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dlang operates mysql

2016-11-22 17:35:241592browse

d operates mysql

d has a very convenient tool dub, which needs to write formatted json files

Dub instructions can be found at http://code.dlang.org/package-format?lang=json

my dub Format, save as dub.json

	"name": "testmysql",
	"description": "test mysql connect.",
	"authors": ["cabing_2005@126.com"],
	"homepage": "http://my.oschina.net/u/218155/blog?catalog=3451757",
	"license": "GPL-2.0",
	"dependencies": {
		"vibe-d": "~>0.7.17",
		"mysql-native" :"~>0.1.3",

I used the connection pool of vibe.d and the database package of mysqlnative, so I put them both in the dependencies.

File structure Create a new directory in the current directory and name it source. Create a new script app.d under source

Finally run the code. Run dub at the upper level of source

The specific code

import mysql.common;
import mysql.connection;
import mysql.result;
import mysql.db;

import std.stdio;ulong testExce(Connection cn,string sql){	auto cmd = Command(cn);
    cmd.sql = sql;
    ulong rowsAffected;
    return rowsAffected;
}ResultSet testRows()(Connection cn, string sql){
    auto cmd = Command(cn);
    cmd.sql = sql;
    return cmd.execSQLResult();
}void testMysql(){
    string connStr = "host=localhost;port=3306;user=root;pwd=123456;db=test";
    auto mdb = new MysqlDB(connStr);
    auto con = mdb.lockConnection();
    scope(exit) con.close();

    //测试增删改查    //add    auto addSql = "insert into country(name,user_age,id)values('helloworld',59,1)";
    writeln("add data is ", testExce(con,addSql));
    //update    auto updateSql = "update country set name = 'helloworld' where id=1 limit 1";
    writeln("update data is ", testExce(con,updateSql));
    //delte    auto delSql = "delete from country  where id=1 limit 1";
    writeln("delete data is ", testExce(con,delSql));
    //select    auto selSql = "select name,user_age,id from country";
    ResultSet rs = testRows(con,selSql);
    int i;
    auto keys = ["name","user_age","id"];
}int main(char[][] args) {
	testMysql();	return 0;

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