Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >PHP get time difference
PHP obtains the time difference. This is a function that we often use during the development process. For example, if we want to check data for a certain time period, we will use this function.
Example 1:
/** * 功能:获取时间差 * @param int $time * @return string 时间差值 */ function tranTime($time) { $rtime = date("m-d H:i",$time); $htime = date("H:i",$time); $time = time() - $time; if ($time < 60) { $str = '刚刚'; } elseif ($time < 60 * 60) { $min = floor($time/60); $str = $min.'分钟前'; } elseif ($time < 60 * 60 * 24) { $h = floor($time/(60*60)); $str = $h.'小时前 '.$htime; } elseif ($time < 60 * 60 * 24 * 3) { $d = floor($time/(60*60*24)); if($d==1) $str = '昨天 '.$rtime; else $str = '前天 '.$rtime; } else { $str = $rtime; } return $str; }
Example 2:
function time_tran($the_time){ $now_time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s",time()+8*60*60); $now_time = strtotime($now_time); $show_time = strtotime($the_time); $dur = $now_time - $show_time; if($dur < 0){ return $the_time; }else{ if($dur < 60){ return $dur.'秒前'; }else{ if($dur < 3600){ return floor($dur/60).'分钟前'; }else{ if($dur < 86400){ return floor($dur/3600).'小时前'; }else{ if($dur < 259200){//3天内 return floor($dur/86400).'天前'; }else{ return $the_time; } } }
Example 3:
function format_date($time){ $t=time()-$time; $f=array( '31536000'=>'年', '2592000'=>'个月', '604800'=>'星期', '86400'=>'天', '3600'=>'小时', '60'=>'分钟', '1'=>'秒' ); foreach ($f as $k=>$v) { if (0 !=$c=floor($t/(int)$k)) { return $c.$v.'前'; } } }
Example 4:
function formatTime($date) { $str = ''; $timer = strtotime($date); $diff = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] - $timer; $day = floor($diff / 86400); $free = $diff % 86400; if($day > 0) { return $day."天前"; }else{ if($free>0){ $hour = floor($free / 3600); $free = $free % 3600; if($hour>0){ return $hour."小时前"; }else{ if($free>0){ $min = floor($free / 60); $free = $free % 60; if($min>0){ return $min."分钟前"; }else{ if($free>0){ return $free."秒前"; }else{ return '刚刚'; } } }else{ return '刚刚'; } } }else{ return '刚刚'; } } }
Example 5:
function time_tran($the_time){ $now_time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s",time()+8*60*60); $now_time = strtotime($now_time); $show_time = strtotime($the_time); $dur = $now_time - $show_time; if($dur < 0){ return $the_time; }else{ if($dur < 60){ return $dur.'秒前'; }else{ if($dur < 3600){ return floor($dur/60).'分钟前'; }else{ if($dur < 86400){ return floor($dur/3600).'小时前'; }else{ if($dur < 259200){//3天内 return floor($dur/86400).'天前'; }else{ return $the_time; } } } } } }
Example 6:
/* * author: Solon Ring * time: 2011-11-02 * 发博时间计算(年,月,日,时,分,秒) * $createtime 可以是当前时间 * $gettime 你要传进来的时间 */ class Mygettime{ function __construct($createtime,$gettime) { $this->createtime = $createtime; $this->gettime = $gettime; } function getSeconds() { return $this->createtime-$this->gettime; } function getMinutes() { return ($this->createtime-$this->gettime)/(60); } function getHours() { return ($this->createtime-$this->gettime)/(60*60); } function getDay() { return ($this->createtime-$this->gettime)/(60*60*24); } function getMonth() { return ($this->createtime-$this->gettime)/(60*60*24*30); } function getYear() { return ($this->createtime-$this->gettime)/(60*60*24*30*12); } function index() { if($this->getYear() > 1) { if($this->getYear() > 2) { return date("Y-m-d",$this->gettime); exit(); } return intval($this->getYear())." 年前"; exit(); } if($this->getMonth() > 1) { return intval($this->getMonth())." 月前"; exit(); } if($this->getDay() > 1) { return intval($this->getDay())." 天前"; exit(); } if($this->getHours() > 1) { return intval($this->getHours())." 小时前"; exit(); } if($this->getMinutes() > 1) { return intval($this->getMinutes())." 分钟前"; exit(); } if($this->getSeconds() > 1) { return intval($this->getSeconds()-1)." 秒前"; exit(); } } } //类的使用实例 /* * * 调用类输出方式 * * $a = new Mygettime(time(),strtotime('-25 month')); * echo iconv('utf-8', 'gb2312', $a->index())?iconv('utf-8', 'gb2312', $a->index()):iconv('utf-8', 'gb2312', '当前'); * */