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Java Design Patterns Simple Factory Pattern

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1.1 Simple Factory Pattern

Simple Factory Pattern is the creation of classes, also called Static Factory Method pattern. The simple factory pattern uses a factory object to decide which instance of the product class to create.

1.1.1 Several forms of factory pattern

The factory pattern is specifically responsible for instantiating a large number of classes with common interfaces. The factory pattern can dynamically decide which class to instantiate. The factory pattern has the following forms:
 Simple Factory (Simple Factory) pattern: also known as the Static Factory Method (Static Factory Method) pattern.
 Factory Method pattern: also known as Polymorphic Factory pattern or Virtual Constructor pattern.
 Abstract Factory pattern: also called toolbox (Kit or Toolkit) pattern.
The picture below shows a simplified class diagram of the simple factory pattern.

Java Design Patterns Simple Factory Pattern

The simple factory pattern, or static factory method pattern, is a special implementation of different factory method patterns. In Java language, the usual factory method pattern cannot give the static factory method pattern by degenerating the design functionality.

1.1.2 Introduction of simple factory mode (general mode)
For example, there is a farm that produces various fruits, including apples, strawberries, and grapes; the farm’s gardener (FruitGardener) needs Provide corresponding fruits according to customer needs. Let’s take a look at how to implement this process using the simple factory pattern, as shown below:

Java Design Patterns Simple Factory Pattern

The implementation source code of this pattern is as follows: Product interface - Fruit interface: Fruit.java
package com.lavasoft .patterns.simplefactory.ybgc;

* Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
* FileName:Fruit.java
* User: LavaSoft
* Date: 2006-12-1
* Time: 0:26:51
* "Java and Patterns" (--Dr. Yan Hong (Author) Reading Notes
* Factory Mode Mode – Simple Factory Mode – General Mode
* ReadMe: Abstract Product Role: Factory’s Fruit Product Interface – Fruit
public interface Fruit {
void plant();

void grow ();

* Harvest
void harvest();
} Product - Pingguo category: Apple.java
package com.lavasoft.patterns.simplefactory.ybgc;

* Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
* FileName:Apple.java
* User: LavaSoft
* Date: 2006-12-1
* Time: 0:47:25
* "Java and Patterns" (--Dr. Yan Hong (Author) Reading Notes
* Factory Mode Mode – Simple Factory Mode – General Mode
* ReadMe: Fruit Factory Products: Apple
public class Apple implements Fruit {
  private int treeAge;

  public void plant() {
   System.out.println("Apple has been planted .");

public void grow() {
System.out.println("Apple is growing...");

* Harvest

     * @return Returns the age of the tree


public void setTreeAge(int treeAge) {
this.treeAge = treeAge;

} 产品-草莓类:Strawberry.java
package com.lavasoft.patterns.simplefactory.ybgc;

* Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
* FileName:Strawberry.java
* User: LavaSoft
* Date: 2006-12-1
* Time: 0:45:09
* "Java and Patterns" (--Dr. Yan Hong (Author) Reading Notes
* Factory Mode Mode – Simple Factory Mode – General Mode
* ReadMe: Fruit Factory Products: Strawberry
public class Strawberry implements Fruit {
    public void grow() {
        System.out.println("Strawberry is growing...");

* Harvest
    public void harvest() {
        System.out.println("Strawberry has been harvested.");

    public void plant() {
        System.out.println("Strawberry has been planted.");

    * Helper method
    public static void log(String msg) {
} 产品-葡萄类:Grape.java
package com.lavasoft.patterns.simplefactory.ybgc;

* Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
* FileName:Grape.java
* User: LavaSoft
* Date: 2006-12-1
* Time: 0:36:56
* "Java and Patterns" (--Dr. Yan Hong (Author) Reading Notes
* Factory Mode Mode – Simple Factory Mode – General Mode
* ReadMe: Fruit Factory Products: Grapes
public class Grape implements Fruit {
    private boolean seedless;   //是否有籽

    public void plant() {
        System.out.println("Grape has been planted.");

    public void grow() {
        System.out.println("Grape is growing...");

* Harvest
    public void harvest() {
        System.out.println("Grape has been harvested.");

* @return Whether there are seeds
    public boolean getSeedless() {
        return seedless;

    * There is a seed-free assignment method
    public void setSeedless(boolean seedless) {
        this.seedless = seedless;

    * Helper method
    public static void log(String msg) {
} 工厂-园丁类:FruitGardener.java
package com.lavasoft.patterns.simplefactory.ybgc;

* Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
* FileName:FruitGardener.java
* User: LavaSoft
* Date: 2006-12-1
* Time: 1:03:27
* "Java and Patterns" (--Dr. Yan Hong (Author) Reading Notes
* Factory Mode Mode--Simple Factory Mode--General Mode
* ReadMe: Factory Role: Fruit Gardener, Produces Fruit Products
public class FruitGardener {
       * Static factory method
     * @param which: specific product name
     * @return a fruit object
      * @throws BadFruitException
 public static Fruit factory(String which) throws BadFruitException {
   if (which.equalsIgnoreCase("apple")) {
    new Apple();
                                                                          { } else {
                                                                                                                                              to be thrown,                -           to .ybgc;

* Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
* FileName:BadFruitException.java
* User: LavaSoft
* Date: 2006-12-1
* Time: 1:04:56

* "Java and Patterns" (--Dr. Yan Hong (Author) Reading Notes

* Factory Mode - Simple Factory Mode - General Mode

* ReadMe: Factory Exception Handling Class

public class BadFruitException extends Exception {

public BadFruitException(String msg) {

super(msg); //Call the constructor of the parent class
} General factory Pattern test class
package com.lavasoft.patterns.simplefactory.ybgc;

* Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
* FileName:TestApp.java
* User: LavaSoft
* Date: 2006-12-1
* Time: 1:12:08

* "Java and Patterns" (--Dr. Yan Hong (Author) Reading Notes

* Factory Mode Mode – Simple Factory Mode – General Mode

* ReadMe: Test Classes for General Factory Mode

public class TestApp {


    * Test method
private void test(String fruitName) {
System.out.println ("Congratulations! Production of a fruit object:" + fruitName); System.out.println (" Sorry! The factory is currently unable to produce the product you requested: " + fruitName);

   * Application entry method
public static void main(String args[]) {
TestApp t = new TestApp();
t.test("grape ");

t.test("car"); //An exception will be thrown here. Can the fruit factory produce cars? Hahahaha...
} Test run results
Congratulations! A fruit object is produced: apple
Congratulations! A fruit object is produced: grape
Congratulations! A fruit object is produced: strawberry
Sorry! The factory is currently unable to produce the product you want: car
Bad fruit request
com.lavasoft.patterns.simplefactory.ybgc.BadFruitException: Bad fruit request
at com.lavasoft.patterns.simplefactory.ybgc.FruitGardener.factory(FruitGardener.java:28)
at com.lavasoft.patterns. simplefactory.ybgc.TestApp.test(TestApp.java:19)
at com.lavasoft.patterns.simplefactory.ybgc.TestApp.main(TestApp.java:37)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:585)
at com.intellij.rt.execution.application.AppMain.main(AppMain.java:90)

Process finished with exit code 0

From the results, it seems that there is an exception because a type car that cannot be produced by the factory is entered. (car), hahahaha, can an orchard produce cars? Let the kindergarten children tell you!

1.1.3 The general structure of the simple factory pattern

To summarize, from the implementation of the simple factory pattern above, we can see that the simple factory pattern needs to be implemented
 Factory role: gardener
 Abstract product: Fruit interface
 Specific products: apples, grapes, strawberries
In addition, it is generally necessary to implement
 Factory exception class
 Customer class
The general structure diagram of the simple factory pattern is as follows:

Java Design Patterns Simple Factory Pattern

1.1.4 Simple factory pattern Implementation Use interfaces or abstract classes to implement multi-level product structures

Factory classes can have multiple static factory methods, which are used to produce different product objects. Multiple factory methods
are responsible for creating different product objects. For example, the java.text.DateFormat class is the factory class of its subclass, and the DateFormat class provides multiple static factory methods. Omission of abstract product role
If the system has only one specific product role, then the abstract product role can be omitted. The simplified class diagram after omitting the abstract product role is as follows:

Java Design Patterns Simple Factory Pattern

The following is an example, the factory role creates a specific product, the source code is as follows: Product role: ConcreteProduct.java
package com .lavasoft.patterns.simplefactory.gchb;

* Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
* FileName:ConcreteProduct.java
* User: LavaSoft
* Date: 2006-12-1
* Time: 2:07:48
* "Java and Patterns" (--Dr. Yan Hong (Author) Reading Notes
* Factory Pattern - Simple Factory Pattern - Work-drawing Merger (Merging Factory Role and Abstract Product Role)
* ReadMe: Specific product category, indicating a single type of product.
public class ConcreteProduct {
  public ConcreteProduct() {
} Factory role:
package com. lavasoft.patterns.simplefactory.gchb;

* Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
* FileName:Creator.java
* User: LavaSoft
* Date: 2006-12-1
* Time: 1:56:43
* "Java and Patterns" (--Dr. Yan Hong (Author) Reading Notes
* Factory Pattern - Simple Factory Pattern - Merger of Work and Drawing (Merging Factory Role and Abstract Product Role)
* ReadMe: Specific product categories are merged with abstract product roles to produce only a single type of product.
public class Creator {
      * Static factory method
     * @return a product
public static Creator factory(){
return new Creator();
} Test class
package com.lavasoft.patterns.simplefactory.gchb;

* Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
* FileName:TestApp.java
* User: LavaSoft
* Date: 2006-12-1
* Time: 2:11:30
* "Java and Patterns" (--Dr. Yan Hong (Author) Reading Notes
* Factory Pattern--Simple Factory Pattern--Worker Merger (Merger of Factory Role and Abstract Product Role)
* ReadMe: Worker Merger Test Class
public class TestApp {
       private void test() {
       Creator t = Creator.factory();
      System.out.println("Product successfully produced!"); public static void main(String args[]) {
                                                                                                       ; Factory role merged with abstract role
In some cases, the factory role can be played by the abstract product role. A typical application is the java.text.DateFormat class, an abstract product class that is also a factory for subclasses, as shown in the figure below:

The following is an implementation I wrote myself, the source code is as follows:

1.1 .4.4.1 Abstract product class (also a factory class)

package com.lavasoft.patterns.simplefactory.cxsl;

* Created by IntelliJ IDEA.

* FileName:AbsProduct.java

* User: LavaSoftJava Design Patterns Simple Factory Pattern * Date: 2006-12-3

* Time: 3:23:47

* "Java and Patterns" (--Dr. Yan Hong (Author) Reading Notes

* Factory Pattern - Simple Factory Pattern - The merger of factory role and abstract product role

* ReadMe: Abstract product class, and factory class at the same time.


public abstract class AbsProduct {
static Product factory(){

return new Product();

} Specific product category
package com.lavasoft.patterns.simplefactory.cxsl;

* Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
* FileName:Product.java
* User: LavaSoft
* Date: 2006-12-3
* Time: 3:23:54
* "Java and Patterns" (--Dr. Yan Hong (Author) Reading Notes

* Factory Pattern - Simple Factory Pattern - Merge of Factory Role and Abstract Product Role

* ReadMe: Specific Product Category


public class Product {


} Test class
package com.lavasoft.patterns.simplefactory.cxsl;

* Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
* FileName:TestApp.java
* User: LavaSoft
* Date: 2006-12-3
* Time: 3:30:30
* "Java and Patterns" (--Dr. Yan Hong (Author) Reading Notes

* Factory Pattern--Simple Factory Pattern--Merging Factory Role and Abstract Product Role

* ReadMe: Test Class


public class TestApp {
​ private void test () {

          Product a = AbsProduct.factory();

        System.out.println("A product object was successfully created!");
                  public static void main(String args[]) {                 TestApp test = new TestApp();
} Test results

Successfully created a product object!

Process finished with exit code 0

This implementation is very simple, so the code will not be explained in detail! All three roles are merged

If based on the above example, even the abstract product role is omitted, and the factory role can be merged with the specific product role. In other words, a product class is its own factory. As shown in the figure below:

A simple implementation example is given below: Specific product category

package com.lavasoft.patterns.simplefactory.sshb;

* Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
* FileName:ConcreteProduct.java
* User: LavaSoft
* Date: 2006-12-1
* Time: 2:20:38
* "Java and Patterns" (--Dr. Yan Hong (Author) Reading notes
* Factory mode - simple factory mode - three-color-in-one mode
* ReadMe: Abstract product, product, factory category three and one specific product category
public class ConcreteProduct
public ConcreteProduct(){}

      * Static factory method
     * @return specific product ConcreteProduct instance
public static ConcreteProduct factory()
return new ConcreteProduct();
} Test class
package com.lavasoft.patterns.simplefactory.sshb;

* Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
* FileName:TestApp.java
* User: LavaSoft
* Date: 2006-12-1
* Time: 2:24:22
* "Java and Patterns" (--Dr. Yan Hong (Author) Reading Notes
* Factory Mode – Simple Factory Mode – Three Colors in One Mode
* ReadMe: Test Method

public class TestApp {
​ //Test method
​​ private void test () () {
ConcreteProduct T = ConcreteProduct.factory ();
System.out.println ("Product successful production!"); stapp ()) .test();
} Test running results

The product was successfully produced!

Process finished with exit code 0

The code is very simple and will not be explained. The cyclic use of product objects and registered factory methods

are discussed here in the single case mode and the multiple case mode.

Advantages and disadvantages of the simple factory pattern Advantages of the simple factory pattern

Core factory class, the factory class determines which instance of the product class is created under what circumstances. The client, on the other hand, is exempted from the responsibility of directly creating the product object and only "consumes" the product. The simple factory pattern achieves the separation of responsibilities through this approach. Disadvantages of the simple factory pattern

When the product class has a complex multi-level hierarchical structure, the factory class has only itself. The shortcoming is to adapt to all changes by remaining unchanged.

This factory class concentrates all product creation logic, forming an omnipotent class (also called the God class) that knows everything. If something goes wrong with this class, the entire application will be greatly affected.

When a product has multiple interfaces, it can be difficult to determine which product class instance to create under what conditions.

For factories, adding new products is a painful process. The factory role must know each product, how to create them, and when to make them available to customers. In other words, accepting new products means modifying the source code of this factory role. Simple factories support the open-closed principle only to a limited extent.
Since the simple factory pattern uses static methods as factory methods, and static methods cannot be inherited by subclasses, the factory role cannot form a hierarchical structure based on inheritance. This shortcoming is overcome in the factory method pattern. The application of simple factory pattern in Java

DateFormat and simple factory pattern

XMLReaderFactory and simple factory pattern in SAX2 library Nuwa makes people out of clay

Nuwa needs to make people out of clay Generating people one by one, this is the application of the simple factory pattern. The class diagram is as follows:

Nuwa is the factory role, people are abstract product roles, and Zhang San and Li Si are products. The specific implementation will not be given here. Please refer to the example of a gardener producing fruits.

Java Design Patterns Simple Factory Pattern

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