1. What does the project do
Business logic -> Add, delete, modify and check
2. What is object-oriented programming and what are its benefits?
oop:object oriented programming<>Core idea: Use the way humans think and solve problems to program.
<>Three major features of oop
Encapsulation: The first level of meaning is to encapsulate properties and methods together to form an object.
The second meaning is to hide the internal implementation details and provide an operable interface (public) to the outside world
Inheritance: Subclasses can directly use the properties and methods (non-private) defined by the parent class through inheritance. The extend code can be reused.
Polymorphism: In different contexts (contexts), its manifestations are different. Php itself is polymorphic.
<>Why is PHP polymorphic
PHP is a weakly typed language
$a='php';$a is a string type data
$a=100;$a is an integer data
<>Benefits of oop
Relatively high flexibility
3. MVC pattern
Combined with a single entrance index.php?p=admin&c=goods&a=insert (Complete the product addition in the background, C corresponds to the controller (class), a corresponds to the method)
4. My knowledge and understanding of MVC
<>What is MVC?
It is a design pattern
M: model, model, completes specific business logic
V: view, view, responsible for displaying information
C: controller, controller, is responsible for issuing orders and plays the role of traffic police
<>The core idea of MVC
Separate business logic and display
<>Specific description of the details of MVC
1. Model in a broad sense: database model and tool model
2. Model in a narrow sense: database model
<>Advantages and Disadvantages of MVC
Advantages: clear layering, easy communication, easy team development, easy maintenance
Disadvantages: High learning cost, more troublesome for small projects
<>What is the direct relationship between oop and MVC
There is no direct relationship, but using oop to implement MVC is the perfect solution
4. Project structure description
Every excellent project has a good project structure.
5. Construction process