Home >Web Front-end >HTML Tutorial >The English name of the Chinese font on the web page
Microsoft YaHei
Microsoft JhengHei
Imitate Song Dynasty_ GB2312 FangSong_GB2312
楷体_GB2312 KaiTi_GB2312
宋体: The English name of SimSuncss Chinese font (font-family)
Some for Mac OS: 中文字幕黑:STHeiti Light [STXihei]
中文黑体:STHeiti中文楷体:STKaiti 中文宋体: STSong
中文字幕song: STFangsong
俪黑 Pro: LiHei Pro Medium
俪松 Pro: LiSong Pro Light
Apple LiGothic Medium
Apple LiGothic Medium
Apple LiSung Light
Some for Windows:
New Ming font: PMingLiU Fine font: MingLiU Standard font: DFKai-SB
Black font: SimHei
New Song font: NSimSun
KaiTi: KaiTi
FangSong_GB2312: FangSong_GB2312
KaiTi_GB2312: KaiTi_GB2312
Microsoft regular italic: Microsoft JhengHei
Microsoft Yahei: Microsoft YaHei
Some of the ones that will be born after installing Office:
official script: LiSu
Youyuan: YouYuan
Chinese fine black: STXihei
Chinese regular script: STKaiti
Chinese Song Dynasty: STSong
Chinese Chinese Song Dynasty: ST Zhongsong
Chinese imitation Song Dynasty: STFangsong
Founder Shu Ti: FZShuTi
Founder Yao Ti: F ZYaoti
Chinese Caiyun: STCaiyun
Chinese Amber: ST Hupo
Chinese official script: STLiti
Chinese regular script: STXingkai
Chinese Xinwei :STXinwei
Chinese fonts in Windows.
By default, that is, without installing new fonts or word processing software such as Office, Windows provides the following fonts by default:Windows 95/98/98SE Song, Hei, Kaiti_GB2312, Song Dynasty_GB2312Windows XP /2000/2003/ME/NT Song font/New Song font, Hei font, Kai font_GB2312, Fake Song font_GB2312 (Windows Black, SimSun-ExtB
So which Chinese characters can be displayed in each font? In Windows before Vista, Song/New Song and Hengti support the GBK 1.0 character set.
Kaili_GB2312 and Fang Song_GB2312 support the GB2312-80 character set.(Note: Windows 3. Supports GB18030-2005 character set extension part B.
GB2312-80 < GBK 1.0 < GB18030-2000 < GB18030-2005GB2312-80 has the smallest number of characters, and GB18030-2005 has the largest number of characters. GB2312-80 is the earliest version, with a relatively small number of characters;
GBK 1.0 has roughly the same number of Chinese characters as Unicode 1.1;GB18030-2000 has roughly the same number of Chinese characters as Unicode 3.0, with the main additions Extension part A; The number of Chinese characters in GB18030-2005 is roughly the same as the number of Chinese characters in Unicode 4.1, with the main addition of extension part B;
Due to the release of Unicode 5.2, it is estimated that GB18030 will release a new version in the near future, adding extension part C.
It should be noted that extending Part B in GB18030 is not a mandatory standard.
If you want to view the standard text of GB18030, please visit the strong standard reading at http://www.gb168.cn.
If you want to know what Unicode is about, please visit http://www.unicode.org.
GB18030-2000 and GB18030-2005 do not support the single-byte euro symbol
The codes related to Simplified Chinese are as follows: 936 gb2312 Simplified Chinese (GB2312)————actually GBK
20936 X-CP20936 Simplified Chinese (GB2312-80) 50227 X-CP50227 Simplified Chinese (ISO-2022)
51936 EUC-CN Simplified Chinese (EUC)
Chinese (HZ)
54936 GB18030 Simplified Chinese (GB18030)
After using Kaiti_GB2312 and Song Dynasty_GB2312, the corresponding font may no longer be displayed in Windows 7/Vista/2008.
This is because Windows 7/Vista/2008 has KaiTi and FangSong, but does not have KaiTi_GB2312 and FangSong_GB2312 by default, and the font name difference is "_GB2312".
Please indicate when reprinting: Li Fengdi’s personal blog
>> http://www.lifengdi.com/article/10040.html