Home >Web Front-end >H5 Tutorial >How to implement the front-end cropping and uploading image function
Since the front-end cannot directly operate local files, either the user clicks to select files or drags and drops, or uses third-party controls such as flash. However, flash is declining day by day, so the use of flash is still not recommended. At the same time, the rise of HTML5 provides a lot of API control. You can use the native API on the front end to process images, which can reduce the pressure on the back-end server and is also user-friendly.
The final effect is as follows:
There are several functions in it, the first is to support drag and drop, the second is to compress, the third is to crop and edit, the fourth is to upload and upload progress display, below The implementation of each function is introduced in turn:
1. Drag and drop to display pictures
The drag and drop reading function is mainly to listen to the drag event of html5. There is nothing to say about this. You will know how to do it by checking the API. The main thing is How to read the image dragged over by the user and convert it to base64 for local display.
Listen to drag and drop events
varhandler={ init:function($container){ //需要把dragover的默认行为禁掉,不然会跳页 $container.on("dragover",function(event){ event.preventDefault(); }); $container.on("drop",function(event){ event.preventDefault(); //这里获取拖过来的图片文件,为一个File对象 varfile=event.originalEvent.dataTransfer.files[0]; handler.handleDrop($(this),file); }); } }
The 10th line of the code obtains the image file, and then passes it to the 11th line for processing.
If input is used, listen to the change event of input:
$container.on("change","input[type=file]",function(event){ if(!this.value)return; varfile=this.files[0]; handler.handleDrop($(this).closest(".container"),file); this.value=""; });
In line 3 of the code, obtain the File object and also pass it to handleDrop for processing
Next, in the handleDrop function, read the content of the file and transfer it Into base64 format:
handleDrop:function($container,file){ var$img= $container.find("img"); handler.readImgFile(file,$img,$container); },
I added a readImgFile function in my code. There are many helper functions, mainly to disassemble large modules and reuse small modules.
Read the image file content in readImgFile:
Use FileReader to read the file
readImgFile:function(file,$img,$container){ varreader=newFileReader(file); //检验用户是否选则是图片文件 if(file.type.split("/")[0]!=="image"){ util.toast("You should choose an image file"); return; } reader.onload=function(event){ varbase64=event.target.result; handler.compressAndUpload($img,base64,file, $container); } reader.readAsDataURL(file); }
Here is reading the file content through FileReader, calling readAsDataURL. This API can convert the binary image content into base64 format and read After completion, the onload event will be triggered and displayed and uploaded in onload:
//获取图片base64内容 varbase64=event.target.result; //如果图片大于1MB,将body置半透明 if(file.size>ONE_MB){ $("body").css("opacity",0.5); } //因为这里图片太大会被卡一下,整个页面会不可操作 $img.attr("src",baseUrl); //还原 if(file.size>ONE_MB){ $("body").css("opacity",1); } //然后再调一个压缩和上传的函数 handler.compressAndUpload($img,file,$container);
If the image is several Mb in size, it will be stuck when displayed in line 8 above. The author has tried to use web worker multi-threading to solve the problem, but due to Multithreading does not have a window object, and it cannot operate DOM, so it cannot solve this problem well. A compensatory measure has been taken: by making the page blank, it tells the user that it is currently being processed and the page is not operable. Please wait for a while
There is another problem here, that is, if the photos taken by the iOS system are not taken horizontally, the display There will be problems with the rotation angle of the photos taken. The following photo taken vertically reads like this:
That is, no matter how you take it, the actual pictures saved by iOS are placed horizontally, so the user needs to Manually rotate. The angle of rotation is placed in the exif data structure. You can know the angle of rotation by reading this out. Use an EXIF library to read it:
Read exif information
readImgFile:function(file,$img,$container){ EXIF.getData(file,function(){ varorientation=this.exifdata.Orientation, rotateDeg=0; //如果不是ios拍的照片或者是横拍的,则不用处理,直接读取 if(typeoforientation==="undefined"||orientation===1){ //原本的readImgFile,添加一个rotateDeg的参数 handler.doReadImgFile(file,$img,$container,rotateDeg); } //否则用canvas旋转一下 else{ rotateDeg=orientation===6?90*Math.PI/180: orientation===8?-90*Math.PI/180: orientation===3?180*Math.PI/180:0; handler.doReadImgFile(file,$img,$container,rotateDeg); } }); }
After knowing the angle, you can use canvas Processed, the following compressed pictures will be explained, because compression also uses canvas
2. Compressed pictures
Compressed pictures can use canvas. Canvas can easily achieve compression. The principle is to draw a picture into a A small canvas, and then export the content of the canvas to base64, you can get a compressed picture:
//设定图片最大压缩宽度为1500px varmaxWidth=1500; varresultImg=handler.compress($img[0],maxWidth,file.type);
compress function performs compression. In this function, first create a canvas object, and then calculate the size of the canvas Size:
compress:function(img,maxWidth,mimeType){ //创建一个canvas对象 varcvs=document.createElement('canvas'); varwidth=img.naturalWidth, height=img.naturalHeight, imgRatio=width/height; //如果图片维度超过了给定的maxWidth 1500, //为了保持图片宽高比,计算画布的大小 if(width>maxWidth){ width=maxWidth; height=width/imgRatio; } cvs.width=width; cvs.height=height; }
Next, draw the large picture onto a small canvas, and then export:
Compression processing
//把大图片画到一个小画布 varctx=cvs.getContext("2d").drawImage(img,0,0,img.naturalWidth,img.naturalHeight,0,0,width,height); //图片质量进行适当压缩 varquality=width>=1500?0.5: width>600?0.6:1; //导出图片为base64 varnewImageData=cvs.toDataURL(mimeType,quality); varresultImg=newImage(); resultImg.src=newImageData; returnresultImg;
The last line returns a compressed small picture, and the picture can be cropped.
Before explaining the cropping, since the second point mentioned that the photos taken on iOS need to be rotated, they can be processed together when compressing. In other words, if you need to rotate, then draw it on the canvas and rotate it:
rotate canvas
varctx=cvs.getContext("2d"); vardestX=0, destY=0; if(rotateDeg){ ctx.translate(cvs.width/2,cvs.height/2); ctx.rotate(rotateDeg); destX=-width/2, destY=-height/2; } ctx.drawImage(img,0,0,img.naturalWidth,img.naturalHeight,destX,destY,width,height);
This solves the problem of ios image rotation. After getting a rotated and compressed image, Then use it for cropping and editing
3. Crop pictures
Crop pictures. I found a plug-in cropper on the Internet. This plug-in is quite powerful and supports cropping, rotation, and flipping, but it does not actually process the pictures, it just records them. Know what transformations the user has made, and then handle it yourself. The transformed data can be passed to the backend for processing. Here we handle it on the front end because we don't have to be compatible with IE8.
{ height:319.2000000000001, rotate:45, scaleX:-1, scaleY:1, width:319.2000000000001 x:193.2462838120872 y:193.2462838120872 }
1. 假设用户没有进行旋转和翻转,只是选了简单地选了下区域裁剪了一下,那就简单很多。最简单的办法就是创建一个canvas,它的大小就是选框的大小,然后根据起点x、y和宽高把图片相应的位置画到这个画布,再导出图片就可以了。由于考虑到需要翻转,所以用第二种方法,创建一个和图片一样大小的canvas,把图片原封不动地画上去,然后把选中区域的数据imageData存起来,重新设置画布的大小为选中框的大小,再把imageData画上去,最后再导出就可以了:
varcvs=document.createElement('canvas'); varimg=$img[0]; varwidth=img.naturalWidth, height=img.naturalHeight; cvs.width=width; cvs.height=height; varctx=cvs.getContext("2d"); vardestX=0, destY=0; ctx.drawImage(img,destX,destY); //把选中框里的图片内容存起来 varimageData=ctx.getImageData(cropOptions.x,cropOptions.y,cropOptions.width,cropOptions.height); cvs.width=cropOptions.width; cvs.height=cropOptions.height; //然后再画上去 ctx.putImageData(imageData,0,0);
2. 如果用户做了翻转,用上面的结构很容易可以实现,只需要在第11行drawImage之前对画布做一下翻转变化:
canvas flip实现
//fip if(cropOptions.scaleX===-1||cropOptions.scaleY===-1){ destX=cropOptions.scaleX===-1?width*-1:0; // Set x position to -100% if flip horizontal destY=cropOptions.scaleY===-1?height*-1:0; // Set y position to -100% if flip vertical ctx.scale(cropOptions.scaleX,cropOptions.scaleY); } ctx.drawImage(img,destX,destY);
3. 两种变换叠加没办法直接通过变化canvas的坐标,一次性drawImage上去。还是有两种办法,第一种是用imageData进行数学变换,计算一遍得到imageData里面,从第一行到最后一行每个像素新的rgba值是多少,然后再画上去;第二种办法,就是创建第二个canvas,第一个canvas作翻转,把它的结果画到第二个canvas,然后再旋转,最后导到。由于第二种办法相对比较简单,我们采取第二种办法:
ctx.drawImage(img,destX,destY); //rotate if(cropOptions.rotate!==0){ varnewCanvas=document.createElement("canvas"), deg=cropOptions.rotate/180*Math.PI; //旋转之后,导致画布变大,需要计算一下 newCanvas.width=Math.abs(width*Math.cos(deg))+Math.abs(height*Math.sin(deg)); newCanvas.height=Math.abs(width*Math.sin(deg))+Math.abs(height*Math.cos(deg)); varnewContext=newCanvas.getContext("2d"); newContext.save(); newContext.translate(newCanvas.width/2,newCanvas.height/2); newContext.rotate(deg); destX=-width/2, destY=-height/2; //将第一个canvas的内容在经旋转后的坐标系画上来 newContext.drawImage(cvs,destX,destY); newContext.restore(); ctx=newContext; cvs=newCanvas; }
4. 文件上传和上传进度
varxhr=newXMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open('POST',upload_url,true); varboundary='someboundary'; xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type','multipart/form-data; boundary='+boundary);
vardata=img.src; data=data.replace('data:'+file.type+';base64,',''); xhr.sendAsBinary([ //name=data '--'+boundary, 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="data"; filename="'+file.name+'"', 'Content-Type: '+file.type,'', atob(data),'--'+boundary, //name=docName '--'+boundary, 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="docName"','', file.name, '--'+boundary+'--' ].join('\r\n'));
1) 上传的进度:
xhr.upload.onprogress=function(event){ if(event.lengthComputable){ duringCallback((event.loaded/event.total)*100); } };
2) 成功和失败:
xhr.onreadystatechange=function(){ if(this.readyState==4){ if(this.status==200){ successCallback(this.responseText); }elseif(this.status>=400){ if(errorCallback&& errorCallback instanceofFunction){ errorCallback(this.responseText); } } } };