Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >The background of the PNG image loaded by exif.js is black?
Using exif.js to parse the picture, I don’t know why the uploaded png format has a black background
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<code>/** * 上传多张图片 * @method uploadImg * @params url:上传图片请求的服务器端的文件的地址, * @params container:图片上传之后渲染到哪个父盒子, * @params maxCount:最多可上传的数目, * @params maxMb:上传的大小MB * @params fileInput:上传图片的文件域 * @params scale:图片的缩放比例 大小 * @params name:参数名称 * @params success:上传成功之后执行的回调函数 * @params error:上传失败之后执行的回调函数 * @params warn:不符合上传条件时执行的回调函数 * @return 元素对象.uploadImg(Objext) */ (function($){ $.fn.extend({ uploadImg:function(opt){ var up=new UploadImg(opt,this); } }); function UploadImg(option,self){ var _defaults={ url:"", container:self, maxCount:3, maxMb:2, fileInput:$(self).find(".fileImg"), scale:0.8, name:"img", success:function(data,idx){ }, error:function(msg){ alertBox(msg,1,"关 闭","",cancelAlert); }, warn:function(msg){ alertBox(msg,1,"关 闭","",cancelAlert); } }; this.opt=$.extend({},_defaults,option); this.init(self); } UploadImg.prototype={ init:function(self){ var _this=this; var liIndex=0; // 给文件域绑定事件 _this.opt.fileInput.on('change',function(){ var files=this.files?this.files:null, _tar=files[0], maxSize=_this.opt.maxMb*1024*1024, reg=/\.(jpg)|(jpeg)|(gif)|(png)$/i, err="", html=""; if(!(reg.test(_tar.name))){ err="请上传jpg/jpeg/gif/png格式的图片"; }else{ if(_tar.size>maxSize){ err="图片尺寸超出限制,请上传低于"+_this.opt.maxMb+"M的图片"; } } if(err){ _this.opt.warn && _this.opt.warn(err); return; } liIndex++; html='<li class="upload-img upload-loading">' +'<img src="">' +'<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="upload_delete" title="删除"></a>' +'</li>'; $(html).prependTo($(_this.opt.container)); _this.getCount(liIndex); // 上传图片 _this.zipImg({ files:files, scale:_this.opt.scale, callback:function(tar){ if(tar.constructor!='Array'){ tar=[tar]; } _this.submit(tar,liIndex,self); } }) }) // 关闭 $(_this.opt.container).on('click','.upload_delete',function(){ liIndex-=1; $(this).parents('li.upload-img').remove(); _this.getCount(liIndex); }) }, //压缩图片方法 zipImg: function(cfg){ /* * cfg.files input对象触发onchange时候的files * cfg.scale 压缩比例 * cfg.callback 压缩成功后的回调 */ var _this = this; var options = cfg; [].forEach.call(options.files, function(v, k){ var fr = new FileReader(); fr.onload= function(e) { var oExif = EXIF.readFromBinaryFile(new BinaryFile(e.target.result)) || {}; var $img = document.createElement('img'); $img.onload = function(){ _this.fixDirect().fix($img, oExif, options.callback,options.scale); }; if(typeof(window.URL) != 'undefined'){ $img.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(v); }else{ $img.src = e.target.result; } }; //fr.readAsDataURL(v); fr.readAsBinaryString(v); }); }, //调整图片方向 fixDirect: function(){ var r = {}; r.fix = function(img, a, callback,scale) { var n = img.naturalHeight, i = img.naturalWidth, c = 1024, o = document.createElement("canvas"), s = o.getContext("2d"); a = a || {}; //o.width = o.height = c; //debugger; if(n > c || i > c){ o.width = o.height = c; }else{ o.width = i; o.height = n; } a.Orientation = a.Orientation || 1; r.detectSubSampling(img) && (i /= 2, n /= 2); var d, h; i > n ? (d = c, h = Math.ceil(n / i * c)) : (h = c, d = Math.ceil(i / n * c)); // var g = c / 2, var g = Math.max(o.width,o.height)/2, l = document.createElement("canvas"); if(n > c || i > c){ l.width = g, l.height = g; }else{ l.width = i; l.height = n; d = i; h =n; } //l.width = g, l.height = g; var m = l.getContext("2d"), u = r.detect(img, n) || 1; s.save(); r.transformCoordinate(o, d, h, a.Orientation); var isUC = navigator.userAgent.match(/UCBrowser[\/]?([\d.]+)/i); if (isUC && $.os.android){ s.drawImage(img, 0, 0, d, h); }else{ for (var f = g * d / i, w = g * h / n / u, I = 0, b = 0; n > I; ) { for (var x = 0, C = 0; i > x; ) m.clearRect(0, 0, g, g), m.drawImage(img, -x, -I), s.drawImage(l, 0, 0, g, g, C, b, f, w), x += g, C += f; I += g, b += w } } s.restore(); a.Orientation = 1; img = document.createElement("img"); img.onload = function(){ a.PixelXDimension = img.width; a.PixelYDimension = img.height; //e(img, a); }; callback && callback(o.toDataURL("image/jpeg", scale).substring(22));//压缩图片 }; r.detect = function(img, a) { var e = document.createElement("canvas"); e.width = 1; e.height = a; var r = e.getContext("2d"); r.drawImage(img, 0, 0); for(var n = r.getImageData(0, 0, 1, a).data, i = 0, c = a, o = a; o > i; ) { var s = n[4 * (o - 1) + 3]; 0 === s ? c = o : i = o, o = c + i >> 1 } var d = o / a; return 0 === d ? 1 : d }; r.detectSubSampling = function(img) { var a = img.naturalWidth, e = img.naturalHeight; if (a * e > 1048576) { var r = document.createElement("canvas"); r.width = r.height = 1; var n = r.getContext("2d"); return n.drawImage(img, -a + 1, 0), 0 === n.getImageData(0, 0, 1, 1).data[3] } return !1; }; r.transformCoordinate = function(img, a, e, r) { switch (r) { case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: img.width = e, img.height = a; break; default: img.width = a, img.height = e } var n = img.getContext("2d"); switch (r) { case 2: n.translate(a, 0), n.scale(-1, 1); break; case 3: n.translate(a, e), n.rotate(Math.PI); break; case 4: n.translate(0, e), n.scale(1, -1); break; case 5: n.rotate(.5 * Math.PI), n.scale(1, -1); break; case 6: n.rotate(.5 * Math.PI), n.translate(0, -e); break; case 7: n.rotate(.5 * Math.PI), n.translate(a, -e), n.scale(-1, 1); break; case 8: n.rotate(-.5 * Math.PI), n.translate(-a, 0) } }; return r; }, getCount:function(idx){ var _this=this, size=$(_this.opt.container).find('li.upload-img').size(), $uploadLi=$(_this.opt.fileInput).parents("li"); if(idx>=_this.opt.maxCount){ $uploadLi.hide(); }else{ $uploadLi.show(); } }, submit:function(files,idx,t){ var _this=this, files=files[0], param={}, url=_this.opt.url; param[_this.opt.name]=files; $.ajax({ url:url, type:"post", data:param, success:function(data){ data=JSON.parse(data); _this.opt.success && _this.opt.success(data,idx); $(t).find("li").eq(0).removeClass('upload-loading').find('img').attr('src',data.url); }, error:function(data){ _this.opt.error && _this.opt.error(data.msg); } }) } } })(jQuery);</code>
EXIF used in compressing images is where the images are processed. I don’t know how to process the uploaded images in PNG format. The background is black. Please help me! ! !
You can also download and run it directly, mainly because the transparent png you encounter has a black background when you synthesize it! The purpose is to remove the black background! !
<code>git clone https://github.com/Shoestrong/uploadimg.git</code>
Additional point: I just discovered that there is a problem with the size when uploading png, please solve it by the way! !