python development

2016-10-19 15:07:461402browse

Summarize some of the operations we perform on strings in the normal development process:

#Letter case conversion

#Convert first letter to uppercase

#Remove special characters in strings (such as: '_', '.', ' ,',';'), and then concatenate the removed strings

#Remove the '_' in 'hello_for_our_world', and capitalize the first letter of the words after the first '_'

Code example :

low_strs = 'abcd'
uper_strs = 'DEFG'
test_strA = 'hello_world'
test_strB = 'goodBoy'
test_strC = 'hello_for_our_world'
test_strD = 'hello__our_world_'
low_strs = low_strs.upper()
print('abcd小写转大写:', low_strs)
uper_strs = uper_strs.lower()
print('DEFG大写转小写:', uper_strs)
test_strB = test_strB[0].upper() + test_strB[1:]
print('goodBoy只大写第一个字母:', test_strB)
test_strA = ''.join(test_strA.split('_'))
print('hello_world去掉中间的\'_\':', test_strA)
def get_str(oriStr,splitStr):
    str_list = oriStr.split(splitStr)
    if len(str_list) > 1:
        for index in range(1, len(str_list)):
            if str_list[index] != '':
                str_list[index] = str_list[index][0].upper() + str_list[index][1:]
        return ''.join(str_list)
        return oriStr
print('去除\'hello_for_our_world\'中的\'_\',并且把从第一个\'_\'以后的单词首字母大写:', get_str(test_strC,'_'))
print('去除\'hello__our_world_\'中的\'_\',并且把从第一个\'_\'以后的单词首字母大写:', get_str(test_strD,'_'))

Running effect:

Python 3.3.2 (v3.3.2:d047928ae3f6, May 16 2013, 00:03:43) [MSC v.1600 32 bit (Intel)] on win32

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>>> =============================== = RESTART ================================


abcd lowercase to uppercase: ABCD

DEFG Convert uppercase to lowercase: defg

goodBoy capitalizes only the first letter: GoodBoy

hello_world removes the '_' in the middle: helloworld

removes the '_' in 'hello_for_our_world' and replaces the ones after the first '_' Capitalize the first letter of the word: helloForOurWorld

Remove the '_' in 'hello__our_world_', and capitalize the first letter of the word after the first '_': helloOurWorld


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