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Alibaba (fish) API V2.0 is newly released

2016-09-21 13:56:121355browse

Alibaba (fish) API V2.0 is newly released
After the old version (v1.0) was open sourced, there were more users; but it was poorly compatible with major frameworks; v2.0 was released for this purpose; this version has a new architecture, Works with any framework!

v2.0 does not support direct upgrade from v1.0, please abandon v1.0

1. Source code address

2. Function
Send SMS
SMS sending record query
Text-to-speech notifications
Voice notification
Multi-party calls
Direct data charging
Traffic direct charging inquiry
Direct traffic and fully save interfaces
Traffic direct charging schedule
Helper methods

3. Environment
PHP >= 5.4

4. Install composer require flc/alidayu 5. Use <?php<br /> use FlcAlidayuClient;<br /> use FlcAlidayuApp;<br /> use FlcAlidayuRequestsAlibabaAliqinFcSmsNumSend;<br /> <br /> // Configuration information<br /> $config = [<br /> 'app_key' => '*****',<br> 'app_secret' => '************',<br> ];<br> <br> $client = new Client(new App($config));<br> $req = new AlibabaAliqinFcSmsNumSend;<br> <br> $req->setRecNum('13312311231')<br> ->setSmsParam([<br>         'number' => rand(100000, 999999)<br> ])<br> ->setSmsFreeSignName('leaf pit')<br> ->setSmsTemplateCode('SMS_15105357');<br> <br> $resp = $client->execute($req)<br> <br> print_r($resp);<br> print_r($resp->result->model);<br> ?>6. Help
Comments and BUG feedback: https://github.com/flc1125/alidayu/issues

7. Support
Official website: https://www.alidayu.com/
Official API documentation: https://api.alidayu.com/doc2/apiList.htm
composer: https://getcomposer.org/

8. License

The content of this article is voluntarily contributed by netizens, and the copyright belongs to the original author. This site does not assume corresponding legal responsibility. If you find any content suspected of plagiarism or infringement, please contact admin@php.cn