table, $where){ if(is_array($where)){ foreach ($where as $key => $val) { $condition = $key.'='.$val; } } else { $condition = $where; } $sql = "delete from $table where $condition"; $this->query($sql); //返回受影响的行数 return mysqli_affected_rows($this->link); } /* * 删除多条数据方法 * @param1 $table, $where 表名 条件 * @return 受影响的行数 */ public function deleteAll($table, $where){ if(is_array($where)){ foreach ($where as $key => $val) { if(is_array($val)){ $condition = $key.' in ('.implode(',', $val) .')'; } else { $condition = $key. '=' .$val; } } } else { $condition = $where; } $sql = "delete from $table where $condition"; $this->query($sql); //返回受影响的行数 return mysqli_affected_rows($this->link); } /** * [修改操作description] * @param [type] $table [表名] * @param [type] $data [数据] * @param [type] $where [条件] * @return [type] */ public function update($table,$data,$where){ //遍历数组,得到每一个字段和字段的值 $str=''; foreach($data as $key=>$v){ $str.="$key='$v',"; } $str=rtrim($str,','); //修改SQL语句 $sql="update $table set $str where $where"; $this->query($sql); //返回受影响的行数 return mysqli_affected_rows($this->link); } } ?>

Usage test:

/*$sql="select * from acticle";
/*$sql="select * from acticle where acticle_id=95";
/*$sql="select title from acticle";
//$del=$db->deleteAll("users","id in(27,28)");

For more articles related to complete examples of mysqli classes encapsulated in PHP, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website!

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