Purpose: In the XXXX project, many pop-up windows are implemented by appending freemarker web page tags. The web page pop-up box only displays the hidden div, which will slow down the web page during preloading and increase the page loading and The solution to the response time
is as follows: d552352bd64daa3c7fa5364cee0a5e6e
1. Separate the html code and css of the pop-up page part
html: html/configure/layer -win/_group-add-layer.html
css: css/common/componnentWin.css 49d496c3124fb5b7fc63c10dc26c1b5e
Sub-layer html: _group-add-layer.html
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>group Add</title> </head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../../js/lib/datePicker/skin/WdatePicker.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../../css/common/componnentWin.css" /> <body> ···· </body> <script type="text/javascript" src="../../../js/jquery-1.9.1.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="../../../js/lib/layer/layer.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="../../../js/scooper/scooper.tool.xiacy.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="../../../js/configure/layer-win/group-new-add.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> </script> </html>
Parent Layer html: Group-manager.html
<#include "/html/config/configure.html"/> <@menuConfig likey="stationGroup"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="${contextPath}/css/configure/group-manager.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="${contextPath}/css/lib/userLibs/page-plugin.css"> <script type="text/javascript" src="${contextPath}/js/lib/layer/layer.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="${contextPath}/js/lib/userLibs/page-load.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="${contextPath}/js/scooper/scooper.tool.xiacy.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="${contextPath}/js/configure/group-manager.js"></script> ····· </@menuConfig>
General pop-up window html:
<div id = "addNewGroupWin" class = "capsule-win show"> <div class = "capsule-win-top" title = "添加分中心"><span>添加分中心</span></div> <div class = "capsule-win-center"> <div class = "capsule-item" id = "oldDevSearch"> <div class = "item-left input_required" >名称</div> <div class = "item-right"> <input id = "newGroupName" class = "sc_validate" title = "分中心名称" type="text" placeholder="请输入分中心名称" scvalidate='{"required":true,"format":"string"}'/> </div> </div> <div class = "capsule-item"> <div class = "item-left input_required">经度</div> <div class = "item-right"> <input id = "newGroupLng" class = "sc_validate" title= "分中心经度" type="text" placeholder="请输入0-180的数字" scvalidate='{"required":true,"format":"lng"}'/> </div> </div> <div class = "capsule-item"> <div class = "item-left input_required">纬度</div> <div class = "item-right"> <input id = "newGroupLat" class = "sc_validate" title = "分中心纬度" type="text" placeholder="请输入0-90的数字" scvalidate='{"required":true,"format":"lat"}'/> </div> </div> <div class = "capsule-item" id = "processSNOLDIV"> <div class = "item-left input_required">描述</div> <div class = "item-right"> <textarea id = "newGroupDesc" class = "sc_validate" title = "分中心描述" scvalidate='{"required":true,"format":"string"}'></textarea> </div> </div> </div> <div class = "capsule-win-bottom"> <input id="addNewGroupSure" class = "btn-bottom centerfix btn-succ" type="button" value="确定"/> <input id="addNewGroupCancle" class = "btn-bottom btn-cancel" type="button" value="取消"/> </div> </div>
4. Parent layer js
/** * <分中心管理> * 添加分中心 * Author : Yiyuery * Date : 2016/10/19 */ ;(function($,w,document,undefined){ $(document).ready(function(){ validatorInit(); clickEventBind(); }); var addGroupValidator = new Validator(); var contextPath = "/ZJDZYW"; /** * 表单验证初始化 * @returns */ function validatorInit(){ addGroupValidator.init(function(obj, msg){ layer.tips(msg,obj,{ style: ['background-color:#78BA32; color:#fff', '#78BA32'], maxWidth:185, time: 2000, tips: 1, }); }); } /** * 点击事件绑定 * @returns */ function clickEventBind(){ addNewGroupClick(); } /** * 分中心相关点击事件 * @returns */ function addNewGroupClick(){ $("#addNewGroupSure").click(function(){ addNewGroupSure(); }); $("#addNewGroupCancle").click(function(){ addNewGroupCancle(); }); } /** * 添加新的分中心 [确定] * @returns */ function addNewGroupSure(){ validatorInput(); } /** * 添加分中心 [取消] */ function addNewGroupCancle(){ closeLayerWin(); } /** * 关闭当前打开的layer弹窗 */ function closeLayerWin(){ var index = parent.layer.getFrameIndex(window.name); parent.layer.close(index); //再执行关闭 } /** * 表单提交输入验证 */ function validatorInput(){ /** * 输入校验 */ if(!addGroupValidator.validate("addNewGroupWin")){ return; } var paras = { "group_name" : $("#newGroupName").val(), "longitude" : $("#newGroupLng").val(), "latitude" : $("#newGroupLat").val(), "group_desc" : $("#newGroupDesc").val(), }; $.ajaxSettings.async = false ; $.getJSON(contextPath+"/stationGroup/add", paras, function(resp){ if(resp.code !=undefined && resp.code == 0){ console.log("分中心列表刷新!"); } }); $.ajaxSettings.async = true ; closeLayerWin(); } })(jQuery,window,document);
loadGroupCenterInfo: parent layer js method, when closing the layer pop-up window, call the parent layer method to refresh the sub-center list
5. The parent layer pop-up window is not available here Jumping out of the nested iframe of the parent page, due to the operation loadGroupCenterInfo of adding a sub-center, the click event is nested in the reactivation clickEventInit. This method is not global and cannot be passed to the parent page through end for execution again
$("#addGroup").click(function(){ layer.config({ path : '${contextPath}/js/lib/layer' }); index = layer.open({ type: 2, area: ['520px', '400px'], fix: false, //不固定 title: '', maxmin: false, scrollbar:false, shade:0.5, shadeColse:true, content:capsule.request.path.groupMan.layer.groupManAddLayerShow, end:function(){ loadGroupCenterInfo(); } }); });
Therefore: When the callback function involves calling functions of the current layer, it cannot be implemented using the outermost pop-up box of the general layer. The layer can only be re-modularly introduced in the js of the current page
[Later, it was discovered that it is actually Yes, you just need to write the callback function directly in the calling method, see: Method callback in JavaScript and method call of parent page Iframe]/** * 加载分中心 */ function loadGroupCenterInfo(){ $.ajaxSettings.async = false ; $.getJSON(capsule.request.path.groupMan.getJson.loadCenterGroup,{},function(data){ $("#groupCenterArea").empty(); $.each(data.list,function(i,obj){ groupMap.setKeyValue(obj.id,obj.group_name); var count = obj.c_num; if(obj.c_num == null || obj.c_num == "null"){ count = 0; } var html = '<div class="groupItemDiv" id='+obj.id+'>' + '<img class="checkBoxLeftSite" src="'+contextPath+'/image/Checkbox.png"/>'+obj.group_name+"("+count+")"+'<li title="编辑" class="editGroup"></li></div>'; $("#groupCenterArea").append(html); }); clickEventInit(); }); $.ajaxSettings.async = true ; }
6. Universal pop-up style css
layer.config({ path : '${contextPath}/js/lib/layer' }); index = layer.open({ type: 2, area: ['520px', '400px'], fix: false, //不固定 title: '', maxmin: false, scrollbar:false, shade:0.5, shadeColse:true, content:capsule.request.path.groupMan.layer.groupManAddLayerShow, end:function(){ loadGroupCenterInfo(); } });
Final effect: