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vue.js cooperates with thinkphp drop-down to obtain paginated data

2016-10-09 08:32:152499browse

一:thinkphp获取分页数据/Application/Home/Controller/VueController.class.php<br>     /**<br>      * 配合thinkphp分页示例<br>      */<br>     public function page(){<br>         // 获取总条数<br>         $count=M('Province_city_area')->count();<br>         // 每页多少条数据<br>         $limit=100;<br>         $page=new \Org\Nx\Page($count,$limit);<br>         $data=M('Province_city_area')<br>             ->limit($page->firstRow.','.$page->listRows)<br>             ->select();<br>         echo json_encode($data);<br>     }二:前端接收数据的核心部分;
设置一个变量i=1;var vm=new Vue({<br>     el: '.box',<br>     data: {<br>         city: []<br>     },<br>     ready: function(){<br>         this.$http.get(url).then(function(response){<br>             this.city=response.data;<br>         })<br>     },<br> })然后呢;判断当滚动轴到底部的时候;
让i+1 作为get参数中的页数;
加载下一页的数据;并追加到city中;i++<br> vm.$http.get(pageData.url+'/p/'+pageData.i).then(function(response){<br>     // 用concat把下一页的数据追加到city中<br>     vm.city=vm.city.concat(response.data); <br> })三:完整的html;
/tpl/Home/Vue/web_page.html<!DOCTYPE html><br> <html><br> <head><br>     <meta charset="UTF-8"><br>     <title>Vue 配合thinkphp分页示例</title><br> </head><br> <body><br> <p></p><br> <p></p><br> <div><br>     <p v-for="item in city">{{item.name}}</p><br> </div><br> <br> <p style="display: none;">No data</p><br> <br> <vue /><br> <script><br> <br> //Get the url of the data<br> var pageData={<br> URL: "{:U('Home/Vue/page')}",<br> i: 1,<br> height: 0,<br> Over: false<br> }<br> var vm=new Vue({<br> el: '.box',<br> Data: {<br> City: []<br> },<br> ready: function(){<br> This.$http.get(pageData.url).then(function(response){<br> This.city=response.data;<br>          })<br> },<br> })<br> <br> <br> //Get the current position of the scroll bar <br> function getScrollTop() { <br> var scrollTop=0; <br> If(document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop){ <br> ​​​scrollTop=document.documentElement.scrollTop; <br> }else if(document.body) { <br> ​​​scrollTop=document.body.scrollTop; <br> } <br> Return scrollTop; <br> } <br> <br> //Get the height of the current visual range <br> function getClientHeight() { <br> var clientHeight=0; <br> If(document.body.clientHeight && document.documentElement.clientHeight){ <br>          clientHeight=Math.min(document.body.clientHeight, document.documentElement.clientHeight); <br> }else{ <br>          clientHeight=Math.max(document.body.clientHeight, document.documentElement.clientHeight); <br> } <br> Return clientHeight; <br> } <br> <br> //Get the complete height of the document <br> function getScrollHeight() { <br> Return Math.max(document.body.scrollHeight, document.documentElement.scrollHeight); <br> } <br> <br> //Add loading style<br> function addLoading(){<br> var loading=document.createElement('p');<br> Loading.className='loading'<br> Loading.innerHTML='Loading...';<br> Document.body.appendChild(loading);<br> }<br> <br> //Delete loading style<br> function removeLoading(){<br> var loading=document.querySelector('.loading');<br> Loading.parentNode.removeChild(loading);<br> }<br> <br> // Change Loading to No Data<br> function loadingToOver(){<br> var loading=document.querySelector('.over');<br> Loading.style.display='block';<br> }<br> <br> //Listen to scroll events<br> window.onscroll=function () {<br> If (pageData.over) {<br>                      return                                                                                                                                                         return false; }<br> If (getScrollHeight()-(getScrollTop()+getClientHeight())<=50) {<br />               // Number of pages +1<br /> pageData.i++<br /> ​​​​//Show loading<br />           addLoading();<br />                     // Get the data on the next page<br />          vm.$http.get(pageData.url+'/p/'+pageData.i).then(function(response){<br />                                                      removeLoading();<br /> If(response.data.length==0){<br /> pageData.over=true;<br />                    loadingToOver();<br />                 }else{<br />                  vm.city=vm.city.concat(response.data); <br />              }<br />          })<br /> } <br /> } <br /> <br /> <br /> </script><br> </body><br> </html>This has simply implemented the function of drop-down loading data;
Don’t be scared by the long code above;
More of them use native js to implement scroll axis monitoring events;
Just design the loading and loading styles according to the business;

Got it; I’ve been very out of sorts recently due to some things;
This article that has been delayed for many days is finally finished;
View the source code and comments directly for more information;
Bai Junyao's blog http://baijunyao.com/article/88

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