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DIV+CSS web page standardized layout (2) floating layout

2016-09-15 11:15:131327browse

Box model and floating layout

When it comes to the box model, experienced friends must be familiar with it. It is nothing more than content, padding, border, and margin

We can understand these attributes by transferring them to the boxes (boxes) in our daily life. The boxes we see in our daily life are boxes that can hold things and also have these attributes, so it is called the box pattern.

First picture:

The above picture clearly shows the specific performance style of the box model; margin + border + padding + content;

Since the box model is called a box model~ then we can compare it to an LCD screen packaging box (the poster just bought one, so I used it as a metaphor. As everyone knows, this thing requires a lot of padding when it is delivered) When unpacking a courier, the display inside is the content. What about the bubbles? It is the inner margin (padding), the outer shell is (border), and then it is the distance between the box and other boxes (margin). This forms the box model in our css;

The box model in css has many forms of expression: block (block), inline (inline), (inline-block is an inline element expressed in a block form). Setting css display can change the expression of the box, which will be introduced in detail below.

Personally, I think CSS can be understood this way: it specifies the packaging style of the box, the placement of the box, the length, width and height of the box, etc. The browser is like a house, waiting for people to fill it with boxes;

Now, the author will briefly introduce the specific performance of content, padding, border, and margin in CSS, as well as the alternative attributes they bring that seem to be bugs.

1. Content

 Content includes text, block boxes, pictures, box models of content boxes, etc... Chestnut:

DIV+CSS web page standardized layout (2) floating layout

    <meta charset="UTF-8">

        <style type="text/css">
            .div1{ background: red;}
        <div class="div1">
DIV+CSS web page standardized layout (2) floating layout
The result of the above code is: (the original poster typed it directly into the editor)

The div tag defaults to a block box
The default form of the div tag is

block. By observing, we can get that the default width of the block block box is 100%, and the height is stretched to the right of the text, and the text is its (content content); if there is no text, and If the height is not specified, then its height is 0;

Look at the picture, the height of the text is 21, the border, inner margin, and outer margin are all 0, and the width is 100% (the original poster has a 14-inch screen, which is small);

block (block), which is usually an external container used to carry required content. Commonly used block-level elements include div, p, h1, header, footer, nav, etc...


Inline elements, as the name suggests, elements within a line, elements within a block, common ones include a tag, i (italic tag), em, span, s (strikethrough), strong (bold), b, etc.

The expression of inline elements mainly lies in filling content. By default, it has no top and bottom margins, only left and right margins;

<div class="div1">
           <a href="#">这是一个超级链接</a>

The above picture and code show the expression of the inline element. Its width and height are equal to the width and height of the content. Moreover, its width and height cannot be set directly. Setting the width and height is of no use;

We can use display: block; to make it blocky. Block can also use display: inline; to make the block inline;

Due to the length of the article, the author will stop here. Regarding the block and inline portal: the concepts and differences of block, inline and inline-block


The padding specifies the padding distance between the content and the border, chestnut:


DIV+CSS web page standardized layout (2) floating layout
<style type="text/css">
            .div2{  padding: 20px; border: 1px solid #000099;}
            .div2 a{ background: red;}
        <div class="div2">
            <a href="#">div标签默认是一个块状(block)盒子</a>
DIV+CSS web page standardized layout (2) floating layout

The div tag defaults to a block box

楼主将div2的内边距设为上下左右各20px,需要注意的是 现在div2的高度是 padding+content+边框,20x2+2= 42px 这在某些时候会产生一些令人疑惑的问题,但是以盒模型的概念,它是正确的;

即 盒子的高度包括内边距 但 css属性设置的是content的高度  比如div3高度设为100px,注意这个时候 div3的实际高度等于 100+40+2=142px

DIV+CSS web page standardized layout (2) floating layout
<style type="text/css">
            .div3{  padding: 20px; border: 1px solid #000099; height:100px;}/*注意这个时候 div1的实际高度等于  100+40+2=142px*/
            .div3 a{ background: red;}
        <div class="div3">
            <a href="#">div标签默认是一个块状(block)盒子</a>
DIV+CSS web page standardized layout (2) floating layout




 border默认为0;你可以随意指定它的某一个边的边框;其属性楼主也就不一一介绍了,再来一个传送门:CSS border边框属性教程(color style)



margin是用来隔开元素与元素的间距;padding是用来隔开元素与内容的间隔。margin用于布局分开元素使元素与元素互不相干;padding用于元素与内容之间的间隔,让内容(文字)与(包裹)元素之间有一段“呼吸距离”。  这里也是直接给一个传送门吧,写起来这篇博文可就太长了......  css外边距详解






以推箱子游戏为例,将箱子往左推 直到它碰到边界 或者另外一个箱子就会停止下来 看图:


蓝色盒子往左浮动 (float:left) 红色箱子紧跟着往左浮动(float:left;) 橙色箱子往右浮动(float:right;)  蓝色在遇到边界之后,停止在左上角。红色紧跟着左浮动,它遇到了同样是左浮动元素的蓝色,所以它停止在蓝色的结尾。 而橙色方块向右浮动直到遇到边界或者同样右浮动的元素则停止;









DIV+CSS web page standardized layout (2) floating layout
<style type="text/css">
            .div1{height:200px; width: 100px; float: left; background: #ff9000;}
            .div1 a{ background: red;}
            .div2{height:200px; width: 100px; float: left; background: red;}
            .div3{height:200px; width: 100px; float: right; background: #002A80;}
        <div class="div1">
        <div class="div2">
        <div class="div3">
        <div class="text">
DIV+CSS web page standardized layout (2) floating layout

如果要想文本另换一行,与浮动框互不干扰,需要对该框应用 clear 属性。clear 属性的值可以是 left、right、both 或 none,它表示框的哪些边不应该挨着浮动框。

DIV+CSS web page standardized layout (2) floating layout
<style type="text/css">
            .div1{height:200px; width: 100px; float: left; background: #ff9000;}
            .div1 a{ background: red;}
            .div2{height:200px; width: 100px; float: left; background: red;}
            .div3{height:200px; width: 100px; float: right; background: #002A80;}
        <div class="div1">
        <div class="div2">
        <div class="div3">
        <div style="clear: both;"></div>  //清除上面浮动元素的影响
        <div class="text">
DIV+CSS web page standardized layout (2) floating layout





DIV+CSS web page standardized layout (2) floating layout
.news {
  background-color: gray;
  border: solid 1px black;

.news img {
  float: left;

.news p {
  float: right;

<div class="news">
<img  src="/static/imghwm/default1.png" data-src="news-pic.jpg" class="lazy" alt="DIV+CSS web page standardized layout (2) floating layout" >
<p>some text</p>
DIV+CSS web page standardized layout (2) floating layout






DIV+CSS web page standardized layout (2) floating layout
.news {
  background-color: gray;
  border: solid 1px black;

.news img {
  float: left;

.news p {
  float: right;

.clear {
  clear: both;

<div class="news">
<img  src="/static/imghwm/default1.png" data-src="news-pic.jpg" class="lazy" alt="DIV+CSS web page standardized layout (2) floating layout" >
<p>some text</p>
<div class="clear"></div>
DIV+CSS web page standardized layout (2) floating layout





给浮动元素的容器添加overflow:hidden;或overflow:auto;可以清除浮动,另外在 IE6 中还需要触发 hasLayout ,例如为父元素设置容器宽高或设置 zoom:1。


DIV+CSS web page standardized layout (2) floating layout
.news {
  background-color: gray;
  border: solid 1px black;
  overflow: hidden;<br>  *zoom: 1;

.news img {
  float: left;

.news p {
  float: right;

<div class="news">
<img  src="/static/imghwm/default1.png" data-src="news-pic.jpg" class="lazy" alt="DIV+CSS web page standardized layout (2) floating layout" >
<p>some text</p>
DIV+CSS web page standardized layout (2) floating layout







DIV+CSS web page standardized layout (2) floating layout
.news {
  background-color: gray;
  border: solid 1px black;

.news img {
  float: left;

.news p {
  float: right;


<div class="news">
<img  src="/static/imghwm/default1.png" data-src="news-pic.jpg" class="lazy" alt="DIV+CSS web page standardized layout (2) floating layout" >
<p>some text</p>
<div class="content"></div>
DIV+CSS web page standardized layout (2) floating layout



结合 :after 伪元素(注意这不是伪类,而是伪元素,代表一个元素之后最近的元素)和 IEhack ,可以完美兼容当前主流的各大浏览器,这里的 IEhack 指的是触发 hasLayout。

给浮动元素的容器添加一个clearfix的class,然后给这个class添加一个:after伪元素实现元素末尾添加一个看不见的块元素(Block element)清理浮动。

DIV+CSS web page standardized layout (2) floating layout
.news {
  background-color: gray;
  border: solid 1px black;

.news img {
  float: left;

.news p {
  float: right;

  content: "020"; 
  display: block; 
  height: 0; 
  clear: both; 
  visibility: hidden;  

.clearfix {
  /* 触发 hasLayout */ 
  zoom: 1; 

<div class="news clearfix">
<img  src="/static/imghwm/default1.png" data-src="news-pic.jpg" class="lazy" alt="DIV+CSS web page standardized layout (2) floating layout" >
<p>some text</p>
DIV+CSS web page standardized layout (2) floating layout

Add an invisible space "020" or dot "." at the end of the internal element of the container through CSS pseudo-elements, and assign the clear attribute to clear the float. It should be noted that for IE6 and IE7 browsers, a zoom:1; must be added to the clearfix class to trigger haslayout.


Through the above example, we can easily find that the methods of clearing floats can be divided into two categories:

The first is to use the clear attribute, including adding an empty div with the clear: both attribute at the end of the floating element to close the element. In fact, the method of using the :after pseudo-element is to add a dot with clear: at the end of the element. Implemented by elements with both attribute.

The second is to trigger the BFC (Block Formatting Contexts, block-level formatting context) of the parent element of the floating element, so that the parent element can contain floating elements. Regarding this point.


Use the :after pseudo-element method in the main layout of the web page and use it as the main way to clean up floats; use overflow:hidden; in small modules such as ul (pay attention to possible hidden overflow element problems); if it is a floating element, it can be automatically cleared Internal floats require no special processing; use adjacent elements in the body to clean up previous floats.

Finally, you can use the relatively perfect :after pseudo-element method to clean up the floats, making the document structure clearer.

Reposted from cnblogs Zhang Taifeng http://www.cnblogs.com/ztfjs/p/qdcss.html

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