Divided into two, 1: Do not consider spaces in json data
2: Consider that the json file has spaces<?php<br>
*time: December 3, 2016 16:42:46<br>
*Function: json file traversal compression<br>
fRename('../json'); //Use this method parameter to set the folder directory<br>
function fRename($dirname)<br>
If (!is_dir($dirname)) {<br>
echo "{$dirname} is not a valid directory!";<br>
$handle = opendir($dirname);<br>
While (($fn = readdir($handle)) !== false) {<br>
If ($fn != '.' && $fn != '..') {<br>
$curDir = $dirname . '/' . $fn;<br>
// echo "curDir = " . $curDir . "rn";<br>
if (is_dir($curDir)) {<br>
} else {<br>
$path = pathinfo($curDir);<br>
$ Str = File_get_Contents ($ Curdir); // Read the text based on the folder to obtain the string <br>
$ K_str = json_encode ($ arr); // The array convert it to a string <br>
If($statu){ //Formatting successful<br>
$time=date('y-m-d h:i:s'); //Execution time<br>
$ok_= 'file' . $wenjian . '---time:' . $time.'-'.PHP_EOL;<br>
file_put_contents('ok.txt',$ok_, FILE_APPEND);<br>
}else{<br> $time=date('y-m-d h:i:s'); //Execution time<br>
$error_info= 'file' . $wenjian . '---time:' . $time.'-'.PHP_EOL; <br>
file_put_contents('error.txt',$error_info, FILE_APPEND);<br>
//Remove spaces and other strings<br>
/*function trimall($str){<br>
$qian=array(" "," ","t","n","r");<br>
Return str_replace($qian,$hou,$str); <br>
}*/<br> <br>