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Detailed explanation of Python's decorators

2016-11-01 11:24:361225browse

The decorator in Python is a hurdle for you to enter Python. It is there whether you cross it or not.

Why do you need decorators

We assume that your program implements the two functions say_hello() and say_goodbye().

def say_hello(): 
    print "hello!" 
def say_goodbye(): 
    print "hello!"  # bug here 
if __name__ == '__main__': 

But in the actual call, we found that the program went wrong, and the above code printed two hellos. After debugging, you find that there is an error in say_goodbye(). The boss requires that the name of the entering function be recorded before calling each method, such as this:

[DEBUG]: Enter say_hello() 
[DEBUG]: Enter say_goodbye() 

Okay, little A is a graduate, and he implemented it like this.

def say_hello(): 
    print "[DEBUG]: enter say_hello()" 
    print "hello!" 
def say_goodbye(): 
    print "[DEBUG]: enter say_goodbye()" 
    print "hello!" 
if __name__ == '__main__': 

Very low, right? Yes. Little B has been working for a while, and he told Little A that he could write like this.

def debug(): 
    import inspect 
    caller_name = inspect.stack()[1][3] 
    print "[DEBUG]: enter {}()".format(caller_name)    
def say_hello(): 
    print "hello!" 
def say_goodbye(): 
    print "goodbye!" 
if __name__ == '__main__': 

Is it better? Of course, but it is uncomfortable to call the debug() function in every business function? What if the boss says that debugging is not needed for say-related functions, but only for do-related functions?

Then the decorator should appear at this time.

A decorator is essentially a Python function, which allows other functions to add additional functions without making any code changes. The return value of the decorator is also a function object. It is often used in scenarios with cross-cutting requirements, such as: log insertion, performance testing, transaction processing, caching, permission verification, etc. Decorators are an excellent design to solve such problems. With decorators, we can extract a large amount of similar code that has nothing to do with the function itself and continue to reuse it.

In a nutshell, the role of a decorator is to add additional functionality to an existing function or object.

How to write a decorator

In the early days (Python Version

def debug(func): 
    def wrapper(): 
        print "[DEBUG]: enter {}()".format(func.__name__) 
        return func() 
    return wrapper 
def say_hello(): 
    print "hello!" 
say_hello = debug(say_hello)  # 添加功能并保持原函数名不变

The debug function above is actually a decorator. It wraps the original function and returns another function, adding some additional functions. Because writing this way is not very elegant, later versions of Python support @ syntactic sugar. The following code is equivalent to the earlier way of writing.

def debug(func): 
    def wrapper(): 
        print "[DEBUG]: enter {}()".format(func.__name__) 
        return func() 
    return wrapper 
def say_hello(): 
    print "hello!"

This is the simplest decorator, but there is a problem. If the decorated function needs to pass in parameters, then this decorator will break. Because the returned function cannot accept parameters, you can specify that the decorator function wrapper accepts the same parameters as the original function, such as:

def debug(func): 
    def wrapper(something):  # 指定一毛一样的参数 
        print "[DEBUG]: enter {}()".format(func.__name__) 
        return func(something) 
    return wrapper  # 返回包装过函数 
def say(something): 
    print "hello {}!".format(something)

In this way, you solve one problem, but have N more problems. Because there are thousands of functions, you only care about your own function. Who knows what other people’s function parameters look like? Fortunately, Python provides variable parameters *args and keyword parameters **kwargs. With these two parameters, The decorator can be used for any target function

def debug(func): 
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):  # 指定宇宙无敌参数 
        print "[DEBUG]: enter {}()".format(func.__name__) 
        print 'Prepare and say...', 
        return func(*args, **kwargs) 
    return wrapper  # 返回 
def say(something): 
    print "hello {}!".format(something)

At this point, you have fully mastered the basic method of writing decorators.

Advanced decorators

Decorators with parameters and class decorators are advanced content. Before understanding these decorators, it is best to have a certain understanding of function closures and decorator interface conventions. (See http://betacat.online/posts/p...

Decorator with parameters

Assume that the function that our previous decorator needs to complete is not only to print out log information after entering a certain function, but also You also need to specify the log level, then the decorator will look like this.

def logging(level): 
    def wrapper(func): 
        def inner_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): 
            print "[{level}]: enter function {func}()".format( 
            return func(*args, **kwargs) 
        return inner_wrapper 
    return wrapper 
def say(something): 
    print "say {}!".format(something) 
# 如果没有使用@语法,等同于 
# say = logging(level='INFO')(say) 
def do(something): 
    print "do {}...".format(something) 
if __name__ == '__main__': 
    do("my work")

Are you a little confused? You can understand it this way, when a decorator with parameters is placed on a certain function, such as @logging(level) ='DEBUG'), it is actually a function and will be executed immediately. As long as the result it returns is a decorator, there is no problem. Let’s take a closer look at the class-based decorator

. A decorator function is actually an interface constraint that must accept a callable object as a parameter and then return a callable object. In Python, callable objects are generally functions, but there are exceptions as long as an object overloads __call__(). method, then the object is callable.

class Test(): 
    def __call__(self): 
        print 'call me!' 
t = Test() 
t()  # call me

Methods with underscores before and after __call__ are called built-in methods in Python, and are sometimes called magic methods. Overloading these magic methods generally changes the object. The above example allows a class object to have the called behavior.

Back to the concept of the decorator, the decorator requires a callable object and returns a callable object (not too rigorous, see Later). Then it is also possible to implement it with a class. We can let the class's constructor __init__() accept a function, and then overload __call__() and return a function, which can also achieve the effect of a decorator function.

class logging(object): 
    def __init__(self, func): 
        self.func = func 
    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): 
        print "[DEBUG]: enter function {func}()".format( 
        return self.func(*args, **kwargs) 
def say(something): 
    print "say {}!".format(something)

Class decorator with parameters

If you need to implement a decorator with parameters in a class form, it will be a little more complicated than the previous example. Then what is accepted in the constructor is not a function, but passed in. Parameters. Save these parameters through the class. Then when overloading the __call__ method, you need to accept a function and return a function.

class logging(object): 
    def __init__(self, level='INFO'): 
        self.level = level 
    def __call__(self, func): # 接受函数 
        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): 
            print "[{level}]: enter function {func}()".format( 
            func(*args, **kwargs) 
        return wrapper  #返回函数 
def say(something): 
    print "say {}!".format(something)

Built-in decorators are the same as ordinary decorators. Yes, but it does not return a function, but a class object, so it is more difficult to understand.


Before understanding this decorator, you need to know how to write a property without using a decorator.

def getx(self): 
    return self._x 
def setx(self, value): 
    self._x = value 
def delx(self): 
   del self._x 
# create a property 
x = property(getx, setx, delx, "I am doc for x property")


def x(self): ... 
# 等同于 
def x(self): ... 
x = property(x)

属性有三个装饰器:setter, getter, deleter ,都是在property()的基础上做了一些封装,因为setter和deleter是property()的第二和第三个参数,不能直接套用@语法。getter装饰器和不带getter的属性装饰器效果是一样的,估计只是为了凑数,本身没有任何存在的意义。经过@property装饰过的函数返回的不再是一个函数,而是一个property对象。

>>> property() 
<property object at 0x10ff07940>



class classmethod(object): 
    classmethod(function) -> method 
    def __init__(self, function): # for @classmethod decorator 
    # ... 
class staticmethod(object): 
    staticmethod(function) -> method 
    def __init__(self, function): # for @staticmethod decorator 
    # ...


class Foo(object): 
    def bar(): 
    # 等同于 bar = staticmethod(bar)






def html_tags(tag_name): 
    print &#39;begin outer function.&#39; 
    def wrapper_(func): 
        print "begin of inner wrapper function." 
        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): 
            content = func(*args, **kwargs) 
            print "<{tag}>{content}</{tag}>".format(tag=tag_name, content=content) 
        print &#39;end of inner wrapper function.&#39; 
        return wrapper 
    print &#39;end of outer function&#39; 
    return wrapper_ 
def hello(name=&#39;Toby&#39;): 
    return &#39;Hello {}!&#39;.format(name) 


begin outer function. 
end of outer function 
begin of inner wrapper function. 
end of inner wrapper function. 
<b>Hello Toby!</b> 
<b>Hello Toby!</b>



def logging(func): 
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): 
        """print log before a function.""" 
        print "[DEBUG] {}: enter {}()".format(datetime.now(), func.__name__) 
        return func(*args, **kwargs) 
    return wrapper 
def say(something): 
    """say something""" 
    print "say {}!".format(something) 
print say.__name__  # wrapper


say = logging(say)



from functools import wraps 
def logging(func): 
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): 
        """print log before a function.""" 
        print "[DEBUG] {}: enter {}()".format(datetime.now(), func.__name__) 
        return func(*args, **kwargs) 
    return wrapper 
def say(something): 
    """say something""" 
    print "say {}!".format(something) 
print say.__name__  # say 
print say.__doc__ # say something


import inspect 
print inspect.getargspec(say)  # failed 
print inspect.getsource(say)  # failed


不能装饰@staticmethod 或者 @classmethod


class Car(object): 
    def __init__(self, model): 
        self.model = model 
    @logging  # 装饰实例方法,OK 
    def run(self): 
        print "{} is running!".format(self.model) 
    @logging  # 装饰静态方法,Failed 
    def check_model_for(obj): 
        if isinstance(obj, Car): 
            print "The model of your car is {}".format(obj.model) 
            print "{} is not a car!".format(obj) 
Traceback (most recent call last): 
  File "example_4.py", line 10, in logging 
  File "C:\Python27\lib\functools.py", line 33, in update_wrapper 
    setattr(wrapper, attr, getattr(wrapped, attr)) 
AttributeError: &#39;staticmethod&#39; object has no attribute &#39;__module__&#39; 


class Car(object): 
    def __init__(self, model): 
        self.model = model 
    @logging  # 在@staticmethod之前装饰,OK 
    def check_model_for(obj): 




decorator.py 是一个非常简单的装饰器加强包。你可以很直观的先定义包装函数wrapper(),再使用decorate(func, wrapper)方法就可以完成一个装饰器。

from decorator import decorate 
def wrapper(func, *args, **kwargs): 
    """print log before a function.""" 
    print "[DEBUG] {}: enter {}()".format(datetime.now(), func.__name__) 
    return func(*args, **kwargs) 
def logging(func): 
    return decorate(func, wrapper)  # 用wrapper装饰func


from decorator import decorator 
def logging(func, *args, **kwargs): 
    print "[DEBUG] {}: enter {}()".format(datetime.now(), func.__name__) 
    return func(*args, **kwargs)




import wrapt 
# without argument in decorator 
def logging(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):  # instance is must 
    print "[DEBUG]: enter {}()".format(wrapped.__name__) 
    return wrapped(*args, **kwargs) 
def say(something): pass

使用wrapt你只需要定义一个装饰器函数,但是函数签名是固定的,必须是(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs),注意第二个参数instance是必须的,就算你不用它。当装饰器装饰在不同位置时它将得到不同的值,比如装饰在类实例方法时你可以拿到这个类实例。根据instance的值你能够更加灵活的调整你的装饰器。另外,args和kwargs也是固定的,注意前面没有星号。在装饰器内部调用原函数时才带星号。


def logging(level): 
    def wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs): 
        print "[{}]: enter {}()".format(level, wrapped.__name__) 
        return wrapped(*args, **kwargs) 
    return wrapper 
def do(work): pass




Python’s decorators are not the same thing as Java’s annotations, nor are they the same as attributes in C#. They are two completely different concepts.

The concept of decorator is to strengthen the original function and object, which is equivalent to re-encapsulation, so generally the decorator function is named wrapper(), which means packaging. A function only performs its function when called. For example, the @logging decorator can output additional logs when the function is executed, and the function decorated with @cache can cache calculation results, etc.

Annotations and features add some attributes to the target function or object, which is equivalent to classifying it. These properties can be obtained through reflection, and different characteristic functions or objects can be intervened when the program is running. For example, functions with Setup are executed as preparation steps, or all functions with TestMethod are found and executed in sequence, etc.

So far I have finished talking about the decorators that I know about, but there are still some things that have not been mentioned, such as decorative decorators. Will add more when I have the chance. Thanks for watching.

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