Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >Complete list of ecshop basic functions
P: Get the current Greenwich Time timestamp/$0
P: Get the server’s time zone/$0
local_mktime($hour = NULL, $minute= NULL, $second = NULL, $month = NULL, $day = NULL, $year = NULL)
P: Generate a GMT timestamp for a user-defined time zone date
local_date($format, $time = NULL)
P: Convert the GMT timestamp Format a date in a user-defined time zone
P: Convert a time expression in string form to a GMT timestamp
P: Convert a date in a user-defined time zone to GMT time Stamp
local_gettime($timestamp = NULL)
P: Get the timestamp specified in the user’s time zone
local_getdate($timestamp = NULL)
P: Get the date and time information specified in the user’s time zone
sub_str($ str, $length = 0, $append = true)
P: Function to intercept UTF-8 encoded string
P: Get the user’s real IP address
P: Calculate the string The length (Chinese characters are calculated as two characters)
P: Get the line break character of the user's operating system
send_mail($name, $email, $subject, $content, $type = 0, $notification=false)
P: Send email
P: Get the GD version on the server
P: If the file_get_contents function does not exist in the system, declare the function
file_put_contents($file, $data, $flags = '' )
P: If the file_put_contents function does not exist in the system, declare the function
P: If the floatval function does not exist in the system, declare the function
P: File or directory permission check function
log_write ($arg, $file = '', $line = '')
P: Write log content
P: Check whether the target folder exists, if not, automatically create the directory
gzip_enabled( )
P: Get whether gzip is enabled on the system
P: Recursively escape special characters in variables
P: Escape special characters of object member variables or arrays Escape
P: Recursively remove special characters in variables
P: Convert a string to a string containing full-width numeric characters, letters, spaces or '%+ -()' characters are converted to corresponding half-width characters
check_file_type($filename, $realname = '', $limit_ext_types = '')
P: Check file type/file name/real file name/allowed file types
mysql_like_quote($ str)
P: Escape the content of MYSQL LIKE and filter out characters such as _ %.
P: Get the server’s ip
ecs_header($string, $replace = true, $http_response_code = 0)
P: Custom header function, used to filter possible security risks
ecs_iconv($source_lang, $target_lang, $source_string = '')
P: Custom encoding conversion
P: Get the IP address, Using IP library
P: Remove possible garbled characters on the right side of the string
move_upload_file($file_name, $target_name = '')
P: Move the uploaded file to the specified location
P: Transcode the parameters passed by JSON
get_file_suffix($file_name, $allow_type = array())
P: Get the file suffix name and determine whether it is legal
P: Read the result cache file
write_static_cache( $cache_name, $caches)
P: Write the result cache file
lib_common.php (common function library)
db_create_in($item_list, $field_name = '')
P: Create a query like this: "IN('a' ,'b')" $item_list is an array
P: Verify whether the entered email address is legal
P: Check whether it is a legal time format
P: Get the query time and number, and assign it to smarty
region_result($parent, $sel_name, $type)
P: Create the return information of the region
get_regions($type = 0, $parent = 0)
P: Get the specified country’s return information For all provinces, the function requires database support.
P: Get the calculation parameters of the delivery cost of the specified delivery method in the delivery area, such as express companies.
P: Initialize the member data integration class
cat_list ($cat_id = 0, $selected = 0, $re_type = true, $level = 0, $is_show_all = true)
P: Get an array of subcategories under the specified category, $re_type controls the return type
cat_options($spec_cat_id, $arr)
P: Filter and sort all categories, return an array with indentation level
P: Load configuration information
P: Get the brand list
get_brands($cat = 0, $app = ' brand')
P: Get the list of brands under a certain category
get_promotion_info($goods_id = '')
P: All promotion information
get_children($cat = 0)
P: Get the information of all underlying categories under the specified category ID
get_article_children ($cat = 0)
P: Get the IDs of all underlying categories under the specified article category
P: Get the email template
order_action($order_sn, $order_status, $shipping_status, $pay_status, $ note = '', $username = null)
P: Record order operation record
price_format($price, $change_price = true)
P: Format product price
get_virtual_goods($order_id, $shipping = false)
P: Return Whether the virtual goods in the order are recorded as shipped.
virtual_goods_ship(&$virtual_goods, &$msg, $order_sn, $return_result = false, $process = 'other')
P: Virtual goods shipping
virtual_card_shipping ($goods, $ order_sn, &$msg, $process = 'other')
P: Virtual card delivery
virtual_card_result($order_sn, $goods)
P: Return virtual card information
P: Get the specified id snatch activity The result of
clear_tpl_files($is_cache = true, $ext = '')
P: Clear the template cache or compiled files with the specified suffix
clear_compiled_files($ext = '')
P: Clear the template compiled files
clear_cache_files($ext = '')
P: Clear cache files
clear_all_files($ext = '')
P: Clear template compilation and cache files
P: js files called on the page, combination functions.
smarty_create_pages($ params)
P: Create a paginated list
build_uri($app, $params, $append = '', $page = 0, $size = 0)
P: Rewrite the URL address
P: Format weight
log_account_change($user_id, $user_money = 0, $frozen_money = 0, $rank_points = 0, $pay_points = 0, $change_desc = '', $change_type = ACT_OTHER)
P: Log account changes
article_cat_list($ cat_id = 0, $selected = 0, $re_type = true, $level = 0)
P: Get the array of subcategories under the specified category/Fetch the array downwards.
article_cat_options($spec_cat_id, $arr)
P: Filter And sort all article categories, return an array with indentation level
uc_call($func, $params=null)
P: Call the function of UCenter
exception_handler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline)
P : The error_handle callback function is not enabled.
get_image_path($goods_id, $image='', $thumb=false, $call='goods', $del=false)
P: Retrieve the address of the product image and product album
user_uc_call ($func, $params = null)
P: Call the function when using the UCenter plug-in
get_volume_price_list($goods_id, $price_type = '1')
P: Get the product discount price list
get_final_price($goods_id, $goods_num = ' 1', $is_spec_price = false, $spec = array())
P: Get the final price of the product
P: Get the information of the specified id package
P: Get the specified gift package Product
lib_main.php (front-end public function library)
P: Update user SESSION, COOKIE, login time, and number of logins.
P: Get the user information array
assign_ur_here($cat = 0, $str = '')
P: Get the current position and page title
P: Get the specified category All superior categories of
build_pagetitle($arr, $type = 'category')
P: Compile into page title based on the provided array
build_urhere($arr, $type = 'category')
P: Compile into the page title based on the provided array Current location
P: Get the dynamic content of the specified page
assign_articles($id, $num)
P: Assign the article list to smarty
P: Assign help information
assign_pager($app, $ cat, $record_count, $size, $sort, $order, $page = 1,$keywords = '', $brand = 0, $price_min = 0, $price_max = 0, $display_type = 'list', $filter_attr= '', $url_format='', $sch_array='')
P: Create paging information. Paging function.
get_pager($url, $param, $record_count, $page = 1, $size = 10)
P: Generate an array assigned to pager.lbi
get_vote($id = '')
P: Call the survey content
P: Get the browser name and version
is_spider($record = true)
P: Determine whether it is a search engine spider
P: Get the client’s operating system
P: Statistical access information
save_searchengine_keyword($domain, $path)
P: Save search engine keywords
get_tags($goods_id = 0, $user_id = 0)
P: Get all the tags of the specified user and product
get_dyna_libs($theme, $tmp)
P: Get the theme of a template of the specified theme Dynamic module
P: Replace dynamic module
upload_file($upload, $type)
P: Process the uploaded file and return the uploaded image name (the image name will be empty when the upload fails)
show_message($content , $links = '', $hrefs = '', $type = 'info', $auto_redirect = true)
P: Display a prompt message
parse_rate_value($str, &$operate)
P: Convert a message in the form + 10, 10, -10, 10% of the strings are converted into corresponding numbers and return the operation symbol
P: Recalculate the price of the goods in the shopping cart: the purpose is to enjoy the membership price when the user logs in, and when the user logs out You do not enjoy the membership price when logging in
assign_comment($id, $type, $page = 1)
P: Query the comment content
assign_template($ctype = '', $catlist = array())
P: Default smarty assignment
P: Convert a local timestamp to a GMT timestamp
get_user_bonus($user_id = 0)
P: Query the member’s red envelope amount
P: Save the recommended uid
P : Get recommended uid
article_categories_tree($cat_id = 0)
P: Get all categories at the same level of the specified category and subcategories under this category
P: Get all parent categories of the specified article category
get_library_number( $library, $template = null)
P: Get the number of settings of a certain template and library
get_navigator($ctype = '', $catlist = array())
P: Get the custom navigation bar list
P : Authorization information content
lib_insert.php (dynamic content function library)
P: Get the number of queries and query time
P: Call browsing history
P: Call shopping cart information
P: Call the ads of the specified advertising slot
P: Call the member information
P: Call the comment information
P: Call the online survey information
lib_goods.php (product-related function library)
goods_sort($goods_a, $goods_b)
P: The number of custom sorting rows for product recommendation usort
get_categories_tree($cat_id = 0)
P: Get all categories at the same level of the specified category and Subcategory under this category
get_child_tree($tree_id = 0)
P: Get the sum of the category tree under the specified category ID
get_top10($cats = '')
P: Call the sales ranking of the current category
get_recommend_goods($type = '', $cats = '')
P: Get recommended products
get_promote_goods($cats = '')
P: Get promotional products
get_category_recommend_goods($type = '', $cats = '', $brand = 0 , $min =0, $max = 0, $ext='')
P: Get the recommended products under the specified category
P: Get the detailed information of the product
P: Get the attributes and specifications of the product
P: Get the products with the same attributes
P: Get the album of the specified product
assign_cat_goods($cat_id, $num = 0, $from = 'web ')
P: Get the goods under the specified category
assign_brand_goods($brand_id, $num = 0, $cat_id = 0)
P: Get the goods under the specified brand
P: Get all extension categories All product IDs belonging to the specified category
bargain_price($price, $start, $end)
P: Determine whether a product is in the special promotion period
P: Get the price of the specified specification
group_buy_info($ group_buy_id, $current_num = 0)
P: Get the group buying activity information
group_buy_stat($group_buy_id, $deposit)
P: Get the statistical information of a certain group buying activity
P: Get the group buying status
auction_info($act_id , $config = false)
P: Get auction activity information
P: Get auction activity bid record
P: Calculate auction activity status (note that the parameters must be original information)
goods_info ($goods_id)
P: Get product information
P: Get promotion information
P: Wholesale information
add_style($goods_name, $style)
P: Add product name style
P: Get product attributes
get_goods_fittings($goods_list = array())
P : Get accessories for the items in the shopping cart
lib_article.php (function library related to articles and article classification)
get_cat_articles($cat_id, $page = 1, $size = 20,$requirement='')
P: Get article classification List of articles under
get_article_count($cat_id ,$requirement='')
P: Get the total number of articles under the specified category