Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >How to introduce Alibaba Cloud Oss Sdk in thinkphp
After downloading the document, I put it under ORG but import("ORG.Alioss.alioss");
<code> $tt=new \OssClient(); 一直提示 Class 'OssClient' not found 怎么办大哥</code>
After downloading the document, I put it under ORG but import("ORG.Alioss.alioss");
<code> $tt=new \OssClient(); 一直提示 Class 'OssClient' not found 怎么办大哥</code>
I put it in vendor, and the information is in the configuration file.
<code> Vendor('OSS.autoload'); $config=C('ALIOSS_CONFIG'); $oss=new \OSS\OssClient($config['KEY_ID'],$config['KEY_SECRET'],$config['END_POINT']); return $oss;</code>