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Javascript implements a simple version of the game of destroying stars

2016-12-06 16:27:502985browse

Let’s take a look at the implemented renderings

Javascript implements a simple version of the game of destroying stars

Game rules: Double-click the stars with the same color, double-click the same part and it will disappear

Example code

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#box {position:absolute; margin-top:50px;}
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// 2015-1-30 16:26
// 基本都已经实现
// 积分系统还没开始
var app = {};
app.linkStars = [];
app.searchStars = [];
app.stars = [];
app.newStars = [];
app.colsNoneNum = 0;
app.star = {
    width:30, // 星星的宽度
    height:30, // 高度
    margin:5, // 每个星星的边距
    rowNum:10, // 行数
    colsNum:10, // 列数
    colorNum:5, // 星星颜色数量 最大值为5 因为我TMD就做了5张星星图片
app.timer = null;
app.run = function() {
    this.box = $(&#39;#box&#39;);
    this.starBox = this.box.find(&#39;#star_box&#39;);
    // this.write();
app.initCanvas = function() {
    var height = $(window).height();
    $(&#39;body&#39;).css(&#39;height&#39;, height+&#39;px&#39;);
// 初始化box样式
app.initBox = function() {
    var boxWidth = this.star.width*this.star.colsNum+this.star.margin*this.star.colsNum;
    var boxHeight = this.star.height*this.star.rowNum+this.star.margin*this.star.rowNum;
    var left = ($(window).width() - boxWidth) / 2;
    this.box.css(&#39;left&#39;, left+&#39;px&#39;);
    this.box.css(&#39;width&#39;, boxWidth+&#39;px&#39;);
    this.box.css(&#39;height&#39;, boxHeight+&#39;px&#39;);
// 初始化星星数组
app.initStars = function() {
    for(var i = 0; i < this.star.rowNum; i++) {
        this.stars[i] = [];
        for(var k = 0; k < this.star.colsNum; k++) {
            var color_index = Math.floor((Math.random()*this.star.colorNum));
            this.stars[i][k] = color_index;
    // this.stars = [[0,1,0,1,1],[0,0,0,1,0]]; // bug测试
    this.newStars = left2Array(this.stars);
    this.noLeftChangeStars = left2Array(this.stars);
app.initColsLink = function() {
    // 当前查找状态,一个数组对象,每个对象代表一列
    this.colsLink = [];
    for(var i = 0; i < this.star.colsNum; i++) {
        this.colsLink[i] = {x:[], num:0, max:Number(-1), count:this.initRowArray(1)};
app.click = function(x, y) {
    x = parseInt(x);
    y = parseInt(y);
    var searchStars = [];
    searchStars[0] = {x:x, y:y};
    this.count = 0;
    this.linkStars = [];
    this.searchStars = [];
    this.bigSearch(searchStars); // 搜索 连接的星星
app.mouseup = function() {
    app.timer = setTimeout(function() {
    }, 500);
// 触摸某个星星
// X坐标 和 Y坐标
app.touch = function(x, y) {
    x = parseInt(x);
    y = parseInt(y);
    var searchStars = [];
    searchStars[0] = {x:x, y:y};
    this.count = 0;
    this.linkStars = [];
    this.searchStars = [];
    this.bigSearch(searchStars); // 搜索 连接的星星
    this.colsNoneLenth = this.initColsArray(0);
    this.leftData = {min:Number(this.star.colsNum), y:[], num:0, count:this.initColsArray(1)};
    this.makeStars(); // 重新生成星星数组
    // this.draw(); // 重新绘制星星
    // this.write(); // debug
// 星星动画
app.animate = function() {
    if(this.linkStars.length < 2) return;
    for(var i in this.linkStars) {
        var x = parseInt(this.linkStars[i].x);
        var y = parseInt(this.linkStars[i].y);
        app.delAnimate(x, y);
    for(var i in this.colsLink) {
        var x = parseInt(this.colsLink[i].max);
        var y = parseInt(i);
        if(this.colsLink[i].x.length > 1) {
            var mOffset = 0;
            for(var j = this.colsLink[i].x.length-1; j >= 0; j--) {
                mOffset += this.colsLink[i].count[j];
                var r = this.colsLink[i].x[j-1];
                if(j - 1 < 0) r=-1;
                for(var t_x = this.colsLink[i].x[j]-1; t_x > r; t_x--) {
                    this.downAnimate(t_x, y, mOffset);
        else {
            for(var t_x = x-1; t_x >= 0; t_x--) {
                this.downAnimate(t_x, y, this.colsLink[y].num);
    if(this.leftData.min > -1) {
        if(this.leftData.y.length > 1) {
            var mOffset = 0;
            for(var j = 0; j <= this.leftData.y.length-1; j++) {
                mOffset += this.leftData.count[j];
                var r = this.leftData.y[j+1];
                if(j + 1 > this.leftData.y.length-1) r=this.star.colsNum;
                for(var n_x = 0; n_x <= this.star.rowNum-1; n_x++) {
                    for(var n_y = this.leftData.y[j]+1; n_y < r; n_y++) {
                        this.leftAnimate(n_x, n_y, mOffset);
        else {
            var y = parseInt(this.leftData.min);
            for(var n_x = 0; n_x <= this.star.rowNum-1; n_x++) {
                for(var n_y = y+1; n_y < this.star.colsNum; n_y++) {
                    this.leftAnimate(n_x, n_y, this.leftData.num);
    // this.leftAnimate();
/* 消除星星的动画效果 */
app.delAnimate = function(x,y) {
    var index = x*this.star.colsNum + y; // 根据x、y计算对应dom中星星的 id
    var starDiv = this.starBox.find(&#39;.id_&#39;+index);
    var left = parseInt(starDiv.css(&#39;left&#39;)) + this.star.width/2
    var top = parseInt(starDiv.css(&#39;top&#39;)) + this.star.height/2
    starDiv.find(&#39;img&#39;).animate({width:&#39;0&#39;,height:&#39;0&#39;}, 500);
    starDiv.animate({ left:left+&#39;px&#39;, top:top+&#39;px&#39;, opacity:0}, 500, function(){$(this).hide();});
/* 星星向下移动的动画效果 */
app.downAnimate = function(x, y, move_num) {
    if(this.checkRepeat(x, y)) {
        return ;
    var index = x*this.star.colsNum + y;
    var starDiv = this.starBox.find(&#39;.id_&#39;+index);
    var dTop = parseInt(starDiv.css(&#39;top&#39;));
    var top = dTop + (this.star.height + this.star.margin) * move_num;
    starDiv.animate({top:top+&#39;px&#39;}, 300);
    var n_x_ = x + move_num;
    starDiv.attr(&#39;ondblclick&#39;, &#39;app.touch(&#39;+n_x_+&#39;,&#39;+y+&#39;)&#39;);
    starDiv.attr(&#39;onmousedown&#39;, &#39;app.click(&#39;+n_x_+&#39;,&#39;+y+&#39;)&#39;);
    var id = parseInt(n_x_*this.star.colsNum) + parseInt(y);
/* 星星向左移动的动画效果 */
app.leftAnimate = function(x, y, move_num) {
    var index = x*this.star.colsNum + y;
    var starDiv = this.starBox.find(&#39;.id_&#39;+index);
    var dLeft = parseInt(starDiv.css(&#39;left&#39;));
    var left = dLeft - (this.star.width + this.star.margin) * move_num;
    starDiv.animate({left:left+&#39;px&#39;}, 300);
    var n_y_ = y - move_num;
    starDiv.attr(&#39;ondblclick&#39;, &#39;app.touch(&#39;+x+&#39;,&#39;+n_y_+&#39;)&#39;);
    starDiv.attr(&#39;onmousedown&#39;, &#39;app.click(&#39;+x+&#39;,&#39;+n_y_+&#39;)&#39;);
    var id = parseInt(x*this.star.colsNum) + parseInt(n_y_);
// 点击提示连接星星动画
app.clickAnimate = function() {
    if(this.linkStars.length < 2) return;
    for(var i in this.linkStars) {
        var x = parseInt(this.linkStars[i].x);
        var y = parseInt(this.linkStars[i].y);
        var index = x*this.star.colsNum + y;
        var starDiv = this.starBox.find(&#39;.id_&#39;+index);
/* 递归遍历查找 */
app.bigSearch = function(searchStars) {
    if(searchStars.length == 0) return ;
    this.newSearchStars = [];
    this.s_count = 0;
    for(var i in searchStars) {
        var star = searchStars[i];
        var x = parseInt(star.x);
        var y = parseInt(star.y);
        if(!this.checkRepeat(x, y)) {
            this.linkStars[this.count] = {x:x, y:y};
        this.search(x, y, &#39;top&#39;);
        this.search(x, y, &#39;right&#39;);
        this.search(x, y, &#39;down&#39;);
        this.search(x, y, &#39;left&#39;);
/* 上下左右 查找 */
app.search = function(x, y, position) {
    if(position == &#39;top&#39;) {
        var top = x-1;
        if(top < 0) return;
        if(this.stars[x][y] == this.stars[top][y] && !this.checkRepeat(top, y)) {
            this.newSearchStars[this.s_count] = {x:top, y:y};
    else if(position == &#39;right&#39;) {
        var right = y+1;
        if(right > this.star.colsNum-1) return;
        if(this.stars[x][y] == this.stars[x][right] && !this.checkRepeat(x, right)) {
            this.newSearchStars[this.s_count] = {x:x, y:right};
    else if(position == &#39;down&#39;) {
        var down = x+1;
        if(down > this.star.rowNum-1) return;
        if(this.stars[x][y] == this.stars[down][y] && !this.checkRepeat(down, y)) {
            this.newSearchStars[this.s_count] = {x:down, y:y};
    else if(position == &#39;left&#39;) {
        var left = y-1;
        if(left < 0) return;
        if(this.stars[x][y] == this.stars[x][left] && !this.checkRepeat(x, left)) {
            this.newSearchStars[this.s_count] = {x:x, y:left};
// 根据传递的x, y来检测是否存在在linkStars中 如果存在则返回 true
app.checkRepeat = function(x, y) {
    if(this.linkStars.length == 0) return false;
    for(var i in this.linkStars) {
        var star = this.linkStars[i];
        if(parseInt(star.x) == parseInt(x) && parseInt(star.y) == parseInt(y)) return true;
    return false;
// 从新构造“星星”数组
// stars、newStars必须初始化完成
// linkStars必须>=2个星星
app.makeStars = function() {
    if(this.stars.length==0 || this.newStars.length==0 || this.linkStars.length==0 || this.linkStars.length<2) return false;
    // -== setp-1 ==-
        如果是相连的星星 则在newStars中把该星星以上的星星的值都赋值给x+1的星星
        然后在newStars中把最上面的一个元素 即[0][y]的元素值设为-1;
    var clx_count = this.initColsArray(0);
    for(var x in this.stars) {
        x = parseInt(x);
        for(var y in this.stars[x]) {
            y = parseInt(y);
            if(this.stars[x][y] != -1 && this.checkRepeat(x,y)) {
                for(var n_x = x-1; n_x >= 0; n_x--) {
                    this.newStars[n_x+1][y] = this.newStars[n_x][y];
                this.newStars[0][y] = -1;
                this.colsLink[y].num += 1;
                if(this.colsLink[y].max < x) {
                    this.colsLink[y].max = x;
                    if((x+1 <= this.stars.length-1 && !this.checkRepeat(x+1,y)) || (x == this.stars.length-1 && this.checkRepeat(x,y))) {
                        this.colsLink[y].x[clx_count[y]] = x;
                    else if(x+1 <= this.stars.length-1 && this.checkRepeat(x+1,y)) {
                        this.colsLink[y].count[clx_count[y]] += 1;
                this.colsNoneLenth[y] += 1;
    // -== setp-2 ==-
    // 主要是为生成左移动画统计数据
    this.noLeftChangeStars = left2Array(this.newStars);
    var ld_count = 0;
    for(var y = 0; y <= this.star.colsNum-1; y++) {
        y = parseInt(y);
        // if(this.star.colsNum - (y+1) < this.colsNoneNum) continue;
        // 判断当前列是否全部被设置为-1
        if(this.checkColsNone(y)) {
            if(this.leftData.min > y) {
                this.leftData.min = y;
            if((y+1 <= this.star.colsNum-1 && !this.checkColsNone(y+1)) || (y == this.star.colsNum-1)) {
                this.leftData.y[ld_count] = y;
            else if(y+1 <= this.star.colsNum-1 && this.checkColsNone(y+1)) {
                this.leftData.count[ld_count] += 1;
            this.leftData.num += 1;
            // this.colsNoneNum += 1;
    // -== setp-3 ==-
    // 左移数据 并从新构造新数组
    if(this.leftData.min > -1) {
        var check = this.leftData.min;
        for(var y = 0; y < this.star.colsNum; y++) {
            if(this.checkNewColsNone(check)) {
                for(var n_x = 0; n_x <= this.star.rowNum-1; n_x++) {
                    for(var n_y = check+1; n_y < this.star.colsNum; n_y++) {
                        this.newStars[n_x][n_y-1] = this.newStars[n_x][n_y];
                    this.newStars[n_x][this.star.colsNum-1] = -1;
            else {
                check += 1;
    // 把新构造的数组 再赋值给星星数组
    this.stars = left2Array(this.newStars);
// 检测当前列是否全部消空 如果消空返回true
// 数组未被左移破坏,只被下移修改过
app.checkColsNone = function(y) {
    var count = 0;
    for(var x = 0; x < this.star.rowNum; x++) {
        if(this.noLeftChangeStars[x][y] == Number(-1)) count++;
    if(count == this.star.rowNum) return true;
    return false;
// 检测当前列是否全部消空 如果消空返回true
// 数组为每次下移和左移之后新生成的数组
app.checkNewColsNone = function(y) {
    var count = 0;
    for(var x = 0; x < this.star.rowNum; x++) {
        if(this.newStars[x][y] == Number(-1)) count++;
    if(count == this.star.rowNum) return true;
    return false;
app.draw = function() {
    var starsDiv = &#39;&#39;;
    for(var x in this.stars) {
        x = parseInt(x);
        for(var y in this.stars[x]) {
            y = parseInt(y);
            var star = this.stars[x][y];
            if(star == -1) {
            var left = y*this.star.width+y*5;
            var top = x*this.star.height+x*5;
            var index = x*this.star.colsNum + y;
            starsDiv += &#39;<div class="star id_&#39;+index+&#39;" style="left:&#39;+left+&#39;px; top:&#39;+top+&#39;px; width:&#39;+this.star.width+&#39;px;height:&#39;+this.star.height+&#39;px;" ondblclick="app.touch(&#39;+x+&#39;,&#39;+y+&#39;);" onmousedown="app.click(&#39;+x+&#39;,&#39;+y+&#39;);" onmouseup="app.mouseup();"><img  src="http://sandbox.runjs.cn/uploads/rs/437/doeiphrq/star_&#39;+star+&#39;.png"    style="max-width:90%" height="&#39;+this.star.height+&#39;"/ alt="Javascript implements a simple version of the game of destroying stars" ></div>&#39;;
app.initColsArray = function(val) {
    var array = [];
    if(val == &#39;undefined&#39;) val = 0;
    for(var i = 0; i < this.star.colsNum; i++) {
        array[i] = val;
    return array;
app.initRowArray = function(val) {
    var array = [];
    if(val == &#39;undefined&#39;) val = 0;
    for(var i = 0; i < this.star.rowNum; i++) {
        array[i] = val;
    return array;
app.write = function() {
    var html = &#39;&#39;;
    for(var i in this.stars) {
        var line = this.stars[i];
        for(var j in line) {
            var star = line[j];
            var color = &#39;red&#39;;
            if(star == -1) {
                color = &#39;blue&#39;;
            html += &#39;<font color="&#39;+color+&#39;">&#39;+star+&#39;</font><font color="#999">(&#39;+i+&#39;,&#39;+j+&#39;)</font>  &#39;;
        html += &#39;<br/><br/>&#39;;
    html += &#39;<p>--===================================================--<p>&#39;;
function left2Array(array) {
    if(array.length < 0) return array;
    var newArray = [];
    for(var i in array) {
        newArray[i] = [];
        for(var j in array[i]) {
            newArray[i][j] = array[i][j];
    return newArray;
    <div id="box">
        <div id="star_box">
    <div id="show" style="padding-top:600px;"></div>
<!--     X:<input type="text" id="x" value=""/>
    Y:<input type="text" id="y" value=""/>
    <input type="button" value="点击" onclick="app.touch($(&#39;#x&#39;).val(), $(&#39;#y&#39;).val());"/>
    <br/> -->

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