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Logical Operator
Example b And (logical AND) TRUE if $a and $b are both TRUE. $a or $b Or (logical OR) TRUE, if either $a or $b is TRUE. $a xor $b Xor (logical exclusive OR) TRUE, if either $a or $b is TRUE, but not both at the same time.
! $a Not (logical not) TRUE, if $a is not TRUE.
$a && $b And (logical AND) TRUE, if $a and $b are both TRUE.
$a || $b Or (logical OR) TRUE, if either $a or $b is TRUE.
The reason why "AND" and "OR" have two different forms of operators is that the priorities of their operations are different (see Operator Priority).
Example #1 Logical Operator Example
<?php // -------------------- // foo() 根本没机会被调用,被运算符“短路”了 $a = (false && foo()); $b = (true || foo()); $c = (false and foo()); $d = (true or foo()); // -------------------- // "||" 比 "or" 的优先级高 // 表达式 (false || true) 的结果被赋给 $e // 等同于:($e = (false || true)) $e = false || true; // 常量 false 被赋给 $f,true 被忽略 // 等同于:(($f = false) or true) $f = false or true; var_dump($e, $f); // -------------------- // "&&" 比 "and" 的优先级高 // 表达式 (true && false) 的结果被赋给 $g // 等同于:($g = (true && false)) $g = true && false; // 常量 true 被赋给 $h,false 被忽略 // 等同于:(($h = true) and false) $h = true and false; var_dump($g, $h); ?>
The output of the above routine is similar to:
bool(true) bool(false) bool(false) bool(true)