This article will give an example of how to use thinkphp to achieve data deletion and batch deletion.
Expected renderings:
Forgive the blogger for processing the photos so carelessly. . .
Still split through MVC mode:
First is the view part:
<form action="__MODULE__/Admin/User/del" method="get"> <tr> <th width="4%"><input type="checkbox" name="checkbox10" id="checkbox10"></th> <th width="13%">用户名</th> <th width="10%">真实姓名</th> <th width="13%">手机号</th> <th width="21%">邮箱</th> <th width="11%">注册时间</th> <th width="17%">操作</th> </tr> <volist name = 'adminUsers' id = 'vo'> <tr> <td><input type="checkbox" name="id[]" id="checkbox" value="{$}"> <td>{$vo.username}</td> <td>{$vo.realname}</td> <td>{$vo.telphone}</td> <td>{$}</td> <td>{$vo.resgistertime}</td> <td><a href="__MODULE__/Admin/User/modi/id/{$}">修改</a><a href="#"></a> <a href="__MODULE__/Admin/User/del/id/{$}">删除</a></td> </tr> </volist> </table> </div> <div class="input-group pull-left form"> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-danger ">删 除</button> </div> </form>
Still uses the method of passing values from the form, but this time no verification is required because the data is directly processed rather than letting the user input data, so There is no need to worry about the illegality of the data because the model part is omitted. A more clever method adopted here is to define name as an array, and in the controller, you only need to judge whether the incoming id is an array, saving you the trouble of writing it separately.
The next part is the controller part
public function del(){ // $name = getActionName(); //作为公共的函数使用时添加 $adminUsersModel = D("adminUsers"); //获取当期模块的操作对象 $id = $_GET['id']; //判断id是数组还是一个数值 if(is_array($id)){ $where = 'id in('.implode(',',$id).')'; }else{ $where = 'id='.$id; } //dump($where); $list=$adminUsersModel->where($where)->delete(); if($list!==false) { $this->success("成功删除{$list}条!", U("Admin/User/lists")); }else{ $this->error('删除失败!'); } }
The above is the entire implementation process. I wonder if you guys have gotten this relatively clever method?
More thinkphp frameworks related to deletion and batch deletion Please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website for articles!