Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >This error occurs when sending emails using PHP: The following From address failed:xxxx@163.com

This error occurs when sending emails using PHP: The following From address failed:xxxx@163.com

2016-10-11 14:23:468052browse

Using TP framework! The following is the source code:
namespace ApiController;

use ThinkController;

class EmailController extends Controller
public function test(){

<code>  $msg = pmail('493107977@qq.com','午夜DJ','封装测试','hello world');
  echo $msg;</code>



return array(

    '__ADMIN__' => '/Public/Admin',
    '__COMMON__' => '/Public/Common',
    '__VENDORS__' => '/Public/Venders',
    '__HOME__' => '/Public/Home',
    '__USER__' => '/Public/User',



'PMAIL' => array(
    'Host' => 'stmp.163.com',
    'Username' => 'xxxxxx',
    'Password' => 'xxxxxx',
    'From' => 'xxxxx@163.com',
    'FromName' => 'xxxx',

<p><?php<br>function pmail($tomail = '',$toname = '',$title = '',$content = ''){</p>
<pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"><code>require_once VENDOR_PATH.'PHPMailer/class.phpmailer.php';
// 实例化
$pm = new \PHPMailer();
foreach (C('PMAIL') as $k => $v){
    $pm->$k = $v;
<p>// Server related information<br>// $pm->Host = 'smtp.163.com'; // SMTP server</p>
<pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"><code>$pm->IsSMTP(); // 设置使用SMTP服务器发送邮件
$pm->SMTPAuth = true; // 需要SMTP身份认证</code>

// $pm->Username = 'woainigui8888'; // Username to log in to the SMTP server
// $pm->Password = '7618387asd'; // Password to log in to the SMTP server
/// / Sender information
// $pm->From = 'woainigui8888@163.com';
// $pm->FromName = 'The King of Electronic Music';

//Recipient information

<code>$pm->AddAddress($tomail,$toname); // 添加一个收件人

// Email content

<code>$pm->CharSet = 'utf-8'; // 内容编码
$pm->Subject = $title; // 邮件标题
$pm->MsgHTML($content); // 邮件内容</code>

// $this->AddAttachment($path); // Attachment

//Send email

    return true;
}else {
    return $pm->ErrorInfo;


This error occurs when sending emails using PHP: The following From address failed:xxxx@163.com

Reply content:

Using TP framework! The following is the source code:
namespace ApiController;

use ThinkController;

class EmailController extends Controller
public function test(){

<code>  $msg = pmail('493107977@qq.com','午夜DJ','封装测试','hello world');
  echo $msg;</code>



return array(

    '__ADMIN__' => '/Public/Admin',
    '__COMMON__' => '/Public/Common',
    '__VENDORS__' => '/Public/Venders',
    '__HOME__' => '/Public/Home',
    '__USER__' => '/Public/User',



'PMAIL' => array(
    'Host' => 'stmp.163.com',
    'Username' => 'xxxxxx',
    'Password' => 'xxxxxx',
    'From' => 'xxxxx@163.com',
    'FromName' => 'xxxx',

<p><?php<br>function pmail($tomail = '',$toname = '',$title = '',$content = ''){</p>
<pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"><code>require_once VENDOR_PATH.'PHPMailer/class.phpmailer.php';
// 实例化
$pm = new \PHPMailer();
foreach (C('PMAIL') as $k => $v){
    $pm->$k = $v;
<p>// Server related information<br>// $pm->Host = 'smtp.163.com'; // SMTP server</p>
<pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"><code>$pm->IsSMTP(); // 设置使用SMTP服务器发送邮件
$pm->SMTPAuth = true; // 需要SMTP身份认证</code>

// $pm->Username = 'woainigui8888'; // Username to log in to the SMTP server
// $pm->Password = '7618387asd'; // Password to log in to the SMTP server
/// / Sender information
// $pm->From = 'woainigui8888@163.com';
// $pm->FromName = 'The King of Electronic Music';

//Recipient information

<code>$pm->AddAddress($tomail,$toname); // 添加一个收件人

// Email content

<code>$pm->CharSet = 'utf-8'; // 内容编码
$pm->Subject = $title; // 邮件标题
$pm->MsgHTML($content); // 邮件内容</code>

// $this->AddAttachment($path); // Attachment

//Send email

    return true;
}else {
    return $pm->ErrorInfo;


This error occurs when sending emails using PHP: The following From address failed:xxxx@163.com

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