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PHP gets package information of APK

2016-10-08 17:35:432181browse





$appObj    = new Apkparser(); 

$targetFile = a.apk;//apk所在的路径地址

$res     = $appObj->open($targetFile);

$appObj->getAppName();         // 应用名称

$appObj->getPackage();        // 应用包名

$appObj->getVersionName();    // 版本名称

$appObj->getVersionCode();    // 版本代码
class ApkParser{
// 公共函数,供外部调用
  public function open($apk_file, $xml_file=&#39;AndroidManifest.xml&#39;){
    $zip = new \ZipArchive;
    if ($zip->open($apk_file) === TRUE) {
      $xml = $zip->getFromName($xml_file);
      if ($xml){
        try {
          return $this->parseString($xml);
        }catch (Exception $e){
    return false;
  public function parseString($xml){
    $this->xml = $xml;
    $this->length = strlen($xml);
    $this->root = $this->parseBlock(self::AXML_FILE);
    return true;
  public function getXML($node=NULL, $lv=-1){
    if ($lv == -1) $node = $this->root;
    if (!$node) return &#39;&#39;;
    if ($node[&#39;type&#39;] == self::END_TAG) $lv--;
    $xml = @($node[&#39;line&#39;] == 0 || $node[&#39;line&#39;] == $this->line) ? &#39;&#39; : "\n".str_repeat(&#39;  &#39;, $lv);
    $xml .= $node[&#39;tag&#39;];
    $this->line = @$node[&#39;line&#39;];
    foreach ($node[&#39;child&#39;] as $c){
      $xml .= $this->getXML($c, $lv+1);
    return $xml;
  public function getPackage(){
    return $this->getAttribute(&#39;manifest&#39;, &#39;package&#39;);
  public function getVersionName(){
    return $this->getAttribute(&#39;manifest&#39;, &#39;android:versionName&#39;);
  public function getVersionCode(){
    return $this->getAttribute(&#39;manifest&#39;, &#39;android:versionCode&#39;);
  public function getAppName(){
    return $this->getAttribute(&#39;manifest/application&#39;, &#39;android:name&#39;);
  public function getMainActivity(){
    for ($id=0; true; $id++){
      $act = $this->getAttribute("manifest/application/activity[{$id}]/intent-filter/action", &#39;android:name&#39;);
      if (!$act) break;
      if ($act == &#39;android.intent.action.MAIN&#39;) return $this->getActivity($id);
    return NULL;
  public function getActivity($idx=0){
    $idx = intval($idx);
    return $this->getAttribute("manifest/application/activity[{$idx}]", &#39;android:name&#39;);
  public function getAttribute($path, $name){
    $r = $this->getElement($path);
    if (is_null($r)) return NULL;
    if (isset($r[&#39;attrs&#39;])){
      foreach ($r[&#39;attrs&#39;] as $a){
        if ($a[&#39;ns_name&#39;] == $name) return $this->getAttributeValue($a);
    return NULL;
// 类型常量定义
  const AXML_FILE             = 0x00080003;
  const STRING_BLOCK          = 0x001C0001;
  const RESOURCEIDS           = 0x00080180;
  const START_NAMESPACE       = 0x00100100;
  const END_NAMESPACE         = 0x00100101;
  const START_TAG             = 0x00100102;
  const END_TAG               = 0x00100103;
  const TEXT                  = 0x00100104;
  const TYPE_NULL             =0;
  const TYPE_REFERENCE        =1;
  const TYPE_ATTRIBUTE        =2;
  const TYPE_STRING           =3;
  const TYPE_FLOAT            =4;
  const TYPE_DIMENSION        =5;
  const TYPE_FRACTION         =6;
  const TYPE_INT_DEC          =16;
  const TYPE_INT_HEX          =17;
  const TYPE_INT_BOOLEAN      =18;
  const TYPE_INT_COLOR_ARGB8  =28;
  const TYPE_INT_COLOR_RGB8   =29;
  const TYPE_INT_COLOR_ARGB4  =30;
  const TYPE_INT_COLOR_RGB4   =31;
  const UNIT_MASK             = 15;
  private static $RADIX_MULTS = array(0.00390625, 3.051758E-005, 1.192093E-007, 4.656613E-010);
  private static $DIMENSION_UNITS = array("px","dip","sp","pt","in","mm","","");
  private static $FRACTION_UNITS  = array("%","%p","","","","","","");
  private $xml=&#39;&#39;;
  private $length = 0;
  private $stringCount = 0;
  private $styleCount  = 0;
  private $stringTab = array();
  private $styleTab  = array();
  private $resourceIDs = array();
  private $ns = array();
  private $cur_ns = NULL;
  private $root = NULL;
  private $line = 0;
// 内部私有函数
  private function getElement($path){
    if (!$this->root) return NULL;
    $ps = explode(&#39;/&#39;, $path);
    $r  = $this->root;
    foreach ($ps as $v){
      if (preg_match(&#39;/([^\[]+)\[([0-9]+)\]$/&#39;, $v, $ms)){
        $v = $ms[1];
        $off = $ms[2];
      }else {
        $off = 0;
      foreach ($r[&#39;child&#39;] as $c){
        if ($c[&#39;type&#39;] == self::START_TAG && $c[&#39;ns_name&#39;] == $v){
          if ($off == 0){
            $r = $c; continue 2;
          }else {
      // 没有找到节点
      return NULL;
    return $r;
  private function parseBlock($need = 0){
    $o = 0;
    $type = $this->get32($o);
    if ($need && $type != $need) throw new Exception(&#39;Block Type Error&#39;, 1);
    $size = $this->get32($o);
    if ($size < 8 || $size > $this->length) throw new Exception(&#39;Block Size Error&#39;, 2);
    $left = $this->length - $size;
    $props = false;
    switch ($type){
      case self::AXML_FILE:
        $props = array(
          &#39;line&#39; => 0,
          &#39;tag&#39; => &#39;<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>&#39;
      case self::STRING_BLOCK:
        $this->stringCount = $this->get32($o);
        $this->styleCount  = $this->get32($o);
        $o += 4;
        $strOffset = $this->get32($o);
        $styOffset = $this->get32($o);
        $strListOffset = $this->get32array($o, $this->stringCount);
        $styListOffset = $this->get32array($o, $this->styleCount);
        $this->stringTab = $this->stringCount > 0 ? $this->getStringTab($strOffset, $strListOffset) : array();
        $this->styleTab  = $this->styleCount > 0 ? $this->getStringTab($styOffset, $styListOffset) : array();
        $o = $size;
      case self::RESOURCEIDS:
        $count = $size / 4 - 2;
        $this->resourceIDs = $this->get32array($o, $count);
      case self::START_NAMESPACE:
        $o += 8;
        $prefix = $this->get32($o);
        $uri = $this->get32($o);
        if (empty($this->cur_ns)){
          $this->cur_ns = array();
          $this->ns[] = &$this->cur_ns;
        $this->cur_ns[$uri] = $prefix;
      case self::END_NAMESPACE:
        $o += 8;
        $prefix = $this->get32($o);
        $uri = $this->get32($o);
        if (empty($this->cur_ns)) break;
      case self::START_TAG:
        $line = $this->get32($o);
        $o += 4;
        $attrs = array();
        $props = array(
          &#39;line&#39; => $line,
          &#39;ns&#39; => $this->getNameSpace($this->get32($o)),
          &#39;name&#39; => $this->getString($this->get32($o)),
          &#39;flag&#39; => $this->get32($o),
          &#39;count&#39; => $this->get16($o),
          &#39;id&#39; => $this->get16($o)-1,
          &#39;class&#39; => $this->get16($o)-1,
          &#39;style&#39; => $this->get16($o)-1,
          &#39;attrs&#39; => &$attrs
        $props[&#39;ns_name&#39;] = $props[&#39;ns&#39;].$props[&#39;name&#39;];
        for ($i=0; $i < $props[&#39;count&#39;]; $i++){
          $a = array(
            &#39;ns&#39; => $this->getNameSpace($this->get32($o)),
            &#39;name&#39; => $this->getString($this->get32($o)),
            &#39;val_str&#39; => $this->get32($o),
            &#39;val_type&#39; => $this->get32($o),
            &#39;val_data&#39; => $this->get32($o)
          $a[&#39;ns_name&#39;] = $a[&#39;ns&#39;].$a[&#39;name&#39;];
          $a[&#39;val_type&#39;] >>= 24;
          $attrs[] = $a;
        // 处理TAG字符串
        $tag = "<{$props[&#39;ns_name&#39;]}";
        foreach ($this->cur_ns as $uri => $prefix){
          $uri = $this->getString($uri);
          $prefix = $this->getString($prefix);
          $tag .= " xmlns:{$prefix}=\"{$uri}\"";
        foreach ($props[&#39;attrs&#39;] as $a){
          $tag .= " {$a[&#39;ns_name&#39;]}=\"".
        $tag .= &#39;>&#39;;
        $props[&#39;tag&#39;] = $tag;
        $this->cur_ns = array();
        $this->ns[] = &$this->cur_ns;
        $left = -1;
      case self::END_TAG:
        $line = $this->get32($o);
        $o += 4;
        $props = array(
          &#39;line&#39; => $line,
          &#39;ns&#39; => $this->getNameSpace($this->get32($o)),
          &#39;name&#39; => $this->getString($this->get32($o))
        $props[&#39;ns_name&#39;] = $props[&#39;ns&#39;].$props[&#39;name&#39;];
        $props[&#39;tag&#39;] = "</{$props[&#39;ns_name&#39;]}>";
        if (count($this->ns) > 1){
          $this->cur_ns = array_pop($this->ns);
          $this->ns[] = &$this->cur_ns;
      case self::TEXT:
        $o += 8;
        $props = array(
          &#39;tag&#39; => $this->getString($this->get32($o))
        $o += 8;
        throw new Exception(&#39;Block Type Error&#39;, 3);
    $child = array();
    while ($this->length > $left){
      $c = $this->parseBlock();
      if ($props && $c) $child[] = $c;
      if ($left == -1 && $c[&#39;type&#39;] == self::END_TAG){
        $left = $this->length;
    if ($this->length != $left) throw new Exception(&#39;Block Overflow Error&#39;, 4);
    if ($props){
      $props[&#39;type&#39;] = $type;
      $props[&#39;size&#39;] = $size;
      $props[&#39;child&#39;] = $child;
      return $props;
    }else {
      return false;
  private function getAttributeValue($a){
    $type = &$a[&#39;val_type&#39;];
    $data = &$a[&#39;val_data&#39;];
    switch ($type){
      case self::TYPE_STRING:
        return $this->getString($a[&#39;val_str&#39;]);
      case self::TYPE_ATTRIBUTE:
        return sprintf(&#39;?%s%08X&#39;, self::_getPackage($data), $data);
      case self::TYPE_REFERENCE:
        return sprintf(&#39;@%s%08X&#39;, self::_getPackage($data), $data);
      case self::TYPE_INT_HEX:
        return sprintf(&#39;0x%08X&#39;, $data);
      case self::TYPE_INT_BOOLEAN:
        return ($data != 0 ? &#39;true&#39; : &#39;false&#39;);
      case self::TYPE_INT_COLOR_ARGB8:
      case self::TYPE_INT_COLOR_RGB8:
      case self::TYPE_INT_COLOR_ARGB4:
      case self::TYPE_INT_COLOR_RGB4:
        return sprintf(&#39;#%08X&#39;, $data);
      case self::TYPE_DIMENSION:
        return $this->_complexToFloat($data).self::$DIMENSION_UNITS[$data & self::UNIT_MASK];
      case self::TYPE_FRACTION:
        return $this->_complexToFloat($data).self::$FRACTION_UNITS[$data & self::UNIT_MASK];
      case self::TYPE_FLOAT:
        return $this->_int2float($data);
    if ($type >=self::TYPE_INT_DEC && $type < self::TYPE_INT_COLOR_ARGB8){
      return (string)$data;
    return sprintf(&#39;<0x%X, type 0x%02X>&#39;, $data, $type);
  private function _complexToFloat($data){
    return (float)($data & 0xFFFFFF00) * self::$RADIX_MULTS[($data>>4) & 3];
  private function _int2float($v) {
    $x = ($v & ((1 << 23) - 1)) + (1 << 23) * ($v >> 31 | 1);
    $exp = ($v >> 23 & 0xFF) - 127;
    return $x * pow(2, $exp - 23);
  private static function _getPackage($data){
    return ($data >> 24 == 1) ? &#39;android:&#39; : &#39;&#39;;
  private function getStringTab($base, $list){
    $tab = array();
    foreach ($list as $off){
      $off += $base;
      $len = $this->get16($off);
      $mask = ($len >> 0x8) & 0xFF;
      $len = $len & 0xFF;
      if ($len == $mask){
        if ($off + $len > $this->length) throw new Exception(&#39;String Table Overflow&#39;, 11);
        $tab[] = substr($this->xml, $off, $len);
      }else {
        if ($off + $len * 2 > $this->length) throw new Exception(&#39;String Table Overflow&#39;, 11);
        $str = substr($this->xml, $off, $len * 2);
        $tab[] = mb_convert_encoding($str, &#39;UTF-8&#39;, &#39;UCS-2LE&#39;);
    return $tab;
  private function getString($id){
    if ($id > -1 && $id < $this->stringCount){
      return $this->stringTab[$id];
    }else {
      return &#39;&#39;;
  private function getNameSpace($uri){
    for ($i=count($this->ns); $i > 0; ){
      $ns = $this->ns[--$i];
      if (isset($ns[$uri])){
        $ns = $this->getString($ns[$uri]);
        if (!empty($ns)) $ns .= &#39;:&#39;;
        return $ns;
    return &#39;&#39;;
  private function get32(&$off){
    $int = unpack(&#39;V&#39;, substr($this->xml, $off, 4));
    $off += 4;
    return array_shift($int);
  private function get32array(&$off, $size){
    if ($size <= 0) return NULL;
    $arr = unpack(&#39;V*&#39;, substr($this->xml, $off, 4 * $size));
    if (count($arr) != $size) throw new Exception(&#39;Array Size Error&#39;, 10);
    $off += 4 * $size;
    return $arr;
  private function get16(&$off){
    $int = unpack(&#39;v&#39;, substr($this->xml, $off, 2));
    $off += 2;
    return array_shift($int);
  private function skip($size){
    $this->xml = substr($this->xml, $size);
    $this->length -= $size;

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