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PDO class
represents a connection between PHP and database services
PDO::beginTransaction — Start a transaction
PDO::commit — Commit a transaction
PDO::__construct — Create a PDO representing a database connection Example
PDO::errorCode — Get the SQLSTATE associated with the last operation on the database handle
PDO::errorInfo — Fetch extended error information associated with the last operation on the database handle
PDO::exec — Execute a SQL statement, And return the number of affected rows
PDO::getAttribute — Retrieve the attributes of a database connection
PDO::getAvailableDrivers — Return an array of available drivers
PDO::inTransaction — Check whether it is within a transaction
PDO ::lastInsertId — Returns the ID or sequence value of the last inserted row
PDO::prepare — Prepares a statement for execution and returns a statement object
PDO::query — Executes an SQL statement, returning a result set as a PDOStatement object
PDO::quote — Quotes a string for use in a query.
PDO::rollBack — Roll back a transaction
PDO::setAttribute — Set attributes
PDOStatement class
represents a prepared statement and This statement represents a related result set when executed.
PDOStatement::bindColumn — Bind a column to a PHP variable
PDOStatement::bindParam — Bind a parameter to the specified variable name
PDOStatement::bindValue — Bind a value to a parameter
PDOStatement:: closeCursor — Closes the cursor so that the statement can be executed again.
PDOStatement::columnCount — Return the number of columns in the result set
PDOStatement::debugDumpParams — Print a SQL preprocessing command
PDOStatement::errorCode — Get the SQLSTATE related to the last statement handle operation
PDOStatement::errorInfo — Get extended error information related to the last statement handle operation
PDOStatement::execute — Execute a prepared statement
PDOStatement::fetch — Get the next row from the result set
PDOStatement::fetchAll — Return a list containing all the results in the result set Array of rows
PDOStatement::fetchColumn — Returns a single column from the next row in the result set.
PDOStatement::fetchObject — Gets the next line and returns it as an object.
PDOStatement::getAttribute — Retrieve a statement attribute
PDOStatement::getColumnMeta — Return metadata for a column in a result set
PDOStatement::nextRowset — Advance to the next rowset in a multi-rowset statement handle
PDOStatement: :rowCount — Returns the number of rows affected by the previous SQL statement
PDOStatement::setAttribute — Sets a statement attribute
PDOStatement::setFetchMode — Sets the default fetch mode for the statement.
PDOException exception class
represents an error generated by PDO. You should not throw a PDOException in your own code.
is equivalent to PDO::errorInfo() or PDOStatement::errorInfo()
text error message. Use Exception::getMessage() to access.
SQLSTATE error code. Use Exception::getCode() to access.