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A simple ORM class

2016-12-01 00:00:211474browse

I wrote a simple ORM class myself to provide some ideas for interested friends.
I wrote a simple ORM class by myself to provide some ideas for interested friends. I borrowed a little bit of TP’s ideas. <?php<br /> /**<br /> * author: NickBai<br /> *createTime: 2016/11/28 0028 4:00 pm<br /> ​*/<br /> class MyOrm implements ArrayAccess<br /> {<br /> Public $host = ''; //Database address<br /> Public $dbname = 'test'; //Database name<br /> Public $user = 'root'; //Database user name<br /> Public $pwd = 'root'; //Database password<br /> Public $port = '3306'; //Database port<br /> Public $charset = 'utf8'; //Database encoding<br /> Private $ conn = null; // Database link resources <br /> Private $alias = []; //Record global statement parameters<br />        private $sql;      // Store the last sql<br /> <br /> Public function __construct()<br /> {<br />                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        if( <br />                 $dsn = "mysql:host=$this->host;dbname=$this->dbname;charset=$this->charset;port=$this->port";<br>               $this->conn = new PDO( $dsn, $this->user, $this->pwd);<br>         }<br> }<br> <br> //Field statement<br> Public function field($field)<br> {<br> If (! Is_string ($ field)) {<br> ​​​​​​throw new exception("The parameters of the field statement must be strings");<br>         }<br> <br>           $this->alias['field'] = $field;<br> Return $ this; <br> }<br> <br> //table statement<br> Public function table($table)<br> {<br>                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        if( ​​​​​​throw new exception("The parameters of the table statement must be strings");<br>         }<br> <br>           $this->alias['table'] = $table;<br> Return $ this; <br> }<br> <br> //where statement<br> Public function where($where)<br> {<br>          $this->alias['where'] = '';<br> ​​​​​if(​is_array(​$where)​){<br> <br> foreach( $where as $key=>$vo ){<br>                   $this->alias['where'] .= " `$key`" . ' = ' . $vo . ' and ';<br>              }<br>                 $this->alias['where'] = rtrim( $this->alias['where'], 'and ' );<br> <br>         }else if(  is_string(  $where  )){<br> <br>                $this->alias['where'] = $where;<br>            }else{<br> <br>​​​​​​throw new exception("The parameters of the where statement must be an array or a string");<br>         }<br> <br> Return $ this; <br> }<br> <br> //limit statement<br> Public function limit($limit)<br> {<br>          $this->alias['limit'] = '';<br>             if(                                                                                                                 $this->alias['limit'] = '0,' . $limit;<br>         }else if(  is_string(  $limit  )){<br>                $this->alias['limit'] = $limit;<br>            }else{<br> ​​​​​​throw new exception("The parameters of the limit statement must be numbers or strings");<br>         }<br> <br> Return $ this; <br> }<br> <br> //Order statement<br> Public function order( $order)<br> {<br>                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      if( ​​​​​​throw new exception("The parameters of the order statement must be strings");<br>         }<br> <br>           $this->alias['order'] = $order;<br> Return $ this; <br> }<br> <br> //group statement<br> Public function group($group)<br> {<br> If (! Is_string ($ Group)) {<br> ​​​​​​throw new exception("The parameter of the group statement must be a string");<br>         }<br> <br>           $this->alias['group'] = $group;<br> Return $ this; <br> }<br> <br> //Parse query sql statement<br> Public function ParseSelectSql()<br> {<br>          $this->sql = 'select *';<br> If( !empty( $this->alias['field'] ) ){<br>                $this->sql = str_replace( '*', $this->alias['field'], $this->sql );<br>         }<br> <br> If (Empty ($ this- & gt; alias ['table'])) {<br> ​​​​​​throw new exception("Please use the table clause to set the query table");<br>            }else{<br> <br> $this->sql .= ' from ' . $this->alias['table'];<br>         }<br> <br> If( !empty( $this->alias['where'] ) ){<br> $this->sql .= ' where ' . $this->alias['where'];<br>         }<br> <br> If( !empty( $this->alias['group'] ) ){<br> $this->sql .= ' group by ' . $this->alias['group'];<br>        }<br> <br>         if( !empty( $this->alias['order'] ) ){<br>             $this->sql .= ' order by ' . $this->alias['order'];<br>         }<br> <br>         if( !empty( $this->alias['limit'] ) ){<br>             $this->sql .= ' limit ' . $this->alias['limit'];<br>         }<br> <br>     }<br> <br>     //解析添加sql语句<br>     public function ParseAddSql()<br>     {<br>         $this->sql = 'insert into ';<br>         if( empty( $this->alias['table'] ) ){<br>             throw new exception("请用table子句设置添加表");<br>         }else{<br> <br>             $this->sql .= $this->alias['table'] . ' set ';<br>         }<br> <br>         return $this->sql;<br>     }<br> <br>     //解析更新sql语句<br>     public function ParseUpdateSql()<br>     {<br>         $this->sql = 'update ';<br>         if( empty( $this->alias['table'] ) ){<br>             throw new exception("请用table子句设置修改表");<br>         }else{<br> <br>             $this->sql .= $this->alias['table'] . ' set ';<br>         }<br> <br>         if( empty( $this->alias['where'] ) ){<br>             throw new exception("更新语句必须有where子句指定条件");<br>         }<br> <br>         return $this->sql;<br>     }<br> <br>     //解析删除sql语句<br>     public function ParseDeleteSql()<br>     {<br>         $this->sql = 'delete from ';<br>         if( empty( $this->alias['table'] ) ){<br>             throw new exception("请用table子句设置删除表");<br>         }else{<br> <br>             $this->sql .= $this->alias['table'];<br>         }<br> <br>         if( empty( $this->alias['where'] ) ){<br>             throw new exception("删除语句必须有where子句指定条件");<br>         }<br> <br>         $this->sql .= ' where ' . $this->alias['where'];<br> <br>         return $this->sql;<br>     }<br> <br> <br>     //查询语句<br>     public function select()<br>     {<br>         $this->ParseSelectSql();<br>         $row = $this->conn->query( $this->sql )->fetchAll( PDO::FETCH_ASSOC );<br>          $result = [];<br> <br> foreach( $row as $key=>$vo ){<br> <br>              $arrObj = clone $this; //Clone the current object to prevent contamination of this object<br>                 $arrObj->data = $vo;<br>               $result[$key] = $arrObj;<br> ​​​​​​unset($arrObj);<br>         }<br> <br> Return $ result; <br> }<br> <br> //Query one item<br> Public function find()<br> {<br>           $this->ParseSelectSql();<br>          $row = $this->conn->query( $this->sql )->fetch( PDO::FETCH_ASSOC );<br> <br>          $arrObj = clone $this; //Clone the current object to prevent contamination of this object<br>          $arrObj->data = $row;<br>         $result = $arrObj;<br> ​​​​unset($arrObj);<br> <br> Return $ result; <br> }<br> <br> //Add data<br> Public function add($data)<br> {<br>                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        if( ​​​​​​throw new exception("Add data add method parameters must be arrays");<br>         }<br> <br>          $this->ParseAddSql();<br> foreach( $data as $key=>$vo ){<br>                 $this->sql .= " `{$key}` = '" . $vo . "',";<br>         }<br> <br>            $this->conn->exec( rtrim( $this->sql, ',' ));<br>            return $this->conn->lastInsertId();<br> }<br> <br> //Update statement<br> Public function update($data)<br> {<br>                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        if( ​​​​​​throw new exception("Update data update method parameters must be arrays");<br>         }<br> <br>           $this->ParseUpdateSql();<br> foreach( $data as $key=>$vo ){<br>                 $this->sql .= " `{$key}` = '" . $vo . "',";<br>         }<br> <br>            $this->sql = rtrim( $this->sql, ',') . ' where ' . $this->alias['where'];<br>            return $this->conn->exec( $this->sql );<br> <br> }<br> <br> //Delete statement<br> Public function delete()<br> {<br>          $this->ParseDeleteSql();<br>            return $this->conn->exec( $this->sql );<br>    }<br> <br>     //获取查询数据<br>     public function getData()<br>     {<br>         return $this->data;<br>     }<br> <br>     //获取最后一次执行的sql语句<br>     public function getLastSql()<br>     {<br>         return $this->sql;<br>     }<br> <br>     public function __get($name)<br>     {<br>         return $this->getData()[$name];<br>     }<br> <br>     public function offsetExists($offset)<br>     {<br>         if( !isset( $this->getData()[$offset] ) ){<br>             return NULL;<br>         }<br>     }<br> <br>     public function offsetGet($offset)<br>     {<br>         return $this->getData()[$offset];<br>     }<br> <br>     public function offsetSet($offset, $value)<br>     {<br>         return $this->data[$offset] = $value;<br>     }<br> <br>     public function offsetUnset($offset)<br>     {<br>         unset( $this->data[$offset] );<br>     }<br> }你可以这么用:$orm = new MyOrm();<br> <br> //查询语句<br> $res = $orm->table('user')->order('id desc')->select();<br> $res = $orm->table('user')->where("name='test'")->order('id desc')->select();<br> $res = $orm->table('user')->where(['id' => 1])->order('id desc')->find();<br> $res = $orm->table('user')->where("age > 20")->group('group by name')->order('id desc')->limit(2)->select();<br> $res = $orm->table('user')->where("age > 20")->group('group by name')->order('id desc')->limit('2,2')->select();<br> <br> //你可以这样处理数据<br> foreach( $res as $key=>$vo ){<br>     echo $vo->name . '<br/>';<br> }<br> //也可以这样处理<br> foreach( $res as $key=>$vo ){<br>     echo $vo['name'] . '<br/>';<br> }<br> //还可以这样<br> foreach( $res as $key=>$vo ){<br>     print_r( $vo->getData() ) . '<br/>';<br> }<br> <br> //添加数据<br> $data = [<br>     'name' => 'test1',<br>     'age' => 20,<br>     'password' => '21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3',<br>     'salt' => 'domain'<br> ];<br> $res = $orm->table('user')->add( $data );<br> <br> //更新数据<br> $res = $orm->table('user')->where(['id' => 4])->update( ['name' => 'sdfdsfdsd', 'salt' => '111'] );<br> <br> //删除数据<br> $res = $orm->table('user')->where(['id' => 7, 'id' => 6])->delete();<br> <br> //获取执行的sql语句<br> echo $orm->getLastSql();<br> <br> var_dump($res);

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