Home >Web Front-end >JS Tutorial >Construct JSON format string using JavaScript
If you are currently using Restful API and you need to build a json format string response through a web project, then this article will help you use javascript to create a json format string. This is very useful, we will convert the data object to json format through the jQuery plugin $.toJSON.
Build JSON format string using JavaScript
JavaScript code:
The javascript code is included here. $("#form").submit(function(){}- delete_button is the ID of the form tag. We call the value of the form input box through element.val(). The code is as follows:
<script src="jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="jquery.json-2.2.js"></script> <script src="GetPostAjax.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $("#form").submit(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var username,email,password,gender; username=$("#username").val(); email=$("#email").val(); password=$("#username").val(); gender=$("#gender").val(); if(username.length>0 && email.length>0 && password.length>0 &&gender.length>0) { //Creating Objects var request = new Object(); var userDetails = new Object(); var user = new Object(); var websites=new Array(); user.name=username; user.email=email; user.password=password; user.gender=gender; //Array Push if(website1.length>0) websites.push(website1); if(website2.length>0) websites.push(website2); if(website3.length>0) websites.push(website3); user.websites=websites; userDetails.user = user; request.userDetails = userDetails; var jsonfy = $.toJSON(request); // Encodes special characters var encodedata = 'jsondata='+encodeURIComponent(jsonfy); //Ajax Call var url='website API URL'; post_data(url,encodedata, function(data) { alert("Success"); }); } }); }); </script">
HTML code:
<form method='post' action='' id='form'> Name <input type='text' name='username' id='username' /> Email <input type='text' name='email' id='email' /> Password <input type='text' name='password' id='password' /> Gender <select name='gender' id='gender'><option value='male'>Male</option><option value='female'>Female</option></select> Websites <input type='text' id='website1' /> <input type='text' id='website2' /> <input type='text' id='website3' /> <input type='submit' id='submit'/> </form>
JSON output
{ "userDetails":{ "user":{ "name":"Srinivas Tamada", "email":"srinivas@9lessons.info", "password":"Srinivas Tamada", "gender":"male", "websites":["www.software8.co","www.heatpress123.net","www.0769zzw.com"] } } } JSON Encoded
Encode special characters, the following characters will be encoded:, / ? : @ & = + $ #
jsondata=%7B%22userDetails%22%3A%7B% 22user%22%3A%7B%22name%22%3A%22Srinivas%20Tamada%22%2C%22email%22%3A%22srinivas%409lessons.info%22%2C%22password%22%3A%22Srinivas%20Tamada%22% 2C%22gender%22%3A%22male%22%2C%22websites%22%3A%5B%22www.9lessons.info%22%2C%22www.egglabs.in%22%2C%22www.fglogin.com%22% 5D%7D%7D%7D
The ajax request method of jquery is defined here
function post_data(url,encodedata, success){ $.ajax({ type:"POST", url:url, data :encodedata, dataType:"json", restful:true, contentType: 'application/json', cache:false, timeout:20000, async:true, beforeSend :function(data) { }, success:function(data){ success.call(this, data); }, error:function(data){ alert("Error In Connecting"); } }); }