Supports 4 paging modes, 1: Normal link paging 2: Click the paging button 3: Click to load more 4: Pull down to load more
Currently only 4 paging modes are supported
1: Ordinary link paging
2: Click the paging button
3: Click to load more
4: Pull down to load more// 1 Ordinary paging<br>
var config = ({<br>
Mode : 1,
PageBer: 2,
PageMax: 10,
PageUrl: '[#]', //Page link with page break <br>
PageId : 'Page', //HTML ID inserted into the paging Page entity<br>
PageCid: 'tbinfo', //HTML ID inserted into paginated content<br>
PageHtml: '<tr><td><input name="ckbox" value="" type="checkbox"></td><td>[0]</td><td> ;<a>[1]</a></td><td>[2]</td><td class="text-right"><a href="[0 ]">Delete</a></td></tr>',
PageArray: '<?php echo $array; ?>',//Paging content after JSONization<br>
Page : '<?php echo $page;?>', //Current number of pages<br>
PageNum : '<?php echo $num; ?>',//Total number of paging records<br>
//Call paging <br><br>// 2. ajax click button to paginate <br>
var config = ({<br>
Mode : 2,
PageMax: 10,
PageUrl: '[#]', //Page link with page break
PageId : 'Page', //HTML ID inserted into the paging Page entity
PageCid: 'tbinfo', //HTML ID inserted into paginated content
PageHtml: '