Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >Comment style modification method in phpcms_php example
The comment plug-in that comes with phpcms is very useful! However, I personally felt that the style was very ugly, and Baidu couldn’t find a solution. Maybe my search method was wrong, so I did some research on it myself. There are two ways to modify it
Method 1:
Use the get method in PHPCMS to obtain data
//拼接评论表的commentid字段值 {php $commentid = 'content_'.$catid.'-'.$id.'-'.$modelid;} //查询获取数据 {pc:get sql="SELECT * FROM v9_comment_data_1 where commentid = '$commentid'" cache="0" return="data"} //循环输出 {loop $data $key $val} <li class="list-group-item"> <div class="media"> <a class="media-left" href="#"> <img src="{IMG_PATH}tou.png" class="img-circle" alt="..."> </a> <div class="media-body"> <h5 class="media-heading">{$val[username]}</h5> <span style="font-size:10px;">{$val[content]}</span> </div> </div> </li> {/loop} {/pc}
Method 2:
In addition to using the get method to obtain data, there is also the simplest way. Find /phpcms/templates/default/comment/show_list.html and find the following code and modify the style
{pc:comment action="lists" commentid="$commentid" siteid="$siteid" page="$_GET['page']" hot="$hot" num="20"} {if !empty($data)} <div class="comment_button"><a href="{APP_PATH}index.php?m=comment&c=index&a=init&commentid={$commentid}&title={urlencode(($comment[title] ? $comment[title] : $title))}&url={urlencode(($comment[url] ? $comment[url] : $url))}&hot=0&iframe=1"{if empty($hot)} class="on"{/if}>最新</a> <a href="{APP_PATH}index.php?m=comment&c=index&a=init&commentid={$commentid}&title={urlencode(($comment[title] ? $comment[title] : $title))}&url={urlencode(($comment[url] ? $comment[url] : $url))}&hot=1&iframe=1"{if $hot} class="on"{/if}>最热</a></div> <div class="comment"> {loop $data $r} <h5 class="title fn">{direction($r[direction])} <font color="#FF0000">{format::date($r[creat_at], 1)}</font> {if $r[userid]}{get_nickname($r[userid])}{else}{$r[username]}{/if} </h5> <div class="content">{$r[content]} <div class="rt"><a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="reply({$r[id]}, '{$commentid}')">回复</a> <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="support({$r[id]}, '{$commentid}')">支持</a>(<font id="support_{$r[id]}">{$r[support]}</font>) </div> <div id="reply_{$r[id]}" style="display:none"></div> </div> <div class="bk30 hr mb8"></div> {/loop} </div> <div id="pages" class="text-r">{$pages}</div> {/if} {/pc}
The above is the method of modifying the comment style in phpcms introduced by the editor. I hope it will be helpful to you. If you have any questions, please leave me a message and the editor will reply to you in time. I would also like to thank everyone for your support of the Script House website!