Home >Backend Development >Python Tutorial >Python connection Redis connection configuration
System environment:
OS: Oracle Linux Enterprise 5.6
redis: redis-2.6.8
python: Python-2.7.3
redis’ python package version: redis-2.7.2.tar
1. Make sure that Redis has been successfully installed and configured correctly, refer to the document
2. Make sure that the Python environment has been successfully configured, refer to the document
Configure python connection redis:
1. Install the Python package of Redis:
Use easy-install to install. For the configuration of easy-install, refer to the above Python environment setup.
[root@njdyw bin]# easy_install2.7.3 redis
Searching for redis
Reading http://pypi.python.org/simple/redis/
Reading http://github.com/andymccurdy/redis- py
Best match: redis 2.7.2
Downloading http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/r/redis/redis-2.7.2.tar.gz#md5=17ac60dcf13eb33f82cc25974ab17157
Processing redis-2.7 .2.tar.gz
Running redis-2.7.2/setup.py -q bdist_egg --dist-dir /tmp/easy_install-8FAlft/redis-2.7.2/egg-dist-tmp-JzQViJ
zip_safe flag not set; analyzing archive contents...
Adding redis 2.7.2 to easy-install.pth file
Installed /usr/local/python2.7.3/lib/python2.7/site-packages/redis- 2.7.2-py2.7.egg
Processing dependencies for redis
Finished processing dependencies for redis
--Install Parser package (optional)
Description: Parser can control how to parse the content of redis response. redis-py contains two Parser classes, PythonParser and HiredisParser. By default, redis-py will use HiredisParser if the hiredis module is installed, otherwise it will use PythonParser.
HiredisParser is written in C and maintained by the redis core team. Its performance is more than 10 times higher than PythonParser, so it is recommended to use it. Installation method, use easy_install:
[root@njdyw ~]# easy_install2.7.3 hiredis
Searching for hiredis
Reading http://pypi.python.org/simple/hiredis/
Reading https://github. com/pietern/hiredis-py
Best match: hiredis 0.1.1
Downloading http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/h/hiredis/hiredis-0.1.1.tar.gz#md5=92128474f6fb027cfb8587fce724ea8e
Processing hiredis-0.1.1.tar.gz
Running hiredis-0.1.1/setup.py -q bdist_egg --dist-dir /tmp/easy_install-ZanSCB/hiredis-0.1.1/egg-dist-tmp -XCZBQ0
zip_safe flag not set; analyzing archive contents...
Adding hiredis 0.1.1 to easy-install.pth file
Installed /usr/local/python2.7.3/lib/python2.7/ site-packages/hiredis-0.1.1-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg
Processing dependencies for hiredis
Finished processing dependencies for hiredis
2. Check whether the installation is successful
--easy-install The installed extension package is in the site-packages directory of python by default
[root@njdyw ~]#whereis python2.7.3
python2.7: /bin/python2.7.3 /usr/local/python2.7.3
[root @njdyw ~]#cd /usr/local/python2.7.3/lib/python2.7/site-packages/
[root@njdyw site-packages]# ll
Total 408
-rw-r--r -- 1 root root 239 03-21 10:45 easy-install.pth
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 119 03-21 10:07 README
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 60401 03-21 10:45redis-2.7.2-py2.7.egg
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 332125 03-21 10:12 setuptools-0.6c11-py2.7. egg
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 30 03-21 10:12 setuptools.pth
You can see that the redis-2.7.2-py2.7.egg package has been successfully installed
3. Test the connection
[root@njdyw site-packages]#python2.7.3
Python 2.7.3 (default, Mar 21 2013, 10:06:48)
[GCC 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-50)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>>import redis
>>>redisClient=redis.StrictRedis( host='',port=6379,db=0)
>>> redisClient.set('test_redis','Hello Python')
>>> value=redisClient.get('test_redis ')
>>> print value
Hello Python
>>> redisClient.delete('test_redis')
>>> value=redisClient.get('test_redis')
>>> print value
>>> dir(redis)
['AuthenticationError', 'Connection', 'ConnectionError', 'ConnectionPool', 'DataError', 'InvalidResponse', 'PubSubError', 'Redis', 'RedisError', 'ResponseError', 'StrictRedis', 'UnixDomainSocketConnection', 'VERSION', 'WatchError', '__all__', '__builtins__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__loader__', '__name__ ', '__package__', '__path__', '__version__', '_compat', 'client', 'connection', 'exceptions', 'from_url', 'utils']
>>> redisClient=redis.StrictRedis(host ='',port=6379,db=0)
>>> dir(redisClient)
['RESPONSE_CALLBACKS', '__class__', '__contains__', '__delattr__', '__delitem__', '__dict__', '__doc__', '__format__', '__getattribute__', '__getitem__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__module__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__setitem__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', '__weakref__', '_zaggregate', 'append', 'bgrewriteaof', 'bgsave', 'bitcount', 'bitop', 'blpop', 'brpop', 'brpoplpush', 'client_kill', 'client_list', 'config_get', 'config_set', 'connection_pool', 'dbsize', 'debug_object', 'decr', 'delete', 'echo', 'eval', 'evalsha', 'execute_command', 'exists', 'expire', 'expireat', 'flushall', 'flushdb', 'from_url', 'get', 'getbit', 'getrange', 'getset', 'hdel', 'hexists', 'hget', 'hgetall', 'hincrby', 'hincrbyfloat', 'hkeys', 'hlen', 'hmget', 'hmset', 'hset', 'hsetnx', 'hvals', 'incr', 'incrbyfloat', 'info', 'keys', 'lastsave', 'lindex', 'linsert', 'llen', 'lock', 'lpop', 'lpush', 'lpushx', 'lrange', 'lrem', 'lset', 'ltrim', 'mget', 'move', 'mset', 'msetnx', 'object', 'parse_response', 'persist', 'pexpire', 'pexpireat', 'ping', 'pipeline', 'pttl', 'publish', 'pubsub', 'randomkey', 'register_script', 'rename', 'renamenx', 'response_callbacks', 'rpop', 'rpoplpush', 'rpush', 'rpushx', 'sadd', 'save', 'scard', 'script_exists', 'script_flush', 'script_kill', 'script_load', 'sdiff', 'sdiffstore', 'set', 'set_response_callback', 'setbit', 'setex', 'setnx', 'setrange', 'shutdown', 'sinter', 'sinterstore', 'sismember', 'slaveof', 'smembers', 'smove', 'sort', 'spop', 'srandmember', 'srem', 'strlen', 'substr', 'sunion', 'sunionstore', 'time', 'transaction', 'ttl', 'type', 'unwatch', 'watch', 'zadd', 'zcard', 'zcount', 'zincrby', 'zinterstore', 'zrange', 'zrangebyscore', 'zrank', 'zrem', 'zremrangebyrank', 'zremrangebyscore', 'zrevrange', 'zrevrangebyscore', 'zrevrank', 'zscore', 'zunionstore']
[root@njdyw ~]#more data.txt
wolys # wolysopen111 # wolys@21cn.com
coralshanshan # 601601601 # zss1984@126.com
pengfeihuchao # woaidami # 294522652@qq.com
simulategirl # @#$9608125 # simulateboy@163.com
daisypp # 12345678 # zhoushigang_123@163.com
sirenxing424 # tfiloveyou # sirenxing424@126.com
raininglxy # 1901061139 # lixinyu23@qq.com
leochenlei # leichenlei # chenlei1201@gmail.com
z370433835 # lkp145566 # 370433835@qq.com
[root@njdyw ~]#cat imp_red.py
import redis
import re
pool = redis.ConnectionPool(host='', port=6379)
r = redis.Redis(connection_pool=pool)
pipe = r.pipeline()
pipe = r.pipeline()
f = open("data.txt")
for user in matchs:
key='users_%s' %user[0].strip()
[root@njdyw ~]# python2.7.3 imp_red.py
[root@njdyw ~]#redis-cli
redis> keys *
1) "users_xiaochuan2018"
2) "users_coralshanshan"
3) "users_xiazai200901"
4) "users_daisypp"
5) "users_boiny"
6) "users_raininglxy"
7) "users_fennal"
8) "users_abc654468252"
9) "users_babylovebooks"
10) "users_xl200811"
11) "users_baby19881018"
12) "users_darksoul0929"
13) "users_pengcfwxh"
14) "users_alex126126"
15) "users_jiongjiongmao"
16) "users_sirenxing424"
17) "users_mengjie007"
18) "users_cxx0409"
19) "users_candly8509"
20) "users_licaijun007"
21) "users_ai3Min2"
22) "users_bokil"
23) "users_z370433835"
24) "users_yiling1007"
25) "users_simulategirl"
26) "users_fxh852"
27) "users_baoautumn"
28) "users_huangdaqiao"
29) "users_q1718334567"
30) "users_xldq_l"
31) "users_beibeilong012"
32) "users_hudaoyin"
33) "users_yoyomika"
34) "users_jacksbalu"
35) "users_wolys"
36) "users_kangte1"
37) "users_demonhaodh"
38) "users_ysdz8"
39) "users_leochenlei"
40) "users_llx6888"
41) "users_pengfeihuchao"
redis>hget users_pengfeihuchao email
redis> hget users_llx6888 email