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Simple version of TimSort sorting algorithm

2016-10-31 10:53:482025browse

1. Principle and implementation of the simple version of TimSort sorting algorithm

TimSort sorting algorithm is the default sorting algorithm for object arrays in Python and Java. The essence of the TimSort sorting algorithm is a merge sort algorithm, but a lot of optimizations have been made on the merge sort algorithm. The data we need to sort in daily life is usually not completely random, but partially ordered or partially reversed, so TimSort makes full use of the ordered parts for merge sorting. Now we provide a simple version of the TimSort sorting algorithm, which mainly makes the following optimizations:

1.1 Utilize the originally ordered fragments

First define a minimum merge length. Check the originally ordered fragments in the array. If the ordered length is less than the specified minimum merge length, then expand the ordered fragments through insertion sort (the reason for this is to avoid merging fragments with smaller lengths, because this The efficiency is relatively low). Push the starting index position and ordered length of the ordered fragment onto the stack.

1.2 Avoid merging a longer ordered fragment with a smaller ordered fragment, because this is less efficient:

(1) If there are at least three ordered sequences in the stack, we use X , Y, Z respectively represent the three existing sequence fragments from the top of the stack downward, and are merged when the lengths of the three satisfy X+Y>=Z.

(1.1) If 1.2) Otherwise, pop X and Y off the stack, and push the merged result onto the stack. Note that in fact we will not actually pop the stack. There are some techniques in writing code that can achieve the same effect and be more efficient.

(2) If the condition of X+Y>=Z is not met or there are only two sequences in the stack, we use X and Y to represent the lengths of the two existing sequences from the top of the stack downwards. If Y performs the merge, and then pushes the merged ordered fragment results onto the stack.

1.3 When merging two ordered fragments, the so-called gallop mode is used, which can reduce the length of data involved in the merge

Assume that the two ordered fragments that need to be merged are X and Y respectively. , if the first m elements of the X segment are smaller than the first element of the Y segment, then these m elements do not actually need to participate in the merge, because the m elements are still at their original positions after the merge. In the same way, if the last n elements of the Y fragment are larger than the last element of X, then the last n elements of Y do not need to participate in the merge. This reduces the length of the merged array (the simple version does not do this), and also reduces the length of data copied back and forth between the array to be sorted and the auxiliary array, thereby improving the efficiency of the merge.

2. Java source code

package datastruct;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class SimpleTimSort<T extends Comparable<? super T>>{
    private static final int MIN_MERGE = 16;
    private final T[] a;
    private T[] aux;
    private int[] runsBase = new int[40];
    private int[] runsLen = new int[40];
    private int stackTop = 0;
    public SimpleTimSort(T[] a){
        this.a = a;
        aux = (T[]) Array.newInstance(a[0].getClass(), a.length);
    //T[from, to]已有序,T[to]以后的n元素插入到有序的序列中
    private void insertSort(T[] a, int from, int to, int n){
        int i = to + 1;
        while(n > 0){
            T tmp = a[i];
            int j;
            for(j = i-1; j >= from && tmp.compareTo(a[j]) < 0; j--){
                a[j+1] = a[j];
            a[++j] = tmp;
    private int maxAscendingLen(T[] a, int from){
        int n = 1;
        int i = from;
        if(i >= a.length){//超出范围
            return 0;
        if(i == a.length-1){//只有一个元素
            return 1;
        if(a[i].compareTo(a[i+1]) < 0){//升序片段
            while(i+1 <= a.length-1 && a[i].compareTo(a[i+1]) <= 0){
            return n;
            while(i+1 <= a.length-1 && a[i].compareTo(a[i+1]) > 0){
            int j = from;
            while(j < i){
                T tmp = a[i];
                a[i] = a[j];
                a[j] = tmp;
            return n;
    private void pushRun(int base, int len){
        runsBase[stackTop] = base;
        runsLen[stackTop] = len;
    public int needMerge(){
        if(stackTop > 1){//至少两个run序列
            int x = stackTop - 2;
            //x > 0 表示至少三个run序列
            if(x > 0 && runsLen[x-1] <= runsLen[x] + runsLen[x+1]){
                if(runsLen[x-1] < runsLen[x+1]){
                    //说明 runsLen[x+1]是runsLen[x]和runsLen[x-1]中最大的值
                    return --x;
                    return x;
            if(runsLen[x] <= runsLen[x+1]){
                return x;
                return -1;
        return -1;
    private int gallopLeft(T[] a, int base, int len, T key){
        int i = base;
        while(i <= base + len - 1){
            if(key.compareTo(a[i]) >= 0){
        return i;
    private int gallopRight(T[] a, int base, int len, T key){
        int i = base + len -1;
        while(i >= base){
            if(key.compareTo(a[i]) <= 0){
        return i;
    public void mergeAt(int x){
        int base1 = runsBase[x];
        int len1 = runsLen[x];
        int base2 = runsBase[x+1];
        int len2 = runsLen[x+1];
        runsLen[x] = len1 + len2; 
        if(stackTop == x + 3){
            runsBase[x+1] = runsBase[x+2];
            runsLen[x+1] = runsLen[x+2];
        int from = gallopLeft(a, base1, len1, a[base2]);
        if(from == base1+len1){
        int to = gallopRight(a, base2, len2, a[base1+len1-1]);
        System.arraycopy(a, from, aux, from, to - from + 1);
        int i = from;
        int iend = base1 + len1 - 1;
        int j = base2;
        int jend = to;
        int k = from;
        int kend = to;
        while(k <= kend){
            if(i > iend){
                a[k] = aux[j++];
            if(j > jend){
                a[k] = aux[i++];
            if(aux[i].compareTo(aux[j]) <= 0){//等号保证排序的稳定性
                a[k] = aux[i++];
                a[k] = aux[j++];
    private void forceMerge(){
        while(stackTop > 1){
    public void timSort(){
        int n = a.length; 
        if(n < 2){
        if(n < MIN_MERGE){
            insertSort(a, 0, 0, a.length-1);
        int base = 0;
        while(n > 0){
            int len = maxAscendingLen(a, base);
            if(len < MIN_MERGE){
                int abscent = n > MIN_MERGE ?  MIN_MERGE - len : n - len;
                insertSort(a, base, base + len-1, abscent);
                len = len + abscent;
            pushRun(base, len);
            n = n - len;
            base = base + len;
            int x;
            while((x  = needMerge()) >= 0 ){
    public static void main(String[] args){
        Random rnd = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis());
        boolean flag = true;
            Integer[] arr1 = new Integer[1000];
            for(int i = 0; i < arr1.length; i++){
                arr1[i] = i;
            for(int i = 0; i < (int)(0.1*arr1.length); i++){
                int x,y,tmp;
                x = rnd.nextInt(arr1.length);
                y = rnd.nextInt(arr1.length);
                tmp = arr1[x];
                arr1[x] = arr1[y];
                arr1[y] = tmp;
            for(int i = 0; i <(int)(0.05*arr1.length); i++){
                int x = rnd.nextInt(arr1.length);
                int y = rnd.nextInt((int)(arr1.length*0.01)+x);
                if(y >= arr1.length){
                while(x < y){
                    int tmp;
                    tmp = arr1[x];
                    arr1[x] = arr1[y];
                    arr1[y] = tmp;
            Integer[] arr2 = arr1.clone();
            Integer[] arr3 = arr1.clone();
            SimpleTimSort<Integer> sts = new SimpleTimSort<Integer>(arr1);
            if(!Arrays.deepEquals(arr1, arr2)){
                for(int i = 0; i < arr1.length; i++){
                        System.out.printf("%d: arr1 %d  arr2 %d\n",i,arr1[i],arr2[i]);
                flag = false;

3. Issues that should be paid attention to with the TimSort algorithm

The TimSort algorithm will only merge two consecutive fragments, so as to ensure the stability of the algorithm.

There is a certain relationship between the minimum merge length and the length of the stack. If the minimum merge length is increased, the length of the stack should also be increased, otherwise it may cause the risk of the stack going out of bounds (the stack in the code is implemented by an array of length 40 of).

4. The full version of the TimSort algorithm

In fact, the full version of the TimSort algorithm will have a lot of optimizations on the above-mentioned simple TimSort algorithm. For example, when the ordered sequence is smaller than the minimum merge length, we can use a method similar to binary search to find the position where it should be inserted to extend the length of the array. Another example is that in the galloping mode, binary search is used to find the position of the first element of the second sequence in the first sequence. At the same time, a smaller auxiliary space can be used to complete the merge. Interested students can view the source code in Java Come and learn.

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