1. The role of the cursor:
When Selecting, a result set is returned. If you need to read a row of data during the process of returning the result set. This row of data needs to be processed, such as returning a query result set based on the read data as query conditions, etc. The application needs to use a cursor.
The cursor allows the user to query the next row, previous row, first row or last row and process these read rows.
2. Cursor example
CREATE FUNCTION GetMRPlnFullBom - Create a function to query each row in the document based on the document key and process the data in each row.
using using use through use using use using using through using ’ through ’ s ’ through using using using ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ to define a temporary table for the result set of the final query and return it.
DocEntry int,
LineNum int,
LineNumLevel nvarchar(100),
ItmID nvarchar(20),
ItmName nvarchar(100),
LineType char(1),
Qty numeric( 19,9),
BomLevel int,
ParentEntry int,
ParentItmID nvarchar(20),
TopEntry int,
TopItmID nvarchar( )
Declare @ItmID varchar(50) , @Qty int ,@LineNum int ,@ObjType int --Declaring local variables
--Declaring a cursor, XXX cannot be added before declaring the cursor @, for example, the following MRPlnA_ItmID, the format is DECLARE XXX CURSOR FOR = @DocEntry --The statement must be between DECLARE XXX CURSOR FOR and OPEN XXX .
Open MRPlnA_ItmID --Open the cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM MRPlnA_ItmID INTO @ItmID , @Qty ,@LineNum , @ObjType --FETCH NEXT FROM The data from elect, Store it in a temporary variable. In addition to NEXT, the FETCH format also includes PRIOR, FRIST, and LAST. They are the previous line, the first line and the last line.
WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 --@@FETCH_STATUS global variable, used to query the last status of FETCH and control the loop. It is 0 when the reading is completed, -1 when the reading fails, and -2 when the record is deleted.
Insert Into @TAB
Select DocEntry,LineNum,LineNumLevel,ItmID,ItmName,LineType,Qty*@Qty,BomLevel,ParentEntry,
ParentItmID,TopEntry,TopItmID, @D ocEntry SourceEntry ,@LineNum BaseLineNum ,@ ObjType BaseType
From GetBomFullItems(@ItmID, 'V 1.0', GetDate()) TD --GetBomFULLItmes is another query function.
FETCH NEXT FROM MRPlnA_ItmID INTO @ItmID , @Qty ,@LineNum , @ObjType -- Select moves to the next line.
CLOSE MRPlnA_ItmID --Close the cursor
DEALLOCATE MRPlnA_ItmID --Release the cursor