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The writing is not good, please optimize it
An array of user IDs
<code>$uids = [1,2,3,5,6,8,9,11,13,25,65];</code>
Each key value of this array represents a UID
Amount array
<code>$amounts = [ 1=>12000, 2=>500, 3=>11000, 5=>1000, 6=>11000, 8=>12000, 9=>12000, 11=>11000, 13=>12000, 25=>22000, 65=>123123 ];</code>
The key name of this array corresponds to the key value of the $uid array.
Loop through the $uids array and take out the corresponding amount $amount.
If the amount is greater than or equal to 12000 ($boundary), add the $amount to the total amount ($totals).
If the amount is less than 12000, go down again. Loop until the sum of these $amounts is greater than or equal to 12,000, then add the sum of these $amounts to the total amount ($totals) and take up to three levels.
Finally get the value of $totals.
My current code:
<code><?php $boundary = 12000; $uids= [1,2,3,5,6,8,9,11,13,25,65]; $amounts = [ 1=>12000, 2=>500, 3=>11000, 5=>1000, 6=>11000, 8=>12000, 9=>12000, 11=>11000, 13=>12000, 25=>22000, 65=>123123 ]; $totals = 0; foreach($uids as $k => $uid){ $amont = $amounts[$uid]; if($amont >= $boundary){ $totals += $amont; }else{ $next = get_next($uids ,$k+1 ,$amont); if($next && is_array($next)){ $curKey = $next[0]; //amouts index 3 $totals+=$next[2]; //再向下获取一层 $nextKey = $curKey+1; if(!isset($uids[$nextKey])){ break; } $nextUid = $uids[$nextKey]; $nextAmount = $amounts[$nextUid]; if($nextAmount >= $boundary){ $totals+=$nextAmount; }else{ $last = get_next($uids ,$nextKey+1 ,$nextAmount); if($last && is_array($last)){ $totals+=$last[2]; } } } break; //跳出主循环 } } echo $totals; exit; function get_next($uids ,$start ,$prevAmount){ global $amounts ,$boundary; $leaves = array_slice($uids ,$start ,count($uids),true); if($leaves){ foreach($leaves as $k=>$uid){ $amount = $prevAmount+$amounts[$uid]; if($amount >= $boundary){ return [$k ,$uid ,$amount]; break; }else{ return get_next($uids ,$k+1 ,$amount); } } } return 0; }</code>Get $totals=47500
Reply content:
The writing is not good, please optimize itAn array of user IDs
<code>$uids = [1,2,3,5,6,8,9,11,13,25,65];</code>Each key value of this array represents a UID
Amount array
<code>$amounts = [ 1=>12000, 2=>500, 3=>11000, 5=>1000, 6=>11000, 8=>12000, 9=>12000, 11=>11000, 13=>12000, 25=>22000, 65=>123123 ];</code>The key name of this array corresponds to the key value of the $uid array.
Loop through the $uids array and take out the corresponding amount $amount.
If the amount is greater than or equal to 12000 ($boundary), add the $amount to the total amount ($totals).
If the amount is less than 12000, go down again. Loop until the sum of these $amounts is greater than or equal to 12,000, then add the sum of these $amounts to the total amount ($totals) and take up to three levels.
Finally get the value of $totals.
My current code:
<code><?php $boundary = 12000; $uids= [1,2,3,5,6,8,9,11,13,25,65]; $amounts = [ 1=>12000, 2=>500, 3=>11000, 5=>1000, 6=>11000, 8=>12000, 9=>12000, 11=>11000, 13=>12000, 25=>22000, 65=>123123 ]; $totals = 0; foreach($uids as $k => $uid){ $amont = $amounts[$uid]; if($amont >= $boundary){ $totals += $amont; }else{ $next = get_next($uids ,$k+1 ,$amont); if($next && is_array($next)){ $curKey = $next[0]; //amouts index 3 $totals+=$next[2]; //再向下获取一层 $nextKey = $curKey+1; if(!isset($uids[$nextKey])){ break; } $nextUid = $uids[$nextKey]; $nextAmount = $amounts[$nextUid]; if($nextAmount >= $boundary){ $totals+=$nextAmount; }else{ $last = get_next($uids ,$nextKey+1 ,$nextAmount); if($last && is_array($last)){ $totals+=$last[2]; } } } break; //跳出主循环 } } echo $totals; exit; function get_next($uids ,$start ,$prevAmount){ global $amounts ,$boundary; $leaves = array_slice($uids ,$start ,count($uids),true); if($leaves){ foreach($leaves as $k=>$uid){ $amount = $prevAmount+$amounts[$uid]; if($amount >= $boundary){ return [$k ,$uid ,$amount]; break; }else{ return get_next($uids ,$k+1 ,$amount); } } } return 0; }</code>