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php FPDF class library application implementation code

2016-12-14 12:00:471382browse

class PDF extends PDF_Chinese
function Header() //Set the header
$this->SetFont('GB','',10 );
$this->Write(10,'XX company product directory');
$this->Ln(20); //Line break
function Footer() //Set the footer
$ this->SetY(-15);
$this->Cell(0,10,'th'.$this->PageNo ().'Page');

$conn = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", ""); //Connect to the database

mysql_select_db("product", $conn); //Execute SQL
$query_rs_prod = "SELECT * FROM product ORDER BY prod_id";
$rs_prod = mysql_query($query_rs_prod, $conn) or die(mysql_error());
$row_rs_prod = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs_prod);
$totalRows_rs_prod = mysql_num_rows ($rs_prod);

$pdf=new PDF(); //Create a new FPDF object
$pdf->AddGBFont(); //Set Chinese font
$pdf->Open(); //Start Create PDF
$pdf->AddPage(); //Add a page

$pdf->SetFont('GB','',10); //Set font style

$header=array('product Number','Product Name','Product Type','Product Unit Price'); //Set the header
$width=array(20,80,40,20); //Set the width of each column

for($ i=0;$i$pdf->Cell($width[$i],6,$header[$i],1);

do //Loop output table body
$pdf ->Cell($width[1],6,$row_rs_prod['prod_name'],1);
$pdf->Cell($width[2],6,$row_rs_prod['prod_type'],1) ;
} while ($row_rs_prod = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs_prod) );

$pdf->Output("product.pdf", true); //Download PDF file

The code is as follows:
define('FPDF_FONTPATH','font/ '); //Define the path to the font folder
require_once('fpdf/fpdf.php'); //Include the fpdf class library file
$pdf=new FPDF('P', 'mm', 'A4'); //Create a new FPDF object, place the paper vertically, the unit is millimeters, the paper size is A4
$pdf->Open(); //Start creating PDF
$pdf->AddPage(); //Add a page
$pdf->SetFont('Courier','I',20); //Set font style
$pdf->Cell(0,0,'Hello World!'); //Add a cell
$pdf->Output(); //Output PDF to the browser

The code is as follows:
define('FPDF_FONTPATH','font/'); //Define the font folder The path
require_once('fpdf/fpdf.php'); //Contains the fpdf class library file
$pdf=new FPDF('P', 'mm', 'A4'); //Create a new FPDF object, vertical Put the paper to the direction, the unit is millimeters, the paper size is A4
$pdf->Open(); //Start creating PDF
$pdf->AddPage(); //Add a page
$pdf->SetFont(' Courier','I',20); //Set the font style
$pdf->Image('sight.jpg',20,20,0,0); //Add an image with the file name sight. jpg
$pdf->Output(); //Output PDF to the browser

The code is as follows:
define('FPDF_FONTPATH','font/'); //Define font The path to the folder
require_once('fpdf/fpdf.php'); //Contains the fpdf class library file
$pdf=new FPDF('P', 'mm', 'A4'); //Create a new FPDF object , put the paper vertically, the unit is millimeters, the paper size is A4
$pdf->Open(); //Start creating PDF
$pdf->AddPage(); //Add a page
$pdf->SetFont ('Courier','I',20); //Set the font style
$pdf->Cell(60,10,'Hello World!',1); //Add a cell border to 1
$pdf ->Output(); //Output PDF to the browser

The code is as follows:
define('FPDF_FONTPATH','font/'); //Define the path to the font folder
require_once('fpdf/fpdf.php'); //Contains fpdf class library file
$pdf=new FPDF('P', 'mm', 'A4'); //Create a new FPDF object and place it vertically Paper, in millimeters, paper size A4
$pdf->Open(); //Start creating PDF
$pdf->AddPage(); //Add a page

$pdf->SetFont('Arial ','',14); //Set font style

$header=array('Name','Age','Sex','Salary'); //Set the table header
$data=array(); //Set the table body
$data[0] = array( 'Simon','24','Male','5,000.00');
$data[1] = array('Elaine','25','Female','6,000.00');
$data[2] = array('Susan','25','Female','7,000.00');
$data[3] = array('David','26','Male','8,000.00');

$width= array(40,40,40,40); //Set the width of each column

for($i=0;$i$pdf-> Cell($width[$i],6,$header[$i],1);

foreach($data as $row) //Loop output table body

$pdf->Output(); //Output PDF to the browser

The code is as follows:
define('FPDF_FONTPATH' ,'font/'); //Define the path to the font folder
require_once('fpdf/fpdf.php'); //Include the fpdf class library file
$pdf=new FPDF('P', 'mm', ' A4'); //Create a new FPDF object, place the paper vertically, the unit is millimeters, the paper size is A4
$pdf->Open(); //Start creating PDF
$pdf->AddPage(); / /Add a page
$pdf->SetFont('Courier','I',20); //Set font style
$pdf->Cell(0,0,'Hello, FPDF'); // Add a cell and output Chinese
$pdf->Output(); //Output PDF to the browser

The code is as follows:
class PDF extends PDF_Chinese
function Header() //Set the header

function Footer() //Set the footer
$this->SetFont ('GB','',10);

$pdf= new PDF(); //Create PDF document
$pdf->Cell(0,10,'Hello, FPDF'); //Output a piece of Chinese
$pdf-> Output();

The code is as follows:
$conn = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", ""); //Connect to the database
$colname_rs_article = $_GET['id ']; //Get parameter id

mysql_select_db("cms", $conn); //Execute SQL
$query_rs_article = sprintf("SELECT * FROM articles WHERE article_id = %s", $colname_rs_article);
$rs_article = mysql_query($query_rs_article, $conn) or die(mysql_error());
$row_rs_article = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs_article);
$totalRows_rs_article = mysql_num_rows($rs_article);

function conv($Text) //Convert the returned text Processing
$Text=htmlspecialchars($Text); //Convert HTML key characters
$Text=nl2br($Text); //Convert newline characters
return $Text;

| Download PDF document

< ;/p>

The code is as follows:
class PDF extends PDF_Chinese
function Header() //Set the header
$this->SetFont('GB' ,'',10);
$this->Write(10,'Article System-XX Website');
$this->Ln(20); //Line break
function Footer() //Settings Footer
$this->Cell(0,10,'th'. $this->PageNo().'Page');
//The main program starts
$conn = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", ""); //Connect to the database
$colname_rs_article = $_GET['id']; //Get parameter id

mysql_select_db("cms", $conn); //Execute SQL
$query_rs_article = sprintf("SELECT * FROM articles WHERE article_id = %s", $colname_rs_article) ;
$rs_article = mysql_query($query_rs_article, $conn) or die(mysql_error());
$row_rs_article = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs_article);
$totalRows_rs_article = mysql_num_rows($rs_article);
//Start creating PDF document
$ pdf=new PDF();
$pdf ->SetFont('GB','B',20);
$pdf->Cell(0,10,$row_rs_article['title']); //Output the article title
$pdf->Ln( ); //Line break
$pdf->Cell(0,10,$row_rs_article['author']); //Output article author
$content = $row_rs_article['content'];
while($content != "") / /Loop to write the article content to PDF page by page
$length = strlen($content); //Get the article length
$output = substr($content, 0, 1024); //Get the output content of this page, each 1024 characters is 1 page
$pdf->Cell(0,10,$output); //Output the article content
$content = substr($content, 1024, $length); //Get the remaining unoutputted content
$pdf->AddPage(); //Page change
$pdf->Output($row_rs_article['title'].".pdf", true); //Output PDF file, the file name is the article title

The code is as follows:
define('FPDF_FONTPATH','font/'); //Define the path to the font folder
require_once('fpdf/fpdf.php'); // Contains fpdf class library file

class PDF extends FPDF
function Header() //Set the header
$this->SetFont('Arial','B',15); //Set the header font
$this->Cell(80); //Move the cell
$this->Cell(30,10,'Title'); //Write header text
$this->Ln(20) ; //Line break

function Footer() //Set the footer
$this->SetY(-15); //Set the location of the footer
$this->SetFont('Arial', 'I',8); //Set the footer font
$this->Cell(0,10,'Page - '.$this->PageNo()); //Output the current page number as the footer content

$pdf=new PDF('P', 'mm', 'A4'); //Create a new FPDF object, place the paper vertically, the unit is millimeters, the paper size is A4
$pdf-> Open(); //Start creating PDF
$pdf->AddPage(); //Add a page
$pdf->SetFont('Courier','I',20); //Set font style
$ pdf->Cell(0,0,'Hello World!'); //Add a cell
$pdf->Output(); //Output PDF to the browser

The above is php FPDF I hope the class library application implementation code can help everyone. For more related content, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website (www.php.cn)!

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