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js common functions

2016-11-25 15:05:47993browse



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  • 自由
  • 字符
  • 数字

<script> <br>/*Remove spaces and return the length of the string*/ <br>var str = $("#str" ).html(); <br>var ss = str.replace(/s/g,""); <br>document.write(ss.length+"Return the length of the string</br>"); <br>var indexo =ss .indexOf("li"); <br>document.write(indexo+"Return the position where li first appears</br>"); <br>var srchref = ss.link("http://www.w3cschool.cc"); <br>document.write(srchref+"Add link</br>") <br>var mud = ss.match("li"); <br>document.write(mud+"Return the string that exists, return null</br>" ) <br>var query = ss.charAt(4); <br>document.write(query+"Return the string with the specified subscript</br>") <br>var con = ss.concat("Hahaha"); <br>document.write (con+ " " +"Concatenate two strings</br>"); <br>var sea =ss.search("li"); <br>document.write(sea+"Return the subscript of the string exists, does not exist Return -1</br>") <br>var sli = ss.slice(1,4); <br>document.write(sli+"Intercept and return the string</br>") <br> $(document).ready( function(){ <br>/* $(".submin").click(function(){ <br>$("#str").toggle();toggle hidden <br>toggle(function(){},function(){} ); <br>Single show and hide show(),hide(); <br>Get the matching first click to execute the first function and the second click to execute the second function <br>})*/ <br>/* $(". submin").click(function(){ <br>$("#str").fadeToggle(1500); <br>Separate hiding and display fadeOut() fadeIn() <br>Slow hiding and display are similar to the usage of the toggle() function <br>} )*/ <br>/* $(".submin").click(function(){ <br>$("#str").slideToggle(1500); <br>Individual sliding up and down to hide and display slideDown(), slideUp() <br>Up and down The usage of sliding hidden switching is similar to the fadeToggle() function <br>})*/ <br>/* $(".submin").click(function(){ <br>$(".stringname").animate({left:'250px' , opacity:'0.5',height:'150px', width:'150px'},1500); <br>animation <br>});*/ <br>/* $(".ClassNameToBeRemoved").click(function(){ <br>$ (".stringname").slideDown(5000); <br>Slide down the panel! <br>}); <br> $(".submin").click(function(){ <br> $(".stringname").stop(); <br> Stop sliding the panel down <br> });*/ <br>/* text() - Set or return the text content of the selected element <br>html() - Set or return the content of the selected element (including HTML tags) <br>val() - Set or return the value of a form field <br>attr() method is used to get the attribute value. */ <br><br>/* $("#str").click(function(){ <br> alert($("#stringname").attr("class")); <br>});*/ <br>/* append( ) - insert content at the end of the selected element value <br>prepend() - insert content at the beginning of the selected element value <br>after() - insert content after the selected element border <br>before() - insert before the selected element border Content*/ <br>/* $("#str").click(function(){ <br> $("#stringname").append("<span>Compression</span>"); <br>}); <br> $("#str").click(function(){ <br> $("#stringname").prepend("<span>Dema</span>"); <br>}); <br>$("#str ").click(function(){ <br> $("#stringname").after("<span>Timo</span>"); <br>}); <br>$("#str").click( function(){ <br> $("#stringname").before("<span>Glory</span>"); <br>});*/ <br><br>/* remove() - Remove the selected element (and Sub-element) <br>empty() - Remove sub-elements from selected elements*/ <br>/* $("#submin").click(function(){ <br> $("#stringname").remove(); <br>} );*/ <br>/* $("#submin").click(function(){ <br> $("#stringname").empty(); <br>});*/ <br>}); <br>//.append( i); Append after the element value <br>//queryarryl.find("a"); Return all sub-elements under queryarryl that are a; <br>//on() add event; <br>//index(this); Return the current element subscript <br>//queryi.eq(index).removeClass("active").hide(); Delete the class style and hide it according to the subscript returned by index <br><br><br>$(function(){ <br>var queryarryl = $(".arrayl" ); <br>var querya = queryarryl.find("a"); <br>var queryem = querya.find("em"); <br>var queryi = querya.find("i"); <br>queryi.hide(); <br>queryem .on('click',function(){ <br>var index = queryem.index(this); <br>if(queryi.hasClass("active")){ <br>queryi.eq(index).removeClass("active"). hide(); <br>}else{ <br>queryi.eq(index).addClass("active").show().append("qq"); <br>} <br><br>}); <br>var querytitle=$(".title "); <br>var titleli = querytitle.find("li") <br>titleli.on('click',function(){ <br>var index = titleli.index(this); <br>queryarryl.hide(); <br>titleli.removeClass ("active") <br>titleli.eq(index).addClass("active"); <br>queryarryl.eq(index).show(); <br>}); <br><br>}) <br>//Execute event real-time monitoring when input changes <br><body> <br><div class="imges"> <br><ul> <br><input type="text" id="idName"/> <br></ul> <br></div> <br><br></body> <br><script src="js/jquery-1.7.2.min.js"></script>
<script> <br>$(function(){ <br>$("# idName").on("input propertychange",function(){ <br>alert("changed"); <br>}) <br>}); <br>/*Jquery needs to bind events when splicing html statements, which cannot be done in the spliced ​​statements. If you add an in-line binding event, it will not be clickable. At this time, you can use this method to get the div of the parent class or go to the in-line id*/ <br> $("#sureWin").on("click","#sectionid",function() { <br> $("#section").hide(); <br>}) <br>/*To be added later*/ <br></script>

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