Grid++Report can be used to develop desktop C/S reports and WEB reports (B/S reports). C/S report development is suitable for VB.NET, C#, VB, VC, Delphi, etc. WEB report development is suitable for ASP, ASP.NET, JSP/Java, PHP, thinkphp, etc., and supports all WEB servers and databases. Developing desktop reports and WEB reports share the same development knowledge and resources, greatly improving report development efficiency.
You must first understand grid++report
Controller code // Set report data and you can develop it yourself here <br>
$orderArray ['EmployeeID'] = '01';<br>
$orderArray ['Title'] = 'Manager';<br>
$orderArray ['name'] = 'Zhang San';<br>
//The data format to be obtained in the report<br>
$xmlReportData = get_reports_xml_byarray ( $orderArray );<br>
$this->assign ( 'xmlReportData', $xmlReportData );<br>
// Report file to be printed<br>
$reportName = '1f.grf';<br>
$this->assign ( 'reportName', $reportName );<br>
Front-end code<html><br>
<script src="__public__/grid/CreateControl.js" type="text/javascript"></script><br>
<button type="button" onclick="printView();" class="button button-danger">Print report</button><br>
<a href="">Download plug-in</a><br>
<script type="text/javascript"><br>
//Print report function Create report object<br>
function printView() {<br>
to read the report template<br>
//Load report data<br>
</html><br>Consult QQ: 409077741<br>