Home >Database >Mysql Tutorial >sql sever string interception of Chinese characters
Recently, I need to intercept Chinese characters from SQL strings, use the unicode function to determine the unicode encoding of the characters, and filter out non-Chinese characters according to the encoding range.
Written as a function
/*@str Need to get the string of Chinese characters*/
create function CharRep(@str nvarchar(200)) returns nvarchar(200) as begin declare @i int, @char nvarchar(1), @zh nvarchar(200) set @i = 1 set @zh = '' while @i <= len(@str) begin set @char = substring(@str, @i, 1) if unicode(@char) between 19968 And 40869 set @zh = @zh + @char set @i = @i + 1 end return @zh end
Execute select dbo.CharRep('Nonghao a/bc Nonghao')
The result a/bc
unicode encoding range:
Chinese characters: [0x4e00,0x9fa5] (or decimal [19968, 40869])
Numbers: [0x30, 0x39] (or decimal [48, 57]) Search
lowercase letters: [0x61, 0x7a] (or decimal [97, 122])
Capital letters: [0x41,0x5a] (or decimal [65, 90])