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Detailed explanation of linux grep command

2016-12-13 14:13:231346browse


grep (global search regular expression (RE) and print out the line, comprehensive search for regular expressions and print out the line) is a powerful text search tool that can use regular expressions to search text and print out the line. Matching lines are printed.

The grep family of Unix includes grep, egrep and fgrep. The egrep and fgrep commands are only slightly different from grep. egrep is an extension of grep, supporting more re metacharacters. fgrep is fixed grep or fast grep, which treats all letters as words. That is to say, the metacharacters in regular expressions represent their own literal meanings. , no longer special. Linux uses the GNU version of grep. It is more powerful and can use the functions of egrep and fgrep through the -G, -E, and -F command line options.

Common usage of grep

[root@www ~]# grep [-acinv] [--color=auto] '搜寻字符串' filename
-a :将 binary 文件以 text 文件的方式搜寻数据
-c :计算找到 '搜寻字符串' 的次数
-i :忽略大小写的不同,所以大小写视为相同
-n :顺便输出行号
-v :反向选择,亦即显示出没有 '搜寻字符串' 内容的那一行!
--color=auto :可以将找到的关键词部分加上颜色的显示喔!

Take out the lines where root appears in /etc/passwd

# grep root /etc/passwd
# cat /etc/passwd | grep root 

Take out the lines where root appears on /etc/passwd, and display these lines in /etc/passwd Line number

# grep -n root /etc/passwd

In terms of keyword display, grep can use --color=auto to display the keyword part in color. This is a very good feature! But if you have to add --color=auto every time you use grep, it will be very troublesome ~ At this time, the useful alias has to be dealt with! You can add this line in ~/.bashrc: "alias grep='grep --color=auto'" and then "source ~/.bashrc" to take effect immediately! In this way, every time you run grep, it will automatically add color display for you

Take out the lines where root does not appear in /etc/passwd

# grep -v root /etc/passwdroot:x:0:0:

Put out the lines where root and nologin do not appear in /etc/passwd Take it out

# grep -v root /etc/passwd | grep -v nologin

Use dmesg to list the core information, and then use grep to find the line containing eth. Color the captured keywords and add the line number to represent them:

[root@www ~]# dmesg | grep -n --color=auto 'eth'
247:eth0: RealTek RTL8139 at 0xee846000, 00:90:cc:a6:34:84, IRQ 10
248:eth0: Identified 8139 chip type 'RTL-8139C'
294:eth0: link up, 100Mbps, full-duplex, lpa 0xC5E1
305:eth0: no IPv6 routers present
# 你会发现除了 eth 会有特殊颜色来表示之外,最前面还有行号喔!

In terms of keyword display, grep can use --color=auto to display the keyword part in color. This is a very good feature! But if you have to add --color=auto every time you use grep, it will be very troublesome ~ At this time, the useful alias has to be dealt with! You can add this line in ~/.bashrc: "alias grep='grep --color=auto'" and then "source ~/.bashrc" to take effect immediately! In this way, every time you run grep, it will automatically add color display for you

Use dmesg to list the core information, and then use grep to find the line containing eth, which is the first two lines and the last three lines of the keyword line. Also capture and display them together

[root@www ~]# dmesg | grep -n -A3 -B2 --color=auto 'eth'
245-PCI: setting IRQ 10 as level-triggered
246-ACPI: PCI Interrupt 0000:00:0e.0[A] -> Link [LNKB] ...
247:eth0: RealTek RTL8139 at 0xee846000, 00:90:cc:a6:34:84, IRQ 10
248:eth0: Identified 8139 chip type 'RTL-8139C'
249-input: PC Speaker as /class/input/input2
250-ACPI: PCI Interrupt 0000:00:01.4[B] -> Link [LNKB] ...
251-hdb: ATAPI 48X DVD-ROM DVD-R-RAM CD-R/RW drive, 2048kB Cache, UDMA(66)
# 如上所示,你会发现关键字 247 所在的前两行及 248 后三行也都被显示出来!
# 这样可以让你将关键字前后数据捉出来进行分析啦!

Recursively search directories based on file contents

# grep ‘energywise’ *           #在当前目录搜索带'energywise'行的文件

# grep -r ‘energywise’ *        #在当前目录及其子目录下搜索'energywise'行的文件
# grep -l -r ‘energywise’ *     #在当前目录及其子目录下搜索'energywise'行的文件,但是不显示匹配的行,只显示匹配的文件

These commands are very useful and are a powerful tool for finding files.

grep and regular expressions

Character class

Character class search: If I want to search for the two words test or taste, I can find that they actually have the same 't?st'~ At this time, I can search like this:

[root@www ~]# grep -n 't[ae]st' regular_express.txt
8:I can't finish the test.
9:Oh! The soup taste good.

In fact, no matter how many bytes there are in [], it represents a certain "one" byte. Therefore, the above example shows that the string I need is "tast" 』 or 『test』 are just two strings!

Reverse selection of character class [^]: If you want to search for lines with oo, but you don’t want oo to be preceded by g, as follows

[root@www ~]# grep -n '[^g]oo' regular_express.txt
2:apple is my favorite food.
3:Football game is not use feet only.
18:google is the best tools for search keyword.
19:goooooogle yes!

There is no doubt about lines 2 and 3, because both foo and Foo can be used been accepted!

But line 18 clearly contains the word "goo" for "google"~ Don't forget it, because the word "too" for "tool" appears after this line! So this line is also listed ~ In other words, although the item we don't want (goo) appears in line 18, there is a needed item (too), so it is consistent with the string search!

As for line 19, the same, because the oo in goooooogle may be preceded by o, for example: go(ooo)oogle, so this line also meets the requirements!

Continuation of character classes: Next, suppose I don’t want lowercase bytes in front of oo, so I can write [^abcd....z]oo like this, but this seems inconvenient because of the lowercase bytes The order of encoding on ASCII is continuous, so we can simplify it as follows:

[root@www ~]# grep -n '[^a-z]oo' regular_express.txt
3:Football game is not use feet only.

That is to say, when we are in a set of bytes, if the byte set is continuous, such as uppercase English /lowercase English/numbers, etc., you can use [a-z], [A-Z], [0-9] and other methods to write. So what if our required string is numbers and English? hehe! Just write them all together and it becomes: [a-zA-Z0-9].

We want to get the row with numbers, just like this:

[root@www ~]# grep -n '[0-9]' regular_express.txt
5:However, this dress is about $ 3183 dollars.
15:You are the best is mean you are the no. 1.

行首与行尾字节 ^ $
行首字符:如果我想要让 the 只在行首列出呢? 这个时候就得要使用定位字节了!我们可以这样做:

[root@www ~]# grep -n '^the' regular_express.txt
12:the symbol '*' is represented as start.

此时,就只剩下第 12 行,因为只有第 12 行的行首是 the 开头啊~此外, 如果我想要开头是小写字节的那一行就列出呢?可以这样:

[root@www ~]# grep -n '^[a-z]' regular_express.txt
2:apple is my favorite food.
4:this dress doesn't fit me.
10:motorcycle is cheap than car.
12:the symbol '*' is represented as start.
18:google is the best tools for search keyword.
19:goooooogle yes!
20:go! go! Let's go.


[root@www ~]# grep -n '^[^a-zA-Z]' regular_express.txt
1:"Open Source" is a good mechanism to develop programs.
21:# I am VBird

^ 符号,在字符类符号(括号[])之内与之外是不同的! 在 [] 内代表『反向选择』,在 [] 之外则代表定位在行首的意义!


那如果我想要找出来,行尾结束为小数点 (.) 的那一行:

[root@www ~]# grep -n '\.$' regular_express.txt
1:"Open Source" is a good mechanism to develop programs.
2:apple is my favorite food.
3:Football game is not use feet only.
4:this dress doesn't fit me.
10:motorcycle is cheap than car.
11:This window is clear.
12:the symbol '*' is represented as start.
15:You are the best is mean you are the no. 1.
16:The world <Happy> is the same with "glad".
17:I like dog.
18:google is the best tools for search keyword.
20:go! go! Let&#39;s go.




[root@www ~]# grep -n &#39;^$&#39; regular_express.txt22:

因为只有行首跟行尾 (^$),所以,这样就可以找出空白行啦!


任意一个字节 . 与重复字节 *

. (小数点):代表『一定有一个任意字节』的意思;
* (星号):代表『重复前一个字符, 0 到无穷多次』的意思,为组合形态

假设我需要找出 g??d 的字串,亦即共有四个字节, 起头是 g 而结束是 d ,我可以这样做:

[root@www ~]# grep -n &#39;g..d&#39; regular_express.txt
1:"Open Source" is a good mechanism to develop programs.
9:Oh! The soup taste good.
16:The world <Happy> is the same with "glad".

因为强调 g 与 d 之间一定要存在两个字节,因此,第 13 行的 god 与第 14 行的 gd 就不会被列出来啦!


如果我想要列出有 oo, ooo, oooo 等等的数据, 也就是说,至少要有两个(含) o 以上,该如何是好?

因为 * 代表的是『重复 0 个或多个前面的 RE 字符』的意义, 因此,『o*』代表的是:『拥有空字节或一个 o 以上的字节』,因此,『 grep -n 'o*' regular_express.txt 』将会把所有的数据都列印出来终端上!

当我们需要『至少两个 o 以上的字串』时,就需要 ooo* ,亦即是:

[root@www ~]# grep -n &#39;ooo*&#39; regular_express.txt
1:"Open Source" is a good mechanism to develop programs.
2:apple is my favorite food.
3:Football game is not use feet only.
9:Oh! The soup taste good.
18:google is the best tools for search keyword.
19:goooooogle yes!

如果我想要字串开头与结尾都是 g,但是两个 g 之间仅能存在至少一个 o ,亦即是 gog, goog, gooog.... 等等,那该如何?

[root@www ~]# grep -n &#39;goo*g&#39; regular_express.txt
18:google is the best tools for search keyword.
19:goooooogle yes!

如果我想要找出 g 开头与 g 结尾的行,当中的字符可有可无

[root@www ~]# grep -n &#39;g.*g&#39; regular_express.txt
1:"Open Source" is a good mechanism to develop programs.
14:The gd software is a library for drafting programs.
18:google is the best tools for search keyword.
19:goooooogle yes!
20:go! go! Let&#39;s go.

因为是代表 g 开头与 g 结尾,中间任意字节均可接受,所以,第 1, 14, 20 行是可接受的喔! 这个 .* 的 RE 表示任意字符是很常见的.



[root@www ~]# grep -n &#39;[0-9][0-9]*&#39; regular_express.txt
5:However, this dress is about $ 3183 dollars.
15:You are the best is mean you are the no. 1.

限定连续 RE 字符范围 {}
我们可以利用 . 与 RE 字符及 * 来配置 0 个到无限多个重复字节, 那如果我想要限制一个范围区间内的重复字节数呢?

举例来说,我想要找出两个到五个 o 的连续字串,该如何作?这时候就得要使用到限定范围的字符 {} 了。 但因为 { 与 } 的符号在 shell 是有特殊意义的,因此, 我们必须要使用字符   \ 来让他失去特殊意义才行。 至於 {} 的语法是这样的,假设我要找到两个 o 的字串,可以是:

[root@www ~]# grep -n &#39;o\{2\}&#39; regular_express.txt
1:"Open Source" is a good mechanism to develop programs.
2:apple is my favorite food.
3:Football game is not use feet only.
9:Oh! The soup taste good.
18:google is the best tools for search ke
19:goooooogle yes!

假设我们要找出 g 后面接 2 到 5 个 o ,然后再接一个 g 的字串,他会是这样:

[root@www ~]# grep -n &#39;go\{2,5\}g&#39; regular_express.txt
18:google is the best tools for search keyword.

如果我想要的是 2 个 o 以上的 goooo....g 呢?除了可以是 gooo*g ,也可以是:

[root@www ~]# grep -n &#39;go\{2,\}g&#39; regular_express.txt
18:google is the best tools for search keyword.
19:goooooogle yes!

扩展grep(grep -E 或者 egrep):



    # egrep &#39;NW|EA&#39; testfile     
    northwest       NW      Charles Main        3.0     .98     3       34
    eastern         EA      TB Savage           4.4     .84     5       20


#grep &#39;NW\|EA&#39; testfile
northwest       NW      Charles Main        3.0     .98     3       34
eastern         EA      TB Savage           4.4     .84     5       20


# egrep &#39;3+&#39; testfile
# grep -E &#39;3+&#39; testfile
# grep &#39;3\+&#39; testfile        
northwest       NW      Charles Main          3.0     .98     3       34
western         WE      Sharon Gray           5.3     .97     5       23
northeast       NE      AM Main Jr.           5.1     .94     3       13
central         CT      Ann Stephens          5.7     .94     5       13


# egrep &#39;2\.?[0-9]&#39; testfile 
# grep -E &#39;2\.?[0-9]&#39; testfile
# grep &#39;2\.\?[0-9]&#39; testfile 
western         WE       Sharon Gray          5.3     .97     5       23
southwest       SW      Lewis Dalsass         2.7     .8      2       18
eastern         EA       TB Savage             4.4     .84     5       20


# egrep &#39;(no)+&#39; testfile
# grep -E &#39;(no)+&#39; testfile
# grep &#39;\(no\)\+&#39; testfile   #3个命令返回相同结果,
northwest       NW      Charles Main        3.0     .98     3       34
northeast       NE       AM Main Jr.        5.1     .94     3       13
north           NO      Margot Weber        4.5     .89     5       9


fgrep 查询速度比grep命令快,但是不够灵活:它只能找固定的文本,而不是规则表达式。


fgrep  &#39;*&#39; /etc/profile
for i in /etc/profile.d/*.sh ; do

grep -F &#39;*&#39; /etc/profile
for i in /etc/profile.d/*.sh ; do

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