Express delivery inquiry interface API and logistics inquiry interface API integrate all logistics inquiries, express delivery order number inquiries, outlet inquiries and complaint phone inquiries such as EMS, YTO, Zhongtong, Debon, etc., free to use
1.KuadidiAPI.php No need to change anything
2.example.php Use according to the instructions
3. If there is anything unclear, please go to the official website of (, the API interface application address of (http:/ /
<?php /** * Created by * User: PHP team * Date: 2016-03-02 * 物流信息查询接口SDK * QQ: 524654214(群) * Version 1.0 */ class KuaidiAPI{ private $_APPKEY = ''; private $_APIURL = ""; private $_show = 0; private $_muti = 0; private $_order = 'desc'; /** * 您获得的快递网接口查询KEY。 * @param string $key */ public function KuaidiAPi($key){ $this->_APPKEY = $key; } /** * 设置数据返回类型。0: 返回 json 字符串; 1:返回 xml 对象 * @param number $show */ public function setShow($show = 0){ $this->_show = $show; } /** * 设置返回物流信息条目数, 0:返回多行完整的信息; 1:只返回一行信息 * @param number $muti */ public function setMuti($muti = 0){ $this->_muti = $muti; } /** * 设置返回物流信息排序。desc:按时间由新到旧排列; asc:按时间由旧到新排列 * @param string $order */ public function setOrder($order = 'desc'){ $this->_order = $order; } /** * 查询物流信息,传入单号, * @param 物流单号 $nu * @param 公司简码 $com 要查询的快递公司代码,不支持中文,具体请参考快递公司代码文档。 不填默认根据单号自动匹配公司。注:单号匹配成功率高于 95%。 * @throws Exception * @return array */ public function query($nu, $com=''){ if (function_exists('curl_init') == 1) { $url = $this->_APIURL; $dataArr = array( 'id' => $this->_APPKEY, 'com' => $com, 'nu' => $nu, 'show' => $this->_show, 'muti' => $this->_muti, 'order' => $this->_order ); foreach ($dataArr as $key => $value) { $url .= $key . '=' . $value . "&"; } // echo $url; $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10); $kuaidresult = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); if($this->_show == 0){ $result = json_decode($kuaidresult, true); }else{ $result = $kuaidresult; } return $result; }else{ throw new Exception("Please install curl plugin", 1); } } }