Home >Database >Mysql Tutorial >15 basic SQL query statements that beginners must read
1. Create a table and insert data into SQL
Before we start to create a data table and insert demo data into the table, I would like to explain to you the design concept of the real-time data table, which may help you better understand SQL. Inquire.
In database design, a very important rule is to correctly establish the relationship between primary keys and foreign keys.
Now let’s create several data tables for restaurant order management. A total of 3 data tables are used, the Item Master table, the Order Master table and the Order Detail table.
Create table:
Create Item Master table:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ItemMasters]( [Item_Code] [varchar](20) NOT NULL, [Item_Name] [varchar](100) NOT NULL, [Price] Int NOT NULL, [TAX1] Int NOT NULL, [Discount] Int NOT NULL, [Description] [varchar](200) NOT NULL, [IN_DATE] [datetime] NOT NULL, [IN_USR_ID] [varchar](20) NOT NULL, [UP_DATE] [datetime] NOT NULL, [UP_USR_ID] [varchar](20) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_ItemMasters] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [Item_Code] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY]
Insert data into Item Master table:
INSERT INTO [ItemMasters] ([Item_Code],[Item_Name],[Price],[TAX1],[Discount],[Description],[IN_DATE] ,[IN_USR_ID],[UP_DATE],[UP_USR_ID]) VALUES ('Item001','Coke',55,1,0,'Coke which need to be cold',GETDATE(),'SHANU' ,GETDATE(),'SHANU') INSERT INTO [ItemMasters] ([Item_Code],[Item_Name],[Price],[TAX1],[Discount],[Description],[IN_DATE] ,[IN_USR_ID],[UP_DATE],[UP_USR_ID]) VALUES ('Item002','Coffee',40,0,2,'Coffe Might be Hot or Cold user choice',GETDATE(),'SHANU' ,GETDATE(),'SHANU') INSERT INTO [ItemMasters] ([Item_Code],[Item_Name],[Price],[TAX1],[Discount],[Description],[IN_DATE] ,[IN_USR_ID],[UP_DATE],[UP_USR_ID]) VALUES ('Item003','Chiken Burger',125,2,5,'Spicy',GETDATE(),'SHANU' ,GETDATE(),'SHANU') INSERT INTO [ItemMasters] ([Item_Code],[Item_Name],[Price],[TAX1],[Discount],[Description],[IN_DATE] ,[IN_USR_ID],[UP_DATE],[UP_USR_ID]) VALUES ('Item004','Potato Fry',15,0,0,'No Comments',GETDATE(),'SHANU' ,GETDATE(),'SHANU')
Create Order Master table:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[OrderMasters]( [Order_No] [varchar](20) NOT NULL, [Table_ID] [varchar](20) NOT NULL, [Description] [varchar](200) NOT NULL, [IN_DATE] [datetime] NOT NULL, [IN_USR_ID] [varchar](20) NOT NULL, [UP_DATE] [datetime] NOT NULL, [UP_USR_ID] [varchar](20) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_OrderMasters] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [Order_No] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY]
Insert data into Order Master table:
INSERT INTO [OrderMasters] ([Order_No],[Table_ID] ,[Description],[IN_DATE],[IN_USR_ID],[UP_DATE],[UP_USR_ID]) VALUES ('Ord_001','T1','',GETDATE(),'SHANU' ,GETDATE(),'SHANU') INSERT INTO [OrderMasters] ([Order_No],[Table_ID] ,[Description],[IN_DATE],[IN_USR_ID],[UP_DATE],[UP_USR_ID]) VALUES ('Ord_002','T2','',GETDATE(),'Mak' ,GETDATE(),'MAK') INSERT INTO [OrderMasters] ([Order_No],[Table_ID] ,[Description],[IN_DATE],[IN_USR_ID],[UP_DATE],[UP_USR_ID]) VALUES ('Ord_003','T3','',GETDATE(),'RAJ' ,GETDATE(),'RAJ')
Create Order Detail table:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[OrderDetails]( [Order_Detail_No] [varchar](20) NOT NULL, [Order_No] [varchar](20) CONSTRAINT fk_OrderMasters FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES OrderMasters(Order_No), [Item_Code] [varchar](20) CONSTRAINT fk_ItemMasters FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES ItemMasters(Item_Code), [Notes] [varchar](200) NOT NULL, [QTY] INT NOT NULL, [IN_DATE] [datetime] NOT NULL, [IN_USR_ID] [varchar](20) NOT NULL, [UP_DATE] [datetime] NOT NULL, [UP_USR_ID] [varchar](20) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_OrderDetails] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [Order_Detail_No] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] --Now let’s insert the 3 items for the above Order No 'Ord_001'. INSERT INTO [OrderDetails] ([Order_Detail_No],[Order_No],[Item_Code],[Notes],[QTY] ,[IN_DATE],[IN_USR_ID],[UP_DATE],[UP_USR_ID]) VALUES ('OR_Dt_001','Ord_001','Item001','Need very Cold',3 ,GETDATE(),'SHANU' ,GETDATE(),'SHANU') INSERT INTO [OrderDetails] ([Order_Detail_No],[Order_No],[Item_Code],[Notes],[QTY] ,[IN_DATE],[IN_USR_ID],[UP_DATE],[UP_USR_ID]) VALUES ('OR_Dt_002','Ord_001','Item004','very Hot ',2 ,GETDATE(),'SHANU' ,GETDATE(),'SHANU') INSERT INTO [OrderDetails] ([Order_Detail_No],[Order_No],[Item_Code],[Notes],[QTY] ,[IN_DATE],[IN_USR_ID],[UP_DATE],[UP_USR_ID]) VALUES ('OR_Dt_003','Ord_001','Item003','Very Spicy',4 ,GETDATE(),'SHANU' ,GETDATE(),'SHANU')
Insert data into the Order Detail table:
INSERT INTO [OrderDetails] ([Order_Detail_No],[Order_No],[Item_Code],[Notes],[QTY] ,[IN_DATE],[IN_USR_ID],[UP_DATE],[UP_USR_ID]) VALUES ('OR_Dt_004','Ord_002','Item002','Need very Hot',2 ,GETDATE(),'SHANU' ,GETDATE(),'SHANU') INSERT INTO [OrderDetails] ([Order_Detail_No],[Order_No],[Item_Code],[Notes],[QTY] ,[IN_DATE],[IN_USR_ID],[UP_DATE],[UP_USR_ID]) VALUES ('OR_Dt_005','Ord_002','Item003','very Hot ',2 ,GETDATE(),'SHANU' ,GETDATE(),'SHANU') INSERT INTO [OrderDetails] ([Order_Detail_No],[Order_No],[Item_Code],[Notes],[QTY] ,[IN_DATE],[IN_USR_ID],[UP_DATE],[UP_USR_ID]) VALUES ('OR_Dt_006','Ord_003','Item003','Very Spicy',4 ,GETDATE(),'SHANU' ,GETDATE(),'SHANU')
2. Simple Select query statement
The Select query statement is one of the most basic and important DML statements in SQL. So what is DML? DML stands for Data Manipulation Language (Data Manipulation Language), which enables users to query databases and manipulate data in existing databases.
Next we use the select statement in SQL Server to query my name (Name):
SELECT 'My Name Is SYED SHANU' -- With Column Name using 'AS' SELECT 'My Name Is SYED SHANU' as 'MY NAME' -- With more then the one Column SELECT 'My Name' as 'Column1', 'Is' as 'Column2', 'SYED SHANU' as 'Column3'
Use select query in the data table:
-- To Display all the columns from the table we use * operator in select Statement. Select * from ItemMasters -- If we need to select only few fields from a table we can use the Column Name in Select Statement. Select Item_Code ,Item_name as Item ,Price ,Description ,In_DATE FROM ItemMasters
3. Total and scalar functions
The total function and scalar function are both SQL Server's built-in functions, we can use them in select query statements, such as Count(), Max(), Sum(), Upper(), lower(), Round(), etc. Below we use SQL code to explain the usage of these functions:
select * from ItemMasters -- Aggregate -- COUNT() -> returns the Total no of records from table , AVG() returns the Average Value from Colum,MAX() Returns MaX Value from Column -- ,MIN() returns Min Value from Column,SUM() sum of total from Column Select Count(*) TotalRows,AVG(Price) AVGPrice ,MAX(Price) MAXPrice,MIN(Price) MinPrice,Sum(price) PriceTotal FROM ItemMasters -- Scalar -- UCASE() -> Convert to Upper Case ,LCASE() -> Convert to Lower Case, -- SUBSTRING() ->Display selected char from column ->SUBSTRING(ColumnName,StartIndex,LenthofChartoDisplay) --,LEN() -> lenth of column date, -- ROUND() -> Which will round the value SELECT UPPER(Item_NAME) Uppers,LOWER(Item_NAME) Lowers, SUBSTRING(Item_NAME,2,3) MidValue,LEN(Item_NAME) Lenths ,SUBSTRING(Item_NAME,2,LEN(Item_NAME)) MidValuewithLenFunction, ROUND(Price,0) as Rounded FROM ItemMasters
4. Date function
Date columns are basically used in our project data tables, so date functions play a very important role in the project. Sometimes we have to be very careful with date functions, they can cause you huge trouble at any time. In the project, we need to choose the appropriate date function and date format. Here are some examples of SQL date functions:
-- GETDATE() -> to Display the Current Date and Time -- Format() -> used to display our date in our requested format Select GETDATE() CurrentDateTime, FORMAT(GETDATE(),'yyyy-MM-dd') AS DateFormats, FORMAT(GETDATE(),'HH-mm-ss')TimeFormats, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),GETDATE(),10) Converts1, CONVERT(VARCHAR(24),GETDATE(),113), CONVERT(NVARCHAR, getdate(), 106) Converts2 ,-- here we used Convert Function REPLACE(convert(NVARCHAR, getdate(), 106), ' ', '/') Formats-- Here we used replace and --convert functions. --first we convert the date to nvarchar and then we replace the '' with '/' select * from Itemmasters Select ITEM_NAME,IN_DATE CurrentDateTime, FORMAT(IN_DATE,'yyyy-MM-dd') AS DateFormats, FORMAT(IN_DATE,'HH-mm-ss')TimeFormats, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),IN_DATE,10) Converts1, CONVERT(VARCHAR(24),IN_DATE,113), convert(NVARCHAR, IN_DATE, 106) Converts2 ,-- here we used Convert Function REPLACE(convert(NVARCHAR,IN_DATE, 106), ' ', '/') Formats FROM Itemmasters
DatePart –> This function can obtain the year, month, and day information.
DateADD –> This function can add and subtract the current date.
DateDiff –> This function can compare 2 dates.
--Datepart DATEPART(dateparttype,yourDate) SELECT DATEPART(yyyy,getdate()) AS YEARs , DATEPART(mm,getdate()) AS MONTHS, DATEPART(dd,getdate()) AS Days, DATEPART(week,getdate()) AS weeks, DATEPART(hour,getdate()) AS hours --Days Add to add or subdtract date from a selected date. SELECT GetDate()CurrentDate,DATEADD(day,12,getdate()) AS AddDays , DATEADD(day,-4,getdate()) AS FourDaysBeforeDate -- DATEDIFF() -> to display the Days between 2 dates select DATEDIFF(year,'2003-08-05',getdate()) yearDifferance , DATEDIFF(day,DATEADD(day,-24,getdate()),getdate()) daysDifferent, DATEDIFF(month,getdate(),DATEADD(Month,6,getdate())) MonthDifferance
5. Other Select functions
Top - Combined with the select statement, the Top function can query the first few and last few data records.
Order By - Combined with the select statement, Order By allows the query results to output data records in positive and negative order in a certain field.
-Top to Select Top first and last records using Select Statement. Select * FROM ItemMasters --> First Display top 2 Records Select TOP 2 Item_Code ,Item_name as Item ,Price ,Description ,In_DATE FROM ItemMasters --> to Display the Last to Records we need to use the Order By Clause -- order By to display Records in assending or desending order by the columns Select TOP 2 Item_Code ,Item_name as Item ,Price ,Description ,In_DATE FROM ItemMasters ORDER BY Item_Code DESC
Distinct - The distinct keyword can filter duplicate data records.
Select * FROM ItemMasters --Distinct -> To avoid the Duplicate records we use the distinct in select statement -- for example in this table we can see here we have the duplicate record 'Chiken Burger' -- but with different Item_Code when i use the below select statement see what happen Select Item_name as Item ,Price ,Description ,IN_USR_ID FROM ItemMasters -- here we can see the Row No 3 and 5 have the duplicate record to avoid this we use the distinct Keyword in select statement. select Distinct Item_name as Item ,Price ,Description ,IN_USR_ID FROM ItemMasters
6. Where clause
The Where clause is very important in the SQL Select query statement. Why use the where clause? When to use where clause? The where clause uses some conditions to filter the data result set.
Next we query the data records whose Order_No is a certain value or a certain range from 10,000 data records, and there are other conditions.
Select * from ItemMasters Select * from OrderDetails --Where -> To display the data with certain conditions -- Now below example which will display all the records which has Item_Name='Coke' select * FROM ItemMasters WHERE ITEM_NAME='COKE' -- If we want display all the records Iten_Name which Starts with 'C' then we use Like in where clause. SELECT * FROM ItemMasters WHERE ITEM_NAME Like 'C%' --> here we display the ItemMasters where the price will be greater then or equal to 40. --> to use more then one condition we can Use And or Or operator. --If we want to check the data between to date range then we can use Between Operator in Where Clause. select Item_name as Item ,Price ,Description ,IN_USR_ID FROM ItemMasters WHERE ITEM_NAME Like 'C%' AND price >=40 --> here we display the OrderDetails where the Qty will be greater 3 Select * FROM OrderDetails WHERE qty>3
Where – In clause
-- In clause -> used to display the data which is in the condition select * FROM ItemMasters WHERE Item_name IN ('Coffee','Chiken Burger') -- In clause with Order By - Here we display the in descending order. select * FROM ItemMasters WHERE Item_name IN ('Coffee','Chiken Burger') ORDER BY Item_Code Desc
Where – Between clause
-- between -> Now if we want to display the data between to date range then we use betweeen keyword select * FROM ItemMasters select * FROM ItemMasters WHERE In_Date BETWEEN '2014-09-22 15:59:02.853' AND '2014-09-22 15:59:02.853' select * FROM ItemMasters WHERE ITEM_NAME Like 'C%' AND In_Date BETWEEN '2014-09-22 15:59:02.853' AND '2014-09-22 15:59:02.853'
To query data in a certain condition range, we often use the between clause.
7、Group By 子句
Group By子句可以对查询的结果集按指定字段分组:
--Group By -> To display the data with group result.Here we can see we display all the AQggregate result by Item Name Select ITEM_NAME,Count(*) TotalRows,AVG(Price) AVGPrice ,MAX(Price) MAXPrice,MIN(Price) MinPrice,Sum(price) PriceTotal FROM ItemMasters GROUP BY ITEM_NAME -- Here this group by will combine all the same Order_No result and make the total or each order_NO Select Order_NO,Sum(QTy) as TotalQTY FROM OrderDetails where qty>=2 GROUP BY Order_NO -- Here the Total will be created by order_No and Item_Code Select Order_NO,Item_Code,Sum(QTy) as TotalQTY FROM OrderDetails where qty>=2 GROUP BY Order_NO,Item_Code Order By Order_NO Desc,Item_Code
Group By & Having 子句
--Group By Clause -- here this will display all the Order_no Select Order_NO,Sum(QTy) as TotalQTY FROM OrderDetails GROUP BY Order_NO -- Having Clause-- This will avoid the the sum(qty) less then 4 Select Order_NO,Sum(QTy) as TotalQTY FROM OrderDetails GROUP BY Order_NO HAVING Sum(QTy) >4
--Sub Query -- Here we used the Sub query in where clause to get all the Item_Code where the price>40 now this sub --query reslut we used in our main query to filter all the records which Item_code from Subquery result SELECT * FROM ItemMasters WHERE Item_Code IN (SELECT Item_Code FROM ItemMasters WHERE price > 40) -- Sub Query with Insert Statement INSERT INTO ItemMasters ([Item_Code] ,[Item_Name],[Price],[TAX1],[Discount],[Description],[IN_DATE] ,[IN_USR_ID],[UP_DATE] ,[UP_USR_ID]) Select 'Item006' ,Item_Name,Price+4,TAX1,Discount,Description ,GetDate(),'SHANU',GetDate(),'SHANU' from ItemMasters where Item_code='Item002' --After insert we can see the result as Select * from ItemMasters
--Now we have used the simple join with out any condition this will display all the -- records with duplicate data to avaoid this we see our next example with condition SELECT * FROM Ordermasters,OrderDetails -- Simple Join with Condition now here we can see the duplicate records now has been avoided by using the where checing with both table primaryKey field SELECT * FROM Ordermasters as M, OrderDetails as D where M.Order_NO=D.Order_NO and M.Order_NO='Ord_001' -- Now to make more better understanding we need to select the need fields from both --table insted of displaying all column. SELECT M.order_NO,M.Table_ID,D.Order_detail_no,Item_code,Notes,Qty FROM Ordermasters as M, OrderDetails as D where M.Order_NO=D.Order_NO -- Now lets Join 3 table SELECT M.order_NO,M.Table_ID,D.Order_detail_no,I.Item_Name,D.Notes,D.Qty,I.Price, I.Price*D.Qty as TotalPrice FROM Ordermasters as M, OrderDetails as D,ItemMasters as I where M.Order_NO=D.Order_NO AND D.Item_Code=I.Item_Code
Inner Join,Left Outer Join,Right Outer Join and Full outer Join
--INNER JOIN --This will display the records which in both table Satisfy here i have used Like in where class which display the SELECT M.order_NO,M.Table_ID,D.Order_detail_no,I.Item_Name,D.Notes,D.Qty,I.Price,I.Price*D.Qty as TotalPrice FROM Ordermasters as M Inner JOIN OrderDetails as D ON M.Order_NO=D.Order_NO INNER JOIN ItemMasters as I ON D.Item_Code=I.Item_Code WHERE M.Table_ID like 'T%' --LEFT OUTER JOIN --This will display the records which Left side table Satisfy SELECT M.order_NO,M.Table_ID,D.Order_detail_no,I.Item_Name,D.Notes,D.Qty,I.Price,I.Price*D.Qty as TotalPrice FROM Ordermasters as M LEFT OUTER JOIN OrderDetails as D ON M.Order_NO=D.Order_NO LEFT OUTER JOIN ItemMasters as I ON D.Item_Code=I.Item_Code WHERE M.Table_ID like 'T%' --RIGHT OUTER JOIN --This will display the records which Left side table Satisfy SELECT M.order_NO,M.Table_ID,D.Order_detail_no,I.Item_Name,D.Notes,D.Qty,I.Price,I.Price*D.Qty as TotalPrice FROM Ordermasters as M RIGHT OUTER JOIN OrderDetails as D ON M.Order_NO=D.Order_NO RIGHT OUTER JOIN ItemMasters as I ON D.Item_Code=I.Item_Code WHERE M.Table_ID like 'T%' --FULL OUTER JOIN --This will display the records which Left side table Satisfy SELECT M.order_NO,M.Table_ID,D.Order_detail_no,I.Item_Name,D.Notes,D.Qty,I.Price,I.Price*D.Qty as TotalPrice FROM Ordermasters as M FULL OUTER JOIN OrderDetails as D ON M.Order_NO=D.Order_NO FULL OUTER JOIN ItemMasters as I ON D.Item_Code=I.Item_Code WHERE M.Table_ID like 'T%'
Union查询可以把多张表的数据合并起来,Union只会把唯一的数据查询出来,而Union ALL则会把重复的数据也查询出来。
Select column1,Colum2 from Table1 Union Select Column1,Column2 from Table2 Select column1,Colum2 from Table1 Union All Select Column1,Column2 from Table2
--Select with different where condition which display the result as 2 Table result select Item_Code,Item_Name,Price,Description FROM ItemMasters where price <=44 select Item_Code,Item_Name,Price,Description FROM ItemMasters where price >44 -- Union with same table but with different where condition now which result as one table which combine both the result. select Item_Code,Item_Name,Price,Description FROM ItemMasters where price <=44 UNION select Item_Code,Item_Name,Price,Description FROM ItemMasters where price >44 -- Union ALL with Join sample SELECT M.order_NO,M.Table_ID,D.Order_detail_no,I.Item_Name,D.Notes,D.Qty,I.Price,I.Price*D.Qty as TotalPrice FROM Ordermasters as M (NOLOCK) Inner JOIN OrderDetails as D ON M.Order_NO=D.Order_NO INNER JOIN ItemMasters as I ON D.Item_Code=I.Item_Code WHEREI.Price <=44 Union ALL SELECT M.order_NO,M.Table_ID,D.Order_detail_no,I.Item_Name,D.Notes,D.Qty,I.Price,I.Price*D.Qty as TotalPrice FROM Ordermasters as M (NOLOCK) Inner JOIN OrderDetails as D ON M.Order_NO=D.Order_NOINNER JOIN ItemMasters as I ON D.Item_Code=I.Item_CodeWHEREI.Price>44
declare @sDate datetime, @eDate datetime; select @sDate = getdate()-5, @eDate = getdate()+16; --select @sDate StartDate,@eDate EndDate ;with cte as ( select @sDate StartDate,'W'+convert(varchar(2), DATEPART( wk, @sDate))+'('+convert(varchar(2),@sDate,106)+')' as 'SDT' union all select dateadd(DAY, 1, StartDate) , 'W'+convert(varchar(2),DATEPART( wk, StartDate))+'('+convert(varchar(2), dateadd(DAY, 1, StartDate),106)+')' as 'SDT' FROM cte WHERE dateadd(DAY, 1, StartDate)<= @eDate ) select * from cte option (maxrecursion 0)
CREATE VIEW viewname AS Select ColumNames from yourTable Example : -- Here we create view for our Union ALL example Create VIEW myUnionVIEW AS SELECT M.order_NO,M.Table_ID,D.Order_detail_no,I.Item_Name,D.Notes,D.Qty,I.Price, I.Price*D.Qty as TotalPrice FROM Ordermasters as M Inner JOIN OrderDetails as D ON M.Order_NO=D.Order_NO INNER JOIN ItemMasters as I ON D.Item_Code=I.Item_Code WHEREI.Price <=44 Union ALL SELECT M.order_NO,M.Table_ID,D.Order_detail_no,I.Item_Name,D.Notes,D.Qty,I.Price, I.Price*D.Qty as TotalPrice FROM Ordermasters as M Inner JOIN OrderDetails as D ON M.Order_NO=D.Order_NO INNER JOIN ItemMasters as I ON D.Item_Code=I.Item_CodeWHEREI.Price>44 -- View Select query Select * from myUnionVIEW -- We can also use the View to display with where condition and with selected fields Select order_Detail_NO,Table_ID,Item_Name,Price from myUnionVIEW where price >40
-- Simple Pivot Example SELECT * FROM ItemMasters PIVOT(SUM(Price) FOR ITEM_NAME IN ([Chiken Burger], Coffee,Coke)) AS PVTTable -- Pivot with detail example SELECT * FROM ( SELECT ITEM_NAME, price as TotAmount FROM ItemMasters ) as s PIVOT ( SUM(TotAmount) FOR [ITEM_NAME] IN ([Chiken Burger], [Coffee],[Coke]) )AS MyPivot
我经常看到有人提问如何在SQL Server中编写多条查询的SQL语句,然后将它们使用到C#程序中去。存储过程就可以完成这样的功能,存储过程可以将多个SQL查询聚集在一起,创建存储过程的基本结构是这样的:
CREATE PROCEDURE [ProcedureName] AS BEGIN -- Select or Update or Insert query. END To execute SP we use exec ProcedureName
-- ============================================= -- Author : Shanu -- Create date : 2014-09-15 -- Description : To Display Pivot Data -- Latest -- Modifier : Shanu -- Modify date : 2014-09-15 -- ============================================= -- exec USP_SelectPivot -- ============================================= Create PROCEDURE [dbo].[USP_SelectPivot] AS BEGIN DECLARE @MyColumns AS NVARCHAR(MAX), @SQLquery AS NVARCHAR(MAX) -- here first we get all the ItemName which should be display in Columns we use this in our necxt pivot query select @MyColumns = STUFF((SELECT ',' + QUOTENAME(Item_NAME) FROM ItemMasters GROUP BY Item_NAME ORDER BY Item_NAME FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE ).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') ,1,1,'') -- here we use the above all Item name to disoplay its price as column and row display set @SQLquery = N'SELECT ' + @MyColumns + N' from ( SELECT ITEM_NAME, price as TotAmount FROM ItemMasters ) x pivot ( SUM(TotAmount) for ITEM_NAME in (' + @MyColumns + N') ) p ' exec sp_executesql @SQLquery; RETURN END
之前我们介绍了MAX(),SUM(), GetDate()等最基本的SQL函数,现在我们来看看如何创建自定义SQL函数。创建函数的格式如下:
Create Function functionName As Begin END
-- ============================================= -- Author : Shanu -- Create date : 2014-09-15 -- Description : To Display Pivot Data -- Latest -- Modifier : Shanu -- Modify date : 2014-09-15 Alter FUNCTION [dbo].[ufnSelectitemMaster]() RETURNS int AS -- Returns total Row count of Item Master. BEGIN DECLARE @RowsCount AS int; Select @RowsCount= count(*)+1 from ItemMasters RETURN @RowsCount; END -- to View Function we use select and fucntion Name select [dbo].[ufnSelectitemMaster]()
-- ============================================= -- Author : Shanu -- Create date : 2014-09-15 -- Description : To Display Pivot Data -- Latest -- Modifier : Shanu -- Modify date : 2014-09-15 ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[ufn_LastDayOfMonth] ( @DATE NVARCHAR(10) ) RETURNS NVARCHAR(10) AS BEGIN RETURN CONVERT(NVARCHAR(10), DATEADD(D, -1, DATEADD(M, 1, CAST(SUBSTRING(@DATE,1,7) + '-01' AS DATETIME))), 120) END SELECT dbo.ufn_LastDayOfMonth('2014-09-01')AS LastDay